Tool to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities
My tensorflow implementation of "A neural conversational model", a Deep learning based chatbot
Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
Question and Answer based on Anything.
A powerful media play framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
Code for "Image Generation from Scene Graphs", Johnson et al, CVPR 2018
⚡️ LWC - A Blazing Fast, Enterprise-Grade Web Components Foundation
Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server
A collection of easy-to-digest code examples for Lightning Web Components on Salesforce Platform
LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan, bgfx), audio (OpenAL, Opus), parallel computing (OpenCL, CUD…
Build, version, and monitor better microservices with the most powerful service platform for .NET
Decrypted content of odd.tar.xz.gpg, swift.tar.xz.gpg and windows.tar.xz.gpg
kkewp25u5gg / hsd
Forked from handshake-org/hsdHandshake Daemon & Full Node
A very popular industrial Internet of Things communication plug-in. Using this dll can be very convenient, stable, and fast to obtain data from PLC equipment of multiple brands, and also supports r…
Decentralized Autonomous Regulated Company (DARC), a company virtual machine that runs on any EVM-compatible blockchain, with on-chain law system, multi-level tokens and dividends mechanism.
kkewp25u5gg / DARC
Forked from Project-DARC/DARCDecentralized Autonomous Regulated Company (DARC), a company virtual machine that runs on any EVM-compatible blockchain, with on-chain law system, multi-level tokens and dividends mechanism.
kkewp25u5gg / TTS
Forked from mozilla/TTS🤖 💬 Deep learning for Text to Speech (Discussion forum:
A multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on quality
🤖 💬 Deep learning for Text to Speech (Discussion forum:
🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
AdminBSB - Free admin panel that is based on Bootstrap 3.x with Material Design
AdminBSB - Free admin panel that is based on Bootstrap 3.x with Material Design