I started taking an interest in Computer Science and the broad field of it around 13 years old - I wasn't very good at the math at the time, so I instead loved looking into the broad view of how games worked, how I could do that - and general problems/solutions with a game's design. I also gained my interest in tech hardware and repair at this age.
I wouldn't get a grasp of core programming fundamentals until about a year later at the age of 14 where I had made my first text adventure game, and soon after this I'd have gone to the Unity game engine and begun making games. I explain a bit more about what I'm working on in the next section!
Currently, my main project is a Unity game called Tile Tapper! It's a 5-lane mobile rhythm game that was created to solve a problem I had with other mobile rhythm games - a powerful level editor couldn't be found on mobile rhythm games like that, and none of them let you style a level to your liking from the ground up. Tile Tapper, as said, was my solution to this problem - allowing you to create basic, or very complex levels with plenty of styling options while also allowing for the support of custom songs and developer-made levels to serve as a reference point for what the editor is capable of!
Projects aside from Tile Tapper would be simple things - my portfolio, a variety of Unity prototypes, and also some random side projects.
If you wanted to contact me, you can do so via:
👉 Email (Use for professional/business inquiries): kyle@kylestarr.tech
👉 Twitter (Anything): @KyleStarrTech