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Review Notebook App

Code Review & Collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks
11,219 installs




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Free, Team, and Business plans available.

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Join hundreds of companies in using ReviewNB for notebook code reviews,

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In our team at Microsoft, we have been using ReviewNB to review jupyter notebooks that we have in our open source repository Recommenders. ReviewNB has helped a lot to be more agile when doing code reviews
Miguel González-Fierro - Data Scientist at Microsoft

ReviewNB provides a quick way to view notebook diffs so reviewers can focus on the changes that matter
Billy Lamberta - Tensorflow docs & tech writer at Google

ReviewNB has been a lifesaver to help us quickly see diffs and post comments whenever we ask for something to tweak in a specific cell
Sylvain Gugger - Research scientist at

Tracking notebook changes and reviewing pull requests wasn’t easy until ReviewNB came along. We can now see exactly what’s changed between the different revisions. Posting review comments inline using a WYSIWYG interface is tremendously useful as well
Rohit Singh - Lead developer, ArcGIS API for Python

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Supported languages

Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter Notebook

Plans and pricing

For Open Source & Education
For Small Team
$79 / month
For Your Org
$249 / month
  • Up to 30 Users
  • Unlimited Private Repositories
  • Unlimited Public Repositories
$249 / month

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Review Notebook App is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


Code Review & Collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks
11,219 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.




Free, Team, and Business plans available.

Supported languages

Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter Notebook