- Philadelphia
Gnothi is an open-source AI journal and toolkit for self-discovery. If you're interested in getting involved, we'd love to hear from you.
Simple tool to dump a Postgresql table as INSERT statements with ON CONFLICT clause
Protocol for IDEs and build tools to communicate about compile, run, test, debug and more.
Visual Studio Code extension for Metals
Scala language server with rich IDE features 🚀
Example of Features, Reactive and Pure functional programing in Scala
Desugaring scala `for` without implicit `withFilter`s
DNS automation and governance for streamlining DNS operations and enabling safe and secure DNS self-service
Defines immutable, safe data structures for describing IP addresses, multicast joins, socket addresses and similar IP & network related data types
Elm-inspired Scala library for writing web user interfaces
Single Page Applications running on the server side.
Data structures for pure functional programming in Scala
Provides a functional API for tracing programs across system and network boundaries.
Kubernetes Virtual IP address/es using keepalived
A friendly programming language from the future