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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 27, 2020. It is now read-only.


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No longer supported

The repo contains first version of Seabass project for Ubuntu Touch which is no longer supported. It was a HTML5 application for the Cordova runtime.

Please look at seabass2 for actively maintained version.

Seabass code editor

Codacy Badge

SeaBass is a touchscreen-friendly text/code editor for Ubuntu Touch with the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting for 25+ programming/markup languages: c, c++, css, go, html, java, javascript, json, jsx, latex, less, markdown, pascal, php, python, ruby, sass, scss, shell, stylus, svg, swift, typescript, xml, yaml
  • Code formatter for .html, .js, .jsx, .json, .less, .scss, .css files
  • Autocompletion support with hardware keyboard (for html, js, css and sql files)
  • Autosave on typing
  • Multiple (up to five) opened tabs
  • Both on-screen and hardware keyboards are supported

Seabass screenshot


  • Chrome OS: current version in the Chrome Webstore
  • Ubuntu Touch: current version in the OpenStore
  • Other platforms: chromium extension is available on Releases page

Plans for coming releases

Features planned for coming releases with no ETAs for now:

  • Copy/cut/paste operations with touchscreen
  • [WIP] QML support in syntax highlighter
  • Implement complete ChromeOS support
  • [WIP] Make possible to have an unlimited number of opened tabs
  • Optionalize autosave
  • Optionalize zentabs
  • Show hidden files in file tree
  • Update styling for better corresponding to native UITK

Building from sources

Building notes

  • Since v0.4.7 Seabass for Ubuntu Touch is built with patched Cordova from this repo
  • Since v0.4.8 Seabass for Ubuntu Touch is built with patched Cordova plugins:
  • It seems that latest Ubuntu Xenial Desktop versions are not supported by Cordova-cli and so original 16.04 image (OR 17.04) is required to build Seabass (at least 16.04.2 is not supported due to problems with click package)

Updated automatic build script is available at seabass-build repo. Manual build instructions are also available.


Seabass is developed by Mikhael Milikhin, Open Store version is maintained by Brian Douglass.