- Sydney, Australia
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/hughsaalmans/
- @minus34
QGIS Connector for Snowflake
Create nice directory listings for s3 buckets with javascript and HTML.
Specification for storing geospatial vector data (point, line, polygon) in Parquet
Techniques for deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery
Official repo for the #30DayMapChallenge data visualization project. Open to everyone!
A tool to extract data from Open Street Map (OSM) to build the boundaries of the world's timezones.
A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data
Movement trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas
MobilityDB is a geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform, built on PostgreSQL and PostGIS.
Multiple node presto cluster on docker container
Implementation of GeoHashes in java. We try to be/stay compliant to the spec, as far as possible.
Learn Kafka Streams with several examples!
Spatio-temporal trajectory functions beyond the built-in PostGIS temporal support (https://postgis.net/docs/reference.html#Temporal)
GeoMesa is a suite of tools for working with big geo-spatial data in a distributed fashion.
An open-source version of IAG's Bootleaf fork
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
WebGL Globe is a platform for visualizing latitude longitude based information using WebGL.
Display gridded vector data (sliced GeoJSON or protobuf vector tiles) in Leaflet 1.0.0
universal format parser for Leaflet & Mapbox.js