🔥 Feature-rich interactive Jira command line.
Personal nixos and home-manager configurations.
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
unimpaired.vim: Pairs of handy bracket mappings
Gogh is a collection of color schemes for various terminal emulators, including Gnome Terminal, Pantheon Terminal, Tilix, and XFCE4 Terminal also compatible with iTerm on macOS.
Jupyter adaptation of Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
High-powered REPL for Haskell, inspired by IPython
Saleae Logic 2 as a Nix package + automation + Xvfb + fixes
A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.
Open-source library for CANopen. This library is designed to be used together with the SocketCAN Linux framework for CAN.
A fast, persistent use_nix/use_flake implementation for direnv [maintainer=@Mic92 / @bbenne10]
📜 Simple bash interpreter for easier Haskell scripting (via Nix)
A Nix flake template for Home Manager configurations [maintainer=@lucperkins]
The ultimate list of which programs support Vim-like keybindings natively, or how they can be added with extensions. A collaborative project.
STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32H7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis…
Uncurled - everything I know and learned about running and maintaining Open Source projects for three decades.
A lightweight, memory-protected, message-passing kernel for deeply embedded systems.
Your project’s nix-env [maintainer=@Profpatsch,@nyarly]
Toggle zoom in / out individual windows (splits)
Official documentation for getting things done with Nix.
A blazingly fast, stunningly beautiful, exceptionally powerful git branch viewer for Vim/Neovim.
Archived: Maintained in
Bash script to download mp3s from the OverDrive audiobook service