issues Search Results · repo:mkpaz/atlantafx language:Java
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inmkpaz/atlantafx (press backspace or delete to remove)Currently, we can do the following to make a button flat:
new Button().getStyleClass().add(Styles.FLAT);
However, this doesn t work for ToggleButton. So, I suggest adding support for the flat style for ...
- Opened 12 days ago
- #127
Hello, I m experimenting with AtlantaFX and it seems ToolBar buttons cannot be set as Danger, Accent and Warning styles:
My usecase is a button to open a logs viewer that should be highlighted ...
- 1
- Opened 28 days ago
- #126
First of all, thank you for developing this theme, it s very useful. I found an issue and discovered that it has been
fixed in this request. May I ask when I can use the repaired version. Or do I have ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 17
- #125
Run the AtlantaFX Sampler app.
Go to the slider section. Click on a slider. Notice that it doesn t indicate it has the focus. Keyboard presses
(left/right/up/down/home/end) however do work.
- 1
- Opened on Feb 10
- #124
Our company would like to use atlantafx to redesign our application. We do, however, have some custom components, which
we would need to redesign according to the included themes in atlantafx. We would ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 3
- #123
Standard components like buttons, text fields etc. do not seem to have any styles for the warning state - only for
success and danger. There are color definitions in the themes however. Is this by design ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 3
- #122
From system requirements:
Requirements: JavaFX 17+ (because of data-url support).
From JavaFX 17 release notes:
JavaFX 17 requires JDK 11 or later.
And this is what I have:
java.lang.module.FindException: ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 30
- #121
I m testing AtlantaFX as it offers a nice flat alternative to the standard FX theme.
After setting:
Application.setUserAgentStylesheet(new PrimerDark().getUserAgentStylesheet());
I immediately noticed ...
- 8
- Opened on Jan 25
- #120
I can t find it in the code~~
img width= 233 alt= 1736885764539 src= /
- 1
- Opened on Jan 14
- #119

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