A interest-driven programmer who live in China and like open-source.
You can read me by follow link:
I have create those project:
- Tailchat: A pluginify and microservices IM application.
- Tianji: Tianji = Website Analytics + Uptime Monitor + Server Status.
- TRPGEngine: A IM for TRPG Game in Network.
And those tools:
- codeck: A visual programming tools with js, inspired by unreal blueprint.
- webbox: Organize your favorite websites.
- docusaurus-i18n: Quick way to translate all docusaurus site with OpenAI.
- dreaction: React Native Debugger Tool.
- laf-storage-deploy-action: Deploy static file into laf storage with github action.
- lafdrop: Snapdrop in laf. transfer files with p2p.
- source-ref: A tool for help you find your source code quickly.Support
(or other jsx language),Vue
and work withvscode
. - webpack-stats-viewer: A tool for webpack analyze with table, its clear and detail. Easy to find why we bundle file into chunk.
- ts-restruct: restruct your ts project.
- node-modules-vision: A tool which can check your
dependencies relation with graph by G6. - branch-filestorage-action: Github action which can push(storage) local file into branch.
- github-profile: A fun profile tab for Github with Chrome extensions.
- become-waifu: A chrome extension which can make facerig with
model in any media stream at website. - nbnhhsh-crx: A chrome extension with nbnhhsh.
- Otaku-for-Chrome: A chrome extension which override default newtab page.
- devbox: A toolkit for programmer.
And those library:
- i18next-toolkit: Out-of-the-box i18n solution.
- tushan: Build your
platform in 5 minutes! - rn-icons: React Native Svg Icons of popular icon packs, best react native icon library.
- mini-star: A micro-kernel framework which can pluginize your project. Progressive Migration!
- saucer: A Layout Editor for Drag and Drop. make for low-code.
- eventemitter-strict: A typescript friendly pub-sub library.
- react-fastify-form: Meta based react form library, fast build form component.
- snowpack-plugin-replace: Snowpack replace plugin.
- svrx-plugin-parcel: svrx plugin for parcel
- chinese-address-generator: A chinese fake address generator(support level4)
- str2int: Encode string to int