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Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Gabriel H. Finotti GabrielFinotti
Software Engineer | HTML | CSS | SCSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | C++ | NodeJS | Express | Angular | React | React-Native | Expo | Bootstrap | MongoDB

Brasil, Pernambuco, Olinda

Nícolas Guedes Nicolas121221
Desenvolvedor web | Front-end

Brasil, SC - Blumenau

iano IanoNjuguna
Blockchain Developer


Lucas de Oliveira Macedo lucasomac
Bacharel em Ciência da computação. Android Developer. Amante de tecnologia e inovação.

IT Specialist II at F1RST Digital Services São Carlos-SP, Brasil

Mir Fida Nadeem MirFidaNadeem7

Dynactive Tech Lahore,Pakistan

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Alejandro a1exsDev
A developer in my free time, currently refining my Web Development skills

@game-tips and @obscure-knowledge

Fernando Henrique FernandoTechSpace
Profissinal e entusiasta de TI, atuo como SysAdmin e DevOps.


Learn about OOP concepts that can be applied in different languages. I want to make application for the 3ds.
Abdelaziz Elrashed vzool
الاحساس بالجهل نعمة | Feeling Ignorance is a Blessing


Cem B cmbgcc
Interaction Designer | Cinematic Designer

Illusion Lab

Caio Henrique Ramos de Souza caiohenriqueedev
aprendiz de dev web (html, css, javascript, php e python)

Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (UNICSUL) são paulo-sp

Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Jonny Paes jonnypaes

@NuwareTech São Paulo

Andrej Redeky WSSDude
Software Engineer primarily utilizing C and C++ languages, interested in CGI, AR/VR and game engines along with reverse engineering and cyber security.

Bohemia Interactive Simulations Slovakia

Mohammad Moghtader mhmdmqtdr
‌خدمات سیستم‌ های تهویه مطبوع فروش، نصب، تعمیرات VRF ،چیلر، مینی‌ چیلر، داکت‌ اسپیلت، اسپیلت، فن‌کویل


Sirapob Chonphanarak Sirapobchon
I'm Sirapob Chonphanarak From Chonburi, Thailand Currently studying at KMUTT Computer Engineering Degree

KMUTT Computer Engineering Chonburi Thailand

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sanskar Pandey sanskar127
Looking for SDE Intern Roles | React Developer

In your Problems Solution.