CShade is an HLSL shader collection for ReShade. CShade introduces conventional image and video processing effects from a different angle.
CShade also includes .fxh
files that contain algorithms used in the collection or have potential use.
CShade allows users to blend shaders together and configure shaders to output a combination of Red/Green/Blue/Alpha.
CShade features an adaptive-exposure shader that uses hardware blending for temporal smoothing. The shader also features spot-metering, allowing users to expose their image depending on an area.
CShade features shaders that deal with getting information about an image.
- AMD FidelityFX
- Anti-aliasing
- Color conversions
- Chromaticity spaces
- Polar color spaces
- Grayscale
- Convolutions
- Gaussian blur
- Edge detection
- Bilateral Upsampling
- Local normalization
- Census transform
- Local contrast normalization
CShade features real-time motion estimation and feature-matching shaders through hierarchal Lucas-Kanade optical flow.
- Adaptive autoexposure
- Datamoshing
- Motion blur
- Motion stabilization
- Vector lines
CShade features shaders that filter images for aesthetics.
- Backbuffer blending
- Dual-Kawase bloom
- Lens effect
- Letterbox
- Sharpening
- Vignetting
In ui_category
, use ·
to separate between subcategories, if needed
uniform float _Level1Weight <
ui_category = "Bloom · Level Weights";
ui_label = "Level 1";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 1.0;
> = 1.0;
uniform float _CShadeExposureSmoothingSpeed <
ui_category = "Pipeline · Output · AutoExposure";
ui_label = "Smoothing Speed";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.1;
ui_max = 1.0;
> = 0.25;
-> Common_CLib_FunctionName()
State parameters
BlendOp = ADD
System semantics
Preprocessor definition
Preprocessor Macros
Preprocessor Macro Arguments
Uniform variables
uniform float3 _Example
Function arguments
void Function(float4 ArgumentOne)
Global Variables
static const float4 GlobalVariable = 1.0; void Function() { return GlobalVariable; }
Local Variables
void Function() { float4 LocalVariable = 1.0; return LocalVariable; }
Textures and Samples
texture2D ExampleTex ...
sampler2D SampleExampleTex ...
datatypestruct APP2VS_Example ...
struct VS2PS_Example ...
struct PS2FB_Example ...
struct PS2MRT_Example ...
VertexShader = VS_Example;
PixelShader = PS_Example;
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