Hi, my name is Prashant Rahul. I am an undergraduate junior interested in building and tinkering with compilers and interpreters. I also work on emulators, graphics APIs, games, cross-platform applications, and full-stack web experiences.
i sometimes post here
mail me at prashantrahul141@protonmail.com
my PGP fingerprint: 9309 A964 E07A B493 8CED 9657 8770 981A 6FA2 8826
OS: NixOS (Vicuna)
Shell: zsh
DE: Hyprland (Wayland)
Theme: Gruvbox
Terminal: kitty
Editor: Neovim & Zed
Font: FiraCode
Favourite: Neovim, Nix & NixOS, Rust, C, QBE, LLVM
Other: Solidjs, Julia, Go, C++, OpenGL, Brainf*ck, C#, Python