Herb is a CSS styling library for Clojurescript, built using Garden, whose main focus is on component level styling using functions.
Herb requires at least Clojure 1.9.0 and ClojureScript 1.9.542 due to use of clojure.spec.alpha to validate macro input.
(ns user
(:require [herb.core :refer [<class]]))
(defn style []
{:background "red"})
(defn component
[:div {:class (<class style)}])
Herb has two main macros, <class
and <id
, these macros takes a
function that returns a Garden
style map, and returns a classname/id based on the functions fully
qualified name, in this case user/style
The style is injected into the DOM when any one of Herb's macros are called.
Pass arguments:
(ns user
(:require [herb.core :refer [<class]]))
(defn style
{:color color})
(defn component []
[:div {:class (<class style "red")}])
Extend existing functions:
(ns user
(:require [herb.core :refer [<class]]))
(defn button-style [text-color]
{:display "inline-block"
:color text-color
:text-transform "uppercase"
:cursor "pointer"
:padding (px 12)})
(defn red-button-style []
^{:extend [button-style "white"]}
{:background-color "red"})
(defn button []
[:button {:class (<class red-button-style)}])
Garden is used to translate the style map to CSS, which enables most of Gardens functionality, so familiarizing yourself with its features is a good idea.
Refer to the tutorial for a full overview and examples of Herbs features.
During a production build add this to the :compiler
:closure-defines {"goog.DEBUG" false}
. This flag tells Herb to
minify styles, remove unneeded style element attributes, and ensure
anonymous functions gets the correct minified name.
During advanced compilation Herb minify styles and removes the
attribute. If you need to debug production build it can be
helpful to see the function namespaces unmunged to get a clearer image
of what is happening.
To do this remove the goog.DEBUG false
from production build and
enable :pseudo-names
:cljsbuild {:builds {:min {:source-paths ["src" "env/prod"]
:compiler {:pseudo-names true
:optimizations :advanced
That way you will see both full classnames and the namespace reflected
in the data-herb
HTML attribute.
Start figwheel main with the development build
lein fig:build
Figwheel-main will automatically push cljs changes to the browser. Once Figwheel starts up, you should be able to open http://localhost:9500 for the development server.
Either run:
lein fig:test
For a headless test environment using chrome, make sure its installed on your system.
You can also start the dev build and navigate to http://localhost:9500/figwheel-extra-main/auto-testing to get a nice interface while coding that runs the tests on each save.
Copyright ยฉ 2021 Daniel Berg
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.