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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 30, 2021. It is now read-only.


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A tool that lets you reverse and freely change CRC checksums through smart file patching.


This repository is no longer maintained. The focus has shifted to a Python variant of this tool (the performance is equivalent).


  • Patching and calculating CRC checksums for:
    • CRC32
    • CRC32POSIX (cksum from GNU coreutils)
    • CRC16CCITT
    • CRC16IBM
  • Available for GNU/Linux and Windows.
  • Minimal GUI (supports CRC32 only; for more advanced options, use CLI version).

How it works

It appends a few bytes at the end of the file so that the file checksum computes to given hexadecimal hash.

Seeing it in action

GUI version:

GUI version

CLI version:

CLI version

Binaries for Windows

To download precompiled binaries for Windows, head over to releases.


  1. Make sure you have g++ python3-setuptools and python3-wheel packages installed

  2. Install Meson and Ninja

    pip3 install meson ninja
  3. Run following

    meson build --buildtype release
    ninja -C build

    The crcmanip-gui is not compiled by default. If you want to compile it, make sure you have qt5 packages installed. Then replace the third step above with this one:

    meson build -Dgui=true --buildtype release
    ninja -C build

Cross-compiling for Windows without GUI

  1. Install mingw-w64

  2. Replace the content of the cross_mingw_i686.txt and cross_mingw_x86_64.txt files with the one of the mingw-w64 files that you can find here

  3. Build the binaries

    Windows 32-bit

    meson build_windows32 \
        --buildtype release \
        --cross-file cross_mingw_i686.txt
    ninja -C build_windows32

    Windows 64-bit

    meson build_windows64 \
        --buildtype release \
        --cross-file cross_mingw_x86_64.txt
    ninja -C build_windows64

Cross-compiling for Windows with GUI

  1. Install mxe

  2. Add the mxe path to the environment variable PATH

  3. Install the static version of the qt5 library

    Windows 32-bit

    cd your/path/to/mxe/
    make MXE_TARGETS=i686-w64-mingw32.static qt5

    Windows 64-bit

    cd your/path/to/mxe/
    make MXE_TARGETS=x86_64-w64-mingw32.static qt5
  4. Build the binaries

    Windows 32-bit

    meson build_windows32 \
        --buildtype release \
        -Dgui=true \
        -Dmxe='/your/path/to/mxe/32-bit' \
        --cross-file cross_mingw_i686.txt
    ninja -C build_windows32

    Windows 64-bit

    meson build_windows64 \
        --buildtype release \
        -Dgui=true \
        -Dmxe='/your/path/to/mxe/64-bit' \
        --cross-file cross_mingw_x86_64.txt
    ninja -C build_windows64

Building tests

To build tests, simply add the -Dtests=true option to the meson command.