For a simple demo of Handwriter :-
Run 'npm run devStart' here
Visit here
- Recognise text from image file (OCR) for more than 100 languages using tesseract.js!
- Convert Text to Handwriting, with more than 10 fonts.
- Draw and export.
- Export output to image or combine output images to pdf. How simpler can it get!
- Dark Mode
Note:- Ocr only works when project is set up locally. or Here
- Fork this repository
- Clone this project locally using
- cd handwriter
- npm install
- npm run devStart
- Node.js - Backend
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page for any open issues. If this is your first time contributing to Open Source, check out the Contributing Guidelines.
You can also suggest a new feature by creating an Issue. Please wait for confirmation before working on it.
- Add your own handwriting font
- Add your college assignment sheets, for example, select ACE instead of general in Canvas Background.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
This project is MIT licensed.