All Python versions, kept up-to-date on hourly basis using Nix.
This project supports the following Python versions:
- 2.7.6+
- 3.3.1+ (up to the latest release)
If you'd like to avoid compilation install Cachix and:
$ cachix use nixpkgs-python
You can run this package ad-hoc using the following command:
$ nix shell github:cachix/nixpkgs-python#'"2.7"'
Or specify a minor version:
$ nix shell github:cachix/nixpkgs-python#'"2.7.16"'
Create devenv.nix
{ pkgs, ... }:
languages.python.enable = true;
languages.python.version = "3.11";
# languages.python.version = "3.11.3";
And run:
$ devenv shell
inputs = {
nixpkgs-python.url = "github:cachix/nixpkgs-python";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs-python }: {
# You can now refer to packages like:
# nixpkgs-python.packages.x86_64-linux."2.7"