- Arduino Uno rev3 Or Arduino Mega 2560 rev3.
- RGB backlight positive LCD 16x2.
- I2C Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
- I2C Light Sensor Grove.
- NeoPixel LED Strip - 30 LEDs.
- SGP30 Air Quality Sensor.
- Fan.
- Heating.
- Water Pump X 2 (watering and Bubbler).
- Grove Buzzer.
- bluetooth.
- button.
I2C library from Adafruit.proximars/libraries/Adafruit_NeoPixel
Led strips library from Adafruit.proximars/libraries/Adafruit_SGP30_Sensor
air quality sensor library from Adafruit.proximars/libraries/Adafruit_TSL2561
Luminosity sensor library from Adafruit.proximars/libraries/Adafruit_Unified_Sensor
Temperature and humidity library from Adafruit.proximars/libraries/DHT_sensor_library
Thermocouple library.proximars/libraries/Grove_-_LCD_RGB_Backlight
LCD RGB library.proximars/libraries/Grove_-_LCD_RGB_Backlight
LCD RGB library.
- You can find the mobile app in the
file. To install it, you will need to use the website MIT App Inventor.
fast tutorial: MIT App Inventor > Create Apps! > Projects > Import project (.aia) from my computer/repository
ps: The Arduino needs to be connected via Bluetooth to a cellphone to recover the time and light up the strips when it's the night.
This project was carried out in collaboration with CNES and participated in the night of researchers at the "Cité de l'Espace" in toulouse .