Hi! I am Nikita, software developer / font designer based in Germany. I am developing programming font Fira Code and a few Clojure open-source projects
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Open Food Facts is the Wikipedia for Food. It transforms the food system by promoting transparency, thanks to data crowdsourcing empowered by technology (Mobile, Web and AI).
I'm a developer, entrepreneur, and love open-source
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Andres is an avid Open Source software developer and co-founder of the Hackergarten initiative. He loves building software that can help solve problems around the world. He mainly contributes to Java, Groovy, Maven, Gradle, JavaFX, and Asciidoctor.
Support MobiFlight's Open Source work
Just a geek surgeon spending my free time building WordPress plugins, mostly for developers, and contributing to WordPress Core.
Support AxePress Development's open source work to improve the WPGraphQL ecosystem.
i rather let my work speak for me.
Microsoft MVP, Security Internals Fanatic, hominoid Windows defender.
Swedish web developer, Node.js lover, occasional IndieWeb participant
My main work is on GoatCounter, an open source web analytics platform.
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Open-source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more typing DDL commands. Let pgModeler do the work for you!
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