Software Engineer at sqeven
const anmol = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "C", "Python", "Java", "Php", "Go", "Rust", "C++"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "seven", "app dev", "ops dev"],
technologies: {
mobileApp: ["Android App"],
frontEnd: {
js: ["Vue", "Nuxt"],
css: ["materialize", "vuetify", "bootstrap"]
backEnd: {
js: ["node", "express", "deno"],
go: ["gin", "kit"],
python: ["flask", "tensorflow", "pytorch"]
devOps: ["K8S", "Docker🐳", "Drone", "Nginx"],
databases: ["Mongo", "MySql", "ClickHouse", "Redis"],
misc: ["Firebase", "selenium", "open-cv", "php", "SuiteScript"]
architecture: ["Serverless Architecture", "Progressive web applications", "Single page applications"],
currentProject: "I am developing Extension for WeChat using go",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"