Modern API wrapper for Genshin Impact & Honkai Impact 3rd built on asyncio and pydantic.
API Reference:
Source Code:
The primary focus of is convenience. The entire project is fully type-hinted and abstracts a large amount of the api to be easier to use.
Key features:
- All data is in the form of Pydantic Models which means full autocompletion and linter support.
- Requests are significantly faster thanks to proper usage of asyncio.
- Chinese and English names returned by the API are renamed to simpler English fields.
- Supports the majority of the popular endpoints.
- Cleanly integrates with frameworks like FastAPI out of the box.
Note: This library is a successor to genshinstats - an unofficial wrapper for the Genshin Impact api.
- Python 3.9+
- aiohttp
- Pydantic
pip install genshin
A very simple example of how would be used:
import asyncio
import genshin
async def main():
cookies = {"ltuid": 119480035, "ltoken": "cnF7TiZqHAAvYqgCBoSPx5EjwezOh1ZHoqSHf7dT"}
client = genshin.Client(cookies)
data = await client.get_genshin_user(710785423)
print(f"User has a total of {data.stats.characters} characters")
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