[ok] - [up-disable-for] [up-enable-for]
[ok] - Rework FieldTracker to a more generic up.fragment.trackAll(selector)
[ok] - Support X-Up-Open-Layer: { type, ...VISUAL_OPTIONS } [ok] - Support unpoly-rails (up.layer.open())
- Document that the target resets to :main
[ok] - Layer options for [up-layer=new] talk about position only for popups, but it also affects drawer
[ok] - Support up.migrate.config.logLevel = 'none'
- Docs rework
- Copy important options from up.render() into up.validate(), up.submit(), up.follow()
- Copy important attributes from [up-follow] into [up-submit]
- Remove redundant @params-note
- Consider merging pages/attrs and pages/options into just params/
- Also go through all config options and group those (didn#t find because @property)
- up.layer.config should refer to @like up.layer.open in many cases
- follow needs "up-context" in "client state"
- But check who includes up-follow/client-state and does not want [up-context]
- And check who includes up-follow/layer and would lose [up-context]
- [up-layer=new]?
- Can we document options.fail* ?
- Go through all feature visibilities... up.fragment.* functions in particular
- Default "[options.layer='origin current']" should use commas, no?
[ok] - Revert the autoFail change
We don't do this for other global defaults, like expireCache, evictCache
Also revert parsing [up-fail] as a booleanOrString
X-Up-Origin-Mode ?
In up:request:load, explain that request headers may still be changed => Make sure this is tested => We actually cover a lot more edge cases, and allow { url, params } to be changed. But make sure we test this before we commit to it in the docs
Test and document that up:fragment:inserted is emitted after compilation
[ok] Implement up:form:switch event by refactoring the way switcher/switchee lookup works
Consider a way to "panic" out with a developer error
- Replace entire
- Accept that JS stays loaded
- Reset Unpoly so links aren't followed
- Ask ED if this would help his case
Do we support a { focusVisible } option that is not documented?
- It is supported and documented by up.focus()
- Unknown if it is passed on by up.render()
- No attribute is parsed on forms or links
New scroll options
- [up-scroll="end"]
- [up-scroll="123"]
[ok] Fix many edge cases with watching forms, [up-keep], external form fields
[ok] - On iOS, [up-instant] links are followed when a long-press opens the context menu
Note that this doesn't work on touch devices
[up-poll] should support more ways to control client-state
- [up-hungry=true]
- [up-keep=true]
Support [up-validate-url] and [up-validate-method]
Site: Chilled links
up.hello() should not re-emit inserted on the exact same element
- We can't do this perfectly, but for the exact same args we can
[ok] - Support form[up-accept], form[up-dismiss]
Form params are the close value
Do we want to support up.fragment.sync() ?
- Maybe we want an up:fragment:changed event so swaps won't cause SelectorTracker to sync twice
Rename [up-switch-scope] to [up-switch-region]
- The concept of "region" already appears in the docs, but scope does not
fixParserImage doesn't see [nonce]
Rewrite script[nonce] in new content
- In the head
- In the body
- Consider making the docs full-width
- Also replace the breadcrumb with a link that opens the drawer
- Move the entire search to Algolia
Provide an .up-hash-target or similiar to target the current #hash better than :target does => Which cases are not covered by :target?
up.fragment.get() could delete :maybe
Install instructions should also cover editor integrations
Docs for deferreds (/lazy-loading, up.deferred.load, [up-defer]) should not talk about "placeholder"
Consider hiding the focus ring for main elements by default
Test that we don't process { abort } when the RenderPass was aborted by { guardEvent } or { confirm }
I'm not sure if opening a layer with local content honors { abort }
- E.g. start loading content on the base layer's main
- Open a layer from a string (which makes a request with bindFragments: [base-layer's main])
- Content on base layer is still loading
Think about a way to optimistically render an action that dismisses an overlay and changes something in the background
- What about dismiss callbacks?
Offer a way to expand a template into an element
- Like , but without the need to have a good selector
- Can we somehow say that we want to replace ourselves, even when the replacement has a different selector?
- HTML-Importe waren
- There is no unobtrusive way to do this
Remove commented-out code in up.util
affix() and createSelector() cannot create an attribute called [content] or [text]
- e.g. for meta[content]
- Maybe force all attrs into { attrs } ?
- Or allow { attrs }
Rework compiler docs (unpoly/unpoly#688)
Extract docs from up.compiler() into its own guide page /compilers "Initializing JavaScript" (with compilers)
Fix existing links to /up.compiler and /up.compiler#destructor
Make examples for all three destructor forms:
- Returning a function
- Returning an array of functions
- Using up.destructor
Section for async compilers
Timing issues if the element is detached before it is compiled
If they return a function, it will not run as a destructor
Maybe asyncCompiler helper
Note that this will be improved in the future
// Registers an `up.compiler()` function that returns a promise for its destructor function. export default function asyncCompiler(...compilerArgs) { const compilerFn = compilerArgs.pop() up.compiler(...compilerArgs, (...passArgs) => { // Call the compiler function passed by the user. const returnValue = compilerFn(...passArgs) // Return a new destructor function that awaits the asynchronous // return value and uses the fulfillment value as a destructor. return async () => { // The async function could return different types of values: // // (1) A destructor function // (2) An array of destructor functions // (3) A value that is not a function (which we discard) let destructorCandidates = await returnValue destructorCandidates = up.util.wrapList(destructorCandidates) for (const destructorCandidate of destructorCandidates) { if (up.util.isFunction(destructorCandidate)) { destructorCandidate() } } } }) }
Allow to keep unpoly-migrate without logging, e.g. up.migrate.config.logLevel = 'none'
Improve active classes, loading classes
- Tailwind users would love [up-active-class] [up-loading-class]
- Maybe allow a function for config.activeClasses, config.loadingClasses
Make a doc page for custom elements (unpoly/unpoly#688)
- Explain that you can just use defineElement
- Explain that you can use compilers for simple cases
- Show how custom elements can participate in form submissions
- config.fieldSelectors
- Support { name, value, disabled }
- Note that Unpoly does not support formAssociated or formdata event, but that this will be improved in the future
Make a doc page for polling
- Extract from [up-poll]
- Own section for "Reloading when re-focusing a tab"?
I somehow expected up.fragment.config.runScripts to be in up.script.config.runScripts
- We would need a new name like up.script.config.runFragmentScripts
Add Rust install to https://github.com/unpoly/unpoly-site/tree/master/source/install
Consider a callback to manipulate render options before interaction
- Either element-specific ([up-on-follow], [up-on-submit], etc.)
- Or generic ([up-on-use="..."], [up-setup="..."], [up-before], [up-guard], [up-on-run] [up-on-activate="..."], [up-on-start])
- Use is short, but conflicts with [up-use-data] and does not work for polling
- Callback to run before any render pass (see davidsums popup discussion)
- up:render:prepare or up:render:setup or up:render:options
- Would we rename up:fragment events to get pressure off the up:fragment namespace?
- up:render:load
- up:render:loaded
- up:render:keep :(
- up:render:offline
- up:render:inserted :(
- up:render:hungry :(
- This would leave up:fragment:poll
FM required overriding of history from the server
- They really wanted { navigate }, no?
- But can we really change navigation options at that point?
- They really wanted { navigate }, no?
Remove params parsing for up.watch(), support formdata, ElementInternals
- We can just parse the entire form with new FormData(), then filter on contained elements
- We will still need to know form fields for that, or filter on [name]
- Replace up.Params.fromForm() with
new this(new FormData(form))
- We can just parse the entire form with new FormData(), then filter on contained elements
Consider [up-zone] as an origin-aware lookup without further logic
- Also support
as a new pseudo- Layer priority beats zone priority
- config.zoneSelectors = ['[up-zone]', ':main]
- config.noZoneSelectors = ['[up-zone=false]']
- I think without an { origin } we only want to check out
. Maybe it's not configurable? - Do we want to allow [up-zone="name"] (and include it in targetDerivers), or should it be [up-zone][id="foo"]?
- If we want to get rid of [up-href] (to enable morphing), we should encourage the use of IDs
- If we want to mount arbitrary pages to mount in an [up-zone] it should be a parent.
- e.g. content
- But then we would have duplicate
- section[up-main=zone]?
- But then we would have duplicate
- e.g. content
- Also support
Maybe all guardEvents should have a loadPage() method
- So it's more discoverable then event.loadPage()
Consider publishing { dataMap, placeholderMap, previewMap } as @experimental
- Check if we have tests here
- Check whether a single { map } option (or an object target) would be superior
- up.render({ target: { '.foo': { data: { key: 123 }, placeholder: 'spinner' }, '.bar': {} }, url: '/path' })
- up.render({ target: { '.foo, .bar' }, dataMap: { '.foo'. { key: 123 } }, placeholderMap: { '.foo': 'spinner' }, url: '/path' })
- up.render({ target: { '.foo, .bar' }, map: { '.foo'. { data: { key: 123 }, placeholder: '.spinner' } }, url: '/path' }) => Doing something to the primary is a very common use case and great now
Consider publishing up.script.clean()
- Would we need a fallback for { layer }?
- Supporting the use case "recompile later" is hard because then we would need to update the idempotent-compiler-fn-tracking
Consider removing { content } option of createFromSelector(), affix(), etc. in favor of a third argument for constructing nested things
- When we make this change we should also fix the inconsistency that a string arg is considered HTML, but Array is considered text (and will be escaped)
Allow to set custom close animation from link
- Also support (or document?) up.layer.open({ closeAnimation })
Consider contracting more attributes into shorthand values
- E.g. [up-emit] and [up-emit-props] should be just one thing
- E.g. [up-scroll] and [up-scroll-behavior] should just be one thing (but what about all the reveal attributes? reveal-snap/top/pading/max)
- E.g. [up-transition] and [up-easing] and [up-duration] should just be one thing
Evtl. sollte [up-back] den letzten History-Eintrag im Root (?)-Layer nehmen?
- Back vs. Modals allgemein betrachten
In the layer config, openAnimation and closeAnimation is a function, but it receives no useful args
- Give it { layer, value }
- Document it
Consider up.RenderResult#primary or up.RenderResult#fallback
- Updating ":main" via { fallback: true } must yield #primary === true
- So maybe #primary, #expected, #intended or similiar is a better name than #fallback
Rename "loading partial" to "filling partial" or similiar
- up:partial:fill
- up.partial.fill()
- So "load" remains the term for sending a request
- So we can offer [up-on-fill]
Consider X-Up-Redirect so we can get rid of param-transporting in unpoly-rails
- Unpoly would track all X-Up params of request and response
Do we need a meta.previewing prop for compilers?
- This would need to be a global prop because we allow arbitrary code
- up.status.previewing
- We could also pass it explicitly when { hello }ing from Preview functions
- insert()
- openLayer()
- This would be less code than a global flag
- This would need to be a global prop because we allow arbitrary code
Exposing the temp functions would make it easier to compose some effects without accepting an (preview) arg
- Expose up.form.disable() (since we also expose it via Preview#disable()) => I'm not sure how useful this is in practice. Not needed in the demo.
Can we find a way to implement the new-task action as a server-rendered template? template = preview.cloneTemplate('#foo', { '{{text}}': params.text })
clone = preview.cloneTemplate('#foo', { '.task-item--text': params.text }) clone = preview.cloneTemplate('#index', { 'tr': rows => rows.slice(20).forEach((row) => row.remove() })
clone = preview.cloneTemplate('#foo') clone.querySelector('.task-item--text').innerText = params.text
clone = preview.cloneTemplate('#index') [...clone.querySelectorAll('tr)].slice(max).forEach((row) => row.remove())
// 169 bytes function cloneTemplate(template, processors = {}) { let result = template.content.cloneNode(true) for (let [selector, processor] of Object.entries(selectorMap)) { let matches = u.toArray(result.querySelectorAll(selector)) if (u.isFunction(processor)) { processor(matches) } else { matches[0].innerHTML = processor } } }
Consider publishing booleanOrString or booleanOrNumber
Consider waiting for custom elements to be defined
- For focus
- For scrolling
- For watching
Support render lifecycle attributes for [up-defer] and [up-poll]
- [up-on-loaded]
- [up-on-rendered]
- [up-on-finished]
- [up-on-offline]
- [up-on-error]
- Right now this can be set by listening to a guardEvent and manipulating event.renderOptions
We often see multiple preloading entries in the log (mouseover, mousedown). Can we not log if we're already preloading?
Support array fields with watch()?
- up.form.config.arrayFields = 'suffix' | 'all'
Does it matter that guardEvents do not set up.layer.current?
- It should mostly be the right layer anyway, except for polling in the background or something
[up-validate] from a different URL
- unpoly/unpoly#486
- This should make for a simpler code example
An a[href][up-defer] should be unclickable?
- Remove tabindex
- Remove pointer cursor
Remove isNull() and isUndefined()
- The test is trivial, but it may be nice to not have to think aobut it
Allow to keep elements without remembering to mark elements as [up-keep]
- config.keepSelectors
- Allow { useKeep: '[up-keep], .search-input' } to keep additional elements
- Elements can still opt out with [up-keep=false]
Docs: [up-transition] should document params [up-duration], [up-easing]. Same with [up-animation]?
Docs: up.morph() should document options.duration, options.easing. Same with up.animate()?
Allow up.reload() to reload multiple, potentially optional elements
- Starting in 3.8 we could also use 3 times up.reload() and make a single request
Consider publishing { defaultMaybe: true } with a better name
Docs: Extract new doc page "Preserving state" from [up-keep] and /data#preserving-data-through-reloads
Docs: Installation methods may be unmaintained; Go through methods and focus on installing frontend assets
Docs: URLs like /up-transition should redirect to /a-up-transition
Should up.layer.open({ data }) set the data on the root element, not the layer element?
- Users can still "compile" the layer element by observing up:layer:open
Docs: Extract /polling page from [up-poll]
Have a better error when Unpoly is loaded twice
- We cannot do this when booting
- Throw in namespace.js
Add a config to disable validate merging
Touch events can scroll the background of a drawer overlay on https://unpoly.com/
In a multi-step render pass, let compilers see all updated fragments
- This would require us to delay compilation until all fragments are inserted
Consider whether Request#target, Request#context etc. should be setters that auto-set the corresponding header.
- Would save code in mergeIfUnsent()
- Would save code in setAutoHeaders()
- We could also make #headers or #header() hallucinate new headers
- Maybe hard since we allow write access headers[key] = value
- Would be easier with header() and setHeader()
- Still need to iterate over the whole thing for passing over headers to xhr
- Maybe hard since we allow write access headers[key] = value
Consider an up:fragment:render event to modify renderOptions for all kind of passes
- We have so many guardEvents now
- Test that we can still modify event.renderOptions
- Point against that name: We already have { onRendered } and that fires after DOM mutation, not before the request
- Possibly offer originalEvent or something?
- No! We would need to check their renderOptions for mutation. Who is interested in other events can use them.
- Update docs: Render Flowchart
- Update docs: Manipulate render options
{ dismissLabel } should be able to contain HTML
- Maybe rename to { dismissButtonContent } or something?
Allow variations of official layer modes
lightbox Layer mode
- Where are we going to put the margin around the box, if we're not having a viewport?
Move custom spec helpers out of
Unpoly Rails needs to ignore pseudo-elements
I think we can replace up.Rect.fromElement() with just element.getBoundingClientRect()
I think revalidation now loses :maybe marks. We should have more tests.
- Case 1 => I think this is implemented
- We're loading ".foo, .bar:maybe"
- Server only renders ".foo"
- Revalidation should just be for ".foo", or for ".foo, .bar:maybe"
- It should be OK if revalidation response only contains ".foo"
- Case 3 => I could live without this.
=> Or should we allow reavalidation with defaultMaybe: true ?
- We're loading ".foo, .bar:maybe"
- Server renders ".foo, .bar"
- Revalidation should just be for ".foo", or for ".foo, .bar:maybe"
- It should be OK if revalidation response only contains ".foo"
- Case 2 => I think this is implemented
- We're loading ".foo, .bar:maybe"
- Server renders ".foo, .bar"
- While we're loading .bar was removed from the page
- Revalidation should just be for ".foo", or for ".foo, .bar:maybe"
- It should be OK if revalidation response only contains ".foo"
- Case 1 => I think this is implemented
Preserve text selection ranges when reloading / polling / revalidating
Should [up-poll] and up.reload() render failed responses if they match the target?
- At least for reloading the element may actually have entered the DOM from a failed response
Site: Scrollbar styling https://makandracards.com/makandra/617528-chrome-121+-no-longer-supports-non-standard-scrollbar-styling
Per-link animation options for new layers
- Support mutatable animation options for up:layer:dismiss, up:layer:accept
- Parse [up-close-animation] for links that open a new layer
- Parse [up-open-animation] as an alias for [up-animation]
The log message "Could not match primary target" should not appear when we're only working with fallback targets, and we happen to use the second one. E.g. first one is [up-main=modal], second one is [up-main].
Print a warning when we can find no better form group than the
itself -
Run macros (but not compilers) before history changes
- This is super hard due to the way UpdateLayer and OpenLayer works
- In particular we also give the guarantee that the current layer renders before other (hungry) layers
Give layers an [index] attribute so users don't style based on [nesting]
- Do we give root an [index] as well?
- We cannot use [index] here
- [up-layer-index] would maybe a good default
- Check vs. V4 plans
- Do we give root an [index] as well?
Docs should show DOM structure of all layer modes
Simplify animation API implementation with Element.animate()
- Animation finishing could be implemented with Element#getAnimations()
- This should also fix a regression for: Animations that fly in an element from the screen edge (move-from-top, move-from-left, etc.) no longer leave a transform style on the animated element. By @triskweline.
Don't allow a request payload for DELETE requests
- Maybe make this configuratable as opinions vary here.
- e.g. up.network.config.payloadMethods
- Is this really important?
- Maybe make this configuratable as opinions vary here.
Consider parsing scroll-margin-top, scroll-margin-bottom for revealing
Allow [up-emit] for buttons
Docs: Explain how to convert JSON responses to HTML responses (discussion #562)
Convert .sass files to .scss
While morphing or destroying, disable pointer events on old element
Support { onLoaded }, [up-on-loaded] for polling fragments
- Test: Can be used to skip() a polling response, polling then continues
- Test: Can be used to preventDefault() a polling response, polling then continues
[up-disable] should disable links (discussion #561)
- Within the form
- As a stand-alone link
- How to mark disabled links? .up-disabled ? Just [disabled]?
- CSS: { cursor: not-allowed }
- Also [aria-disabled=true]
- Prevent with JS? pointer-events?
- Also prevent keyboard focus with temporary [tabindex=-1]
- Bootstrap already has a.disabled and users would like to take over that styling
Docs: Copy important up.render() options to up.layer.open() and a[up-layer=new]
- In particular { content, fragment, url, document }
Look within :origin first
- Remove similiar logic in up.FragmentProcessor: findSelector()
Remove [up-validate] from individual fields https://unpoly.com/up-validate#validating-multiple-fields
Support nonce rewriting for arbitrary attributes, e.g. up.safe_callback('124321321', '432423423')
- But then we would need to know all the attributes we're rewriting to query them quickly
- Or find them with XPath
- OR we could support [up-on] with an event name and a nonce
- But then we would need to know all the attributes we're rewriting to query them quickly
Swapped body looks funny in Safari (has .up-destroying class and is grayed out with old content in inspector)
Allow to disable batching in validations
inlineStyle, setInlineStyle should work with custom properties
Jasmine matchers no longer get a
argument -
up.ResponseDoc: Only re-discover the origin when match is 'region'
Async compiler functions
- See separate doc
- Don't need to delay this until V4 as destructors no longer throw
Is the [up-keep=false] pattern good to keep?
- E.g. for flashes: We could interrupt a keep chain this way, but then the element can never again be keepable => It's the same for polling
consider having dev builds with debug terser
Docs: /accessibility page
- But where does it go?
- Top-level?
2024: Replace up.error.emitGlobal() with window.reportError()
Publish up.util.sprintf()
- But rename it to something else, as sprintf() is something else
Docs: Custom input elements
- Have your custom element expose
{ name }
and { value }` properties (AFAIK Shoelance components already do) - Also
{ disable }
- Make Unpoly aware of custom elements by pushing a selector to
. - Make Unpoly aware of custom submitt buttons by pushing a selector to
. - Limitation: One value per field. Checks for groups (.checked and .selected) are still hard-coded
- Have your custom element expose
Test that system compilers always run before user compilers => We already have macros if compilers need to use others?
Concepts [up-feedback] and [up-background] are overlapping
- Should feedback: false imply background: true ?
- Should we generalize the feedback option?
- { feedback: ['classes', 'progress', 'custom'] }
- But I always want classes?
- { feedback: ['classes', 'progress', 'custom'] }
Message when unknown target: Revalidating cached response for target "undefined"
Extend [up-switch] with [up-disable-for="..."] [up-enable-for="..."]
- This is really confusing with [up-disable]
- Or should we have an [up-switch-for] and [up-switch-effect]?
up:feedback:start / up:feedback:stop
- On the layer, not an individual element
- Needs to have reference to origin and targetElements
- Must be the same element in :start / :stop, even if the DOM has changed in between => With .up-validating we have different points where feedback starts and ends.
- This class does not exist. It was an idea detailed further down. => Or we could have a single up:feedback event with a promise for the duration
Do we want a preventable up:request:reuse event?
- Maybe even :reused since there is no :loaded for cached requests
Experiment with property mangling vs. public API
- Possibly do a unpoly.experimental-min.js ?
- If we could test a minified version we could publish this
- Do we really think about this when publishing?
- This would need to be part of the regular build
Issue with splitting Immediate-Child-Selectors: https://makandra.slack.com/archives/C02KGPZDE/p1659097196752189
Can we get rid of the afterMeasure() callback?
Support { scroll: 'keep' }
- Similiar to { focus: 'keep' }
- Store scrollTops around a viewport in UpdateLayer
- Possibly refactor tops to up.ScrollTopsCapsule
Check that the target (and all non-successful target attempts) are visible in the log
- Possibly highlight
Do we want to support
in targets?- Is there any case other than [up-target], where we already have [up-fallback] ?
Should animations force painting?
- I don't understand how the transitions work when we set both the first and final frame in the same JavaScript task
Maybe auto-submit should not navigate by default
- How to restore this?
- up-navigate ?
- up-watch-navigate ?
- up-autosubmit-navigate ?
- Is it cool that search results would no longer get a URL update?
Does [up-back] use the previous layer location?
There was a case where { origin } should look inside an origin: up.render('.day_menu_dish_autocomplete .day_menu_dish_autocomplete--suggestions', { origin: titleInput, url: '/day_menus/suggestions' })
Expose up.fragment.config.renderOptions
- Now that we have some opinion about the defaults { abort: 'target', focus: 'keep', revalidate: 'auto' }, users may want to deactivate
Try to have a 'hash' strategy in overlays
- Also update doc page /focus
Split JavaScript => Do this after asset reconciliation
input.setCustomValidity() should block submission
Replace symlinks in dist/ with copied files
- Not trivial, see hk/copy-dist-artifacts
Maybe a way to mark elements as keep before rendering?
- This would also be up:fragment:loaded
- Maybe a render option { useKeep: [....] }
- With additional fragments to keep
- Could be set both in initial render and in up:fragment:loaded
- Would not require an [up-keep] on the other side
Consider keepSelectors and noKeepSelectors
- Now that [up-keep] no longer has a value?
- Note that we do have [up-keep] hardcoded in multiple places
- Now that [up-keep] no longer has a value?
Should we offer a way to manually add etags?
- E.g. up.on('up:request:loaded', ({ response }) => { response.etag ||= sha1(response.body) })
- Should this even be a default? => People can already set response.headers['ETag'], although that's not documented
Matching in the region of ancestors should use subtree, not just descendants of the ancestor
- In a form we should always be able to say form:has(:origin) .descendant, even if the origin turns out to be the form itself
- But :has() does not work like that?
- In a form we should always be able to say form:has(:origin) .descendant, even if the origin turns out to be the form itself
[up-on-accepted-reload], { onAcceptedReload }
[up-on-accepted-validate], { onAcceptedValidate } (aber hier brauche ich immer einen param)
Consider removing all tagnames from public selectors
- We already had to remove tag names of multiple-use attrs like [up-watch]
- current
- a[up-follow]
- a[up-instant]
- a[up-preload]
- form[up-submit]
- a[up-accept]
- a[up-dismiss]
- a[up-layer=new]
- a[up-transition] __
- form[up-transition] /
- a[up-alias]
- a.up-current
- a[up-emit]
- a[up-back]
- deprecated
- a[up-close]
- a[up-drawer]
- a[up-modal]
- a[up-popup]
Can layer objects nullify their { element, tether } once closed? => This may cause async JS to throw, if that JS wants to go through the layer shortly after closing => How about we do this 10 seconds after { onFinished } or so?
It may be nice if guardEvents see the change's getPreflightProps().fragments
- Either lazy with Object.definePropery() or, if we find that we're going to call getPreflightProps() anyway, just call it.
- Can we memoize getPreflightProps() in FromURL ?
up.validate() always submits to the first submit button => Is this a bug or a feature that we use the same behavior as submit would?
When a layer reaches a close condition, should we still render [up-hungry][up-if-layer=any] elements in another layer?
- Would be practical for flashes
- Would be weird for API. Render events flying afterwards, we cannot communicate a RenderResult.
When opening a new layer, we should update [up-hungry][up-if-layer=any] elements => This is not trivial as OpenLayer cannot work with multiple steps yet => Maybe we can do a "secret UpdateLayer pass" once the layer has opened.
- We would need to merge RenderResult objects
Custom attributes are not copied into [up-expand]
- up.link.config.expandableAttributes ?
- can also include regexp
- maybe reuse matcher logic for badTargetClasses
- what if you need to copy an individual class, not an attribute?
- up:link:expanded event for custom handling?
- can also include regexp
- up.link.config.expandableAttributes ?
up.link.config.expandableAttribute (attribute, element)
- The element will always be a link
Support custom expire times via Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate
- Print a warning when we're discarding any other Cache-Control header format
Test and document [up-href]
Polling should automatically restart when the tab is re-focused
A validating fragment should get a .up-validating class
- Group under up.feedback
- Maybe we can have a private API
- { feedbackLoadingClass: 'up-validating', feedbackActiveClass: false } ?
- { feedback: { loading: 'up-validating', active: false } } ?
- With history we have separate options { title, location }
Consider renaming up.fragment.config.navigateOptions to just up.fragment.config.navigate
- There is precedence in up.layer.config.overlay
Firefox: Focus loss after disable is not always detectable synchronously
- Force Repaint does not help
- setTimeout() helps (wait for next render?)
- We fixed this in up.form.disableWhile(), but it may still be broken for up.fragment.config.autoFocus options suffixed with "-if-lost"
Consider whether validation requests should be background requests by default
- We should also have [up-watch-background]
Why does [up-validate=form] target the first form for some users?
Should we offer a { placement: 'merge' } to merge children?
- By selector?
- How would that relate to recursive merging?
- We don't need it for flashes, [up-on-keep] suffices here
- [up-on-keep] can already support merging, morphing, etc.
- However it's impractical to use it for regular fragment updates, you'd want .target:merge or something.
- [up-on-keep] can already support merging, morphing, etc.
Example for a custom overlay
- Example in up:link:follow
- unpoly/unpoly#473 (reply in thread)
Activating custom JavaScript
- (Currently sitting in up.compiler())
Rendering from strings
- { document }
- { fragment }
- { content }
- (Currently sitting in a[up-preload])
- On Hover
- Programmatically
- Example: Preload next/prev
- (Currently sitting in [up-poll])
Options and defaults
- Everything is opt-in
- Navigation enables a set of new defaults
- Navigation options are the only opinioniated defaults that are opt-out
- config options
- auto-options
- Most options in up.render() can also be set via an attribute
- JavaScript options override HTML attributes
- If we cannot serialize an option into an attribute, you can use
in up:link:follow, up:form:sumit
- Explain that you can often override renderOptions in event handlers
- This is already explained in /render-hooks
Background requests
- Background requests deprioritized over foreground requests.
- Background requests also won't emit up:network:late events and won't trigger the progress bar.
- Background requests are promoted to the foreground if they are a cache hit for a new, non-background request
Allow late registrations of compilers and macros without priority => OK for compilers, but what about macros? They have an intrinsic priority (before all compilers)
Consider whether up.validate() promises should wait until no more solutions are pending => We would need to merge RenderResult#target in some meaningful way
Rename "finished" to "concluded"
Should up:click set up.layer.current ?
- It would be more convenient, but it's only relevant for popups or backdrop-less modals. This is rare.
New onTransitioned() callback to take some load off from onFinished()
Move scroll positions into state
- This gets rid of the other up.Cache usage
- This may mean we need to lose up.viewport.restoreScroll() and { scroll: 'restore' } and { saveScroll: true }
- Losing { scroll: 'restore' } is super sad :( => Maybe revisit when the Navigation API is supported
Improve polling in the background
- It would be great to not have a timeout running while we're in the background or offline
- It would be great to not wait up to 10 seconds when we're re-focused or regain connectivity
- Are timeouts really paused or do they just not fire until re-focus?
- Mobile Chrome seems to reload old tabs automatically, test this!
Elemente mit [up-hungry][up-layer=any] müssten wir eigentlich auch austauschen, wenn wir einen neuen Layer öffnen
- OpenLayer kann aber gar nicht mit mehreren Steps umgehen
can badResponseTime be a function that takes a request? => Yes, but not trivially
Consider using
Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate=<seconds>
to indicate how long we can use a response- But it could be paired like this: Cache-Control: max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=59
- But then again we ignore Cache-Control for all other purposes
- E.g. Cache-Control: no-store
- E.g. Cache-Control: max-age
- How would Cache-Control: no-cache (equivalent of max-age=0 must-revalidate) work in connection with up.fragment.config.autoRevalidate ?
- Maybe do a bigger workover of Cache-Control?
Do follow links with [target=_self]
up:click forking could print a warning when an a[href] is instant, but not followable
Is it weird that up.layer.affix appends to the first swappable element instead of the contentElement?
- It's actually more like "appendableElement"
- Maybe offer up.Layer#append
Consider exposing up.layer.contentElement
Do we want a shortcut macro for this:
- It's weird for users who don't target the input. They may expect to just override the event.
- We would need to make keepable selectors configurable to include this one
We could support this with more pseudo-class selectors like :form-group and :submit-button
- :submit-button is hard to build origin-aware => It could just be a substitution with :is() / :-moz-any() & :-webkit-any()
- :form-group is also supper hard to support in a selector like ".foo, :form-group, :bar" due to the way we hacked :has()
- :has() is still behind a flag in Chrome and no Firefox support
Introduce boundaries or "softly isolated zones"
- The idea started with: Should fragment lookups with an { origin } within a form prefer to look within the form?
- Also related to unpoly/unpoly#197 , which would no longer work now that a form submission's orgin is the submit button instead of the form element
- E.g.
- Lookups within prefer to match within the boundary
- It's a new fallback target
- Also for errors
- up.fragment.config.boundaryTargets = ['[up-boundary]', 'form', ':main']
- Is this also controlled by { fallback }?
- Maybe identification using [up-boundary=123]
- But don't enforce this, it's not a great auto-target
- Should this rather be [up-zone]?
- If we ever make fully isolated containers we would call them frames
- We could also offer :zone as a selector
- Would we still offer { target: '.container .child' }?
- Would we offer { target: ':zone .foo' }, since it's really the same as { target: '.foo' } ?
- Is this a repetition of "fragment needs to know whether it is used as component or main target"?
- We would need to fix infinite looping in expandTargets()
- It would be nice to disable history in a zone
- but then it's not usable as a main target
- Disable history in a container?
- It's weird to nest multiple containerish elements
- => This is really already solved through { history: 'auto' }, which only updates history if updating :main
- The idea started with: Should fragment lookups with an { origin } within a form prefer to look within the form?
Rendering: allow { scrollBehavior: 'smooth' } when we're not morphing
- Could we even allow this when morphing?
New up.render() options to clone from a template
- { documentTemplate }, { fragmentTemplate }, { contentTemplate }
- Separate doc page "Rendering from local content"
- Fail when template cannot be found
- But what if I really need to re-use an existing element that is then placed back into the body, like in WB?
Consider implementing an abortable up:navigate event
- This would be the first feature that goes beyond "navigation is just a preset"
- People might expect history changes to trigger this
- Maybe think about this more
Replace up.hello() and up.script.clean() with MutationObserver()
Do we want to serialize all actions in a form?
- up-sequence="form"
- This would need to abortable on submit => Would be handled by existing { solo: 'target' } IF there is a request
- This would need to abortable on form destroy => Would be handled by existing { solo: 'target' } IF there is a request
- => This would need to be handled by up.Queue, or else there would be nothing to abort
- => It is not sufficient to have up.form.sequence(..., callback)
- => We would need to do something like { sequence: ElementOfSubtree }
- => Before picking a new request, make sure no existing request exists
- What about our old idea: { order: 'abort target', order: 'abort form', order: 'after form', order: 'after selector' } => How to say "after ElementObject" ?
- Who would fetch the element that is 'form' or 'selector'? => up.Change.UpdateLayer#getPreflightProps(), which already loads targetElements()
- What would we do if both was given, e.g. { solo: true, sequence: 'form' }
- Do we forbid the combination?
- Do we first abort, then do a squence?
- Do we first wait, then abort? => I think this, but this also means our { solo } handling is in the wrong place. It must move to the queue.
- Does { sequence: 'form' } also queue local content, like { solo } ?
- We could do something like up.LocalRequest, but then local updates would no longer be sync!
- We could not support { sequence } for local updates => YES
- What about cached content with { sequence }?
- We could do queue.asapLocal() which immediately executes unless there is { sequence }
- How does queue resolve a sequence?
- Before dispatching a request with { sequence }
- Check if we have current requests with { sequence }
- If any of the other requests's sequence contains our or if any other sequence is contained by ours, don't dispatch
Guard Events for Rendering could have a Promise for "done"
- Is this better than setting event.renderOptions.onFinished()?
- Yes, because onFinished may not fire for fatals or prevented up:fragment:loaded
- How would this work together with future up.RenderRequest?
- How would this work together with "local changes are sync"?
- Is this better than setting event.renderOptions.onFinished()?
Consolidate [up-validate], [up-switch] and [up-watch] into a tree of form dependencies
- This way we can selectively disable parts of the form
Functionality that checks for isDetached() should probably also check for .up-destroying
{ focus: 'keep' }
so it focuses the former form group if we lose focus- This may be easier said than done
- we would need to remember the original form group before the swap in the FocusCapsule
- re-discover the form group in the new HTML
- check that the form group is a closer match than target-if-lost
- come up for a better name for the option (target-if-lost)
- This may be easier said than done
New event up:request:solo ?
Consider delaying appending of new layer elements until we have constructed all children unpoly/unpoly#314
Publish { onQueued }
- We're currently only using onQueued to get the request of a rander job, so we can abort it
- This may be removed!
- More canonic would be if RenderJob had an abort() method
- We're currently only using onQueued to get the request of a rander job, so we can abort it
Wir aborten bereits laufende [up-validate] wenn das Formular submitted, wird, aber laufende Watcher-Delays warten können danach noch Dinge tun
- Wie wäre "submit stoppt das delay"? Evtl. Warnung ausbauen: "Will not watch fields without [name]"
[up-emit] auf Buttons erlauben
Beim Schließen des Modals prevented jemand up:layer:dismiss, und dann steht "Abort Error: Close event was prevented" in der Konsole.
- Wollen wir das schlucken?
- Zumindest bei ui-elementen wie [up-dismiss] ?
DestructorPass sammelt zwar Exceptions, aber wirft am Ende. Wer fängt das dann? Der Wunsch wäre, dass das drumrumliegende up.destroy() noch zu Ende läuft, dann aber up.CompilerError wirft.
ConstructorPass sammelt zwar Exceptions, aber wirft am Ende. Wer fängt das dann? Der Wunsch wäre, dass das drumrumliegende up.render() oder up.hello() noch zu Ende läuft, dann aber mit up.CompilerError rejected.
Update "Long Story" Slides with new API
Doc page about "Fragments from local HTML"
- link from [up-document], [up-fragment], [up-content], { document, fragment, content }.
Warn when registering compiler in [up-] namespace
Consider documenting errors
- But what would be the @parent ?
- up.CannotCompile
- up.CannotMatch
- up.Offline
- up.AbortError
- has { name: 'AbortError' }
Should the old "clear" be "expire" or "evict"? => We really want to push our new defaults for both => I think it should be "expire". Most users set a lower expire time.
remove up.util.flatMap() => No, we need it to flatMap array-like objects (e.g. arguments)
- Do we want to move to saveState() / restoreState()?
- I think we want to keep the [up-focus] and [up-scroll] options separate.
- E.g. we want to focus the main element, but reset scroll.
- This could also be fixed by revealSnap ?
- These are eerily similar:
- https://unpoly.com/scrolling
- https://unpoly.com/focus
- The -if-lost suffix can only pertain to focus
- What would be the name for such an attribute?
- [up-spotlight]
- [up-viewport] (classes with [up-viewport]
- [up-highlight]
- [up-locus]
- [up-present]
- [up-light]
- [up-shine]
- [up-state] (seltsam: up-state=".element")
- [up-point]
- [up-pinpoint]
- [up-attention]
- [up-focus] also scrolls?
- [up-show]
- [up-view] => I think power users want to control this separately => Also we need to call it at different times => Also the auto options work differently, e.g. if there is an [autoscroll] element in the new fragment => We might offer a shortcut like [up-view] and [up-save-view] as a shortcut to set both at once
- I think we want to keep the [up-focus] and [up-scroll] options separate.
- Do we want to move to saveState() / restoreState()?
Replace up.rails by accepting methods / conform from data attributes in options parser => This wouldn't work in scenarios where both Rails UJS and Unpoly were active
No longer send X-Up-Location with every response => No we should keep sending it, as this excludes redirect-forwarded up-params
Consider reverting: up:request:late: Consider the time a promoted request was loading in the background => For this we would need to track when a request was promoted to the foreground
Do we trigger onFinished when preloading? => No, users can use the promise or onLoaded()
Reconsider how many lifecycle callbacks we want to parse from links
- Benchmark up.link.followOptions()
- console.time('parse'); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { up.link.followOptions(link) }; console.timeEnd('parse')
- VM481:1 parse: 1091.6689453125 ms => It takes 0.1 ms => This is not a performance issue
- Benchmark up.link.followOptions()
Find a scenario where it's better to read the etag from [etag] instead of response.etag
- This should not matter for revalidation after a swap
- When reloading an arbitrary fragment, an earlier response may not be available
Test if browsers honor cache keys for XHR requests
- Yes, it honors Cache-Control: max-age=...
- We can override it for fetch()
With our long cache eviction background tabs could hog a lot of memory => No, since we also limit the number of cache entries to the cache never exceeds some MB
up.link.cacheState(link) to people can build .offline classes themselves => Users can already use up.cache.get => We could clean up Request#state and publish this for more goodness
- Return any known up.Respone for the given link
- It already has useful properties { evictAge }, { expireAge }?
- We may eventually offer up.Response#revalidate()
- Return null while the request is in flight => Or do we want an up.CacheState that also returns here?
- It will be hard to do implement this without actually calling up.link.follow() and up.render(), since e.g. the target choice is hard and part of the cache key
- Make this an early return in up.Change.FromURL, like with options.preload
- Return any known up.Respone for the given link
Test if we can preserve element.upPolling (or at least the { forceState }) through up.reload({ data }) => It's hard since there's the case that the server no longer responds with [up-poll], but we want to keep polling when forceStarted
Should we delete options.data if a fallback is loaded?
- This would also be true for other options, like a selector in focus/scroll
- We would sometimes need to guess, e.g. { focus: ':main' } may also be a good default for a fallback => I think this is not a real case since we're not going to use { data } together with { fallback }
Consider moving [up-etag], [up-time] and related functions to up.protocol => While there's some merit to that, we would need to rename up.fragment.etag() to up.protocol.fragmentETag() etc. => What's with up.fragment.source()?
[up-hungry][up-placement] => This only makes sence when we have some form of deduping
What do we log when no replacement target is available? => up.render() throws an error
Reconsider why we don't call onRendered() for empty updates
- Pro: Call it for every pass
- We do still update scroll and focus, even for empty responses
- Maybe even location?
- We will update more in the future with head merging
- There is no other hook for "after $things changed"
- But nothing changed after an empty render? At least not in the DOM.
- We can simplify docs for onRender and up-on-render
- We do still update scroll and focus, even for empty responses
- Con: Keep it like now
- If we render without fallback we still need to check if up.RenderResult#fragment is defined
- It will be super rare that the first render pass does not return anything.
- However, we would always get empty onRendered calls for revalidation => Keep it, but improve docs
- Pro: Call it for every pass
Maybe ship empty unpoly.es5.js und unpoly.es5.min.js that just say to use ES6 => Not worth the hassle
Does it make sense to have onKeep in render options? => I find it confusing to have both { onKeep } and { useKeep } in the same functions => Maybe we can find a way to merge it with { useKeep }
Consider up.layer.config.isolateLabels => Wait until there is a use case => Users can always just intercept
themselves -
Consider [aria-haspopup] => This would require a compiler automatically setting this for [up-layer=new] links (and all shortcuts) => Don't do this for performance. Delegate to apps.
Should config.autoCache allow to cache error responses? => That's a hard question to answer
Get rid of response.request (which contains references to a layer), response.xhr ? => This is hard because up.cache.expire() expires requests, not responses. Hence up.Response delegates { expired } to its response.
Can we allow await in Callbacks?
- new AsyncFunction()
- This would not work trivially with the postprocessing in up.NonceableCallback
- At least we would need to detect use of
- At least we would need to detect use of
Returning 'auto' for default would be a good way to override configs with exceptions
- request.url.endsWith('/edit') ? false : 'auto'
- Since this already the 'autoMeans' config we cannot return 'auto' here
Replace u.flatten() with Array#flat() => We keep array-related utils because ours work with non-Array lists and iterators
Replace u.flatMap() with Array#flatMap() => We keep array-related utils because ours work with non-Array lists and iterators
Now that compilers have the meta arg it should be possible to give up.RenderResult new { request, response } props => Wait until we have a use case for this
Test synthetic ETag
- I think up.Response#headers is not documented => There's a simpler way to this documented in https://v3.unpoly.com/up:fragment:loaded#example-discarding-a-revalidation-response
When rendering uses elements, do we set [up-time] and [up-etag] on these wrappers?
- We cannot really do better here, since up-wrapper children cannot be reloaded
logic to LayerLookup- Consider having LayerLookup#getAll() throw if results are blank => We have a lot of code / specs that work with closed layers and sometimes normalize the layer through up.layer.get(), and now get undefined. All of this code would fail with this change.
Terminology for notifications
- [up-alerts] (Bootstrap, Tailwind UI, MUI, negative connotation in Material etc.)
- [up-flashes] (Rails, Primer [although they also use Toast])
- [up-notifications] (Bulma, good for both success and failure, long word, may also mean passive notifications)
- [up-messages] (too generic)
- [up-snackbars] (Material, uncommon)
- [up-toasts] (uncommon, also often a "boxy" kind of notification)
- [up-callouts] (Foundation, uncommon)
Do we want to support changing the renderOptions in up:fragment:hungry? In that case { renderOptions } need to be { nonHungryRenderOptions } or something => We can rename the options then. If we do support this we would no longer have { renderOptions }, we would use { targetRenderOptions, hungryRenderOptions }
Instead of ResponseDoc#commitSteps(), could up.radio.hungrySteps() just re-compress steps with uniqBy(steps, 'selector')? => There is an edge case where different selectors could match the same elemnent
Introduce up:history:restore event
- With { renderOptions }
- Note that we used to emit this event in the past, so fix unpoly-migrate
- Preventable for custom history handling => We already have this in up:location:restore
Reduce render callbacks
- Motivation
- It is too hard to do something when the render job settles. There is onRendered, onFinished, onError etc. However there are always cases that are covered by no callback.
- We need to maintain and communicate two styles of callbacks
- Expose { renderJob } on guard events
- New event up:fragment:render / [up-on-render] that gets { renderOptions, renderJob }
- There is no need to offer { onRender }, as the return value of up.render() is already a RenderJob
- Deprecate callbacks
- { onFinished }
- { onRendered }
- Update docs
- https://unpoly.com/render-hooks#preventing-a-render-pass
- https://unpoly.com/render-hooks#changing-options-before-rendering => No, don't do that.
- While we can return a RenderJob, it's inner promise is not yet set to a RenderResult
- We also have { onFinished } in other places, e.g. in dismiss() and accept(). There is no CloseJob or similiar there.
- Motivation
Do we need a way to show a spinner for a while?
- Maybe, but you can already do in CSS: .container:has(.up-active) .spinner { ... }
Do we really need to abort requests in LinkPreloader? => Yes, aborted requests can be seen in the network tab. We also found a shorter way to write it.
Allow the [wants-menu] compiler to be implemented without JS
- We would need something like [up-defer][up-unless-already-there]
- Or even a follow option?
- Should we just check, or "only revalidate"?
- Or should it be the default behavior? => This is really hard to do right
- We would need something like [up-defer][up-unless-already-there]
Do we dare to restore history using up.render() instead of up.navigate()? => We override as much as want to re-use
Do we want [up-skeleton=] ?
- We would need to decide what to do within overlays
- Show skeleton within overlay?
- Animation
- Different skeleton => Later
- We would need to decide what to do within overlays
Consider renaming [up-feedback] to something else
- Maybe always have classes?
- This would mirror the exception of background, which is also false by default => Delay this until we need the setting for something else
- Maybe always have classes?
Consider offering a { renderLayer } prop to guard events
- This would make it easier to e.g. auto-add a preview for new layers in up:link:follow
- Do we need to give a better name to { layer } so people understand it is not the origin layer?
- There is { targetLayer }, but that could be confused with event.target (which happens to be the origin layer!)
- { changeLayer }
- { updateLayer }
- { targetedLayer }
- { planLayer }
- { insertLayer }
- { renderLayer }
- Update docs for guardEvents
- up:link:follow [yes]
- up:form:submit [yes]
- up:link:preload [yes]
- up:deferred:load [makes no sense]
- up:form:validate [makes no sense]
- up:fragment:poll [makes no sense] => No, this becomes very complicated very fast
Consider whether { skeleton } is flexible enough for public API
- We cannot show skeletons with multiple fragments => But we're fine with that limitation for [up-transition]
- We cannot control the parent => But we're fine with that limitation for [up-transition]
- [NO!] Maybe we could offer a callback form, e.g.
- We already support this for JS functions
- To also support named previews we would need to look for "preview." in the string => All Preview methods would need to support selectors, which means we would need to think about layers
Deprecate flatten() in favor of Array#flat(), flatMap() in favor of Array#flatMap()
- No, we use this a lot of non-array values, in particular NodeLists
Do we want to keep { feedback }, [up-feedback] as an option, or applied it always?
- It's already a navigation default
- For programmatic up.render() calls, it's already activated by passing { origin } => We can decide this later
Do we want Preview#affix?
- Check if it helps with the demo => Not for now. I'm myself moving away from affix.
Previews should know about placement?
- Unsure. Later.
Rename "preview" to "teaser"?
- => It's too confusing with { placeholder }
Test that re-attaching an helloing an destroyed element can be compiled again
- This is not trivial because destructors would need to clean up Element#upAppliedCompilers
Move config.progressBar to up.status ?
- Is it weird that up:network:late and up:network:recover events are still in the up.network package?
- We also keep [up-disable] under up.form => Keep it there
What if there is user input in the reverted preview?
- E.g. we want to show the "Edit task" input instantly, but keep input as we revert with the real thing => Preview fns could manipulate event.renderOptions => If we already have a template, we could just render a template with [up-fragment] and not make a request
Think whether we want to support JSON => HTML preprocessing
Always run callbacks with
so users can usestrict-dynamic
=> This would work, but we would violate the spirit of a CSP, even with strict-dynamic => This would execute an attacker's [up-on] callback => Don't do this! -
Also have a up:field:switch (up:form:switch?) event
- preventable? maybe
- example: [readonly]
- Expose the dependent container as { target }
- expose { values } array, or just { field } => No, we need to selector to detect new fields
Make validations not expire the cache
- This may be hard to do when we batch multiple POST requests and one of them validates