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Launching Alpine 3.21 on Loongarch 99 pi
novel 是一套基于时下最新 Java 技术栈 Spring Boot 3 + Vue 3 开发的前后端分离学习型小说项目,配备保姆级教程手把手教你从零开始开发上线一套生产级别的 Java 系统,由小说门户系统、作家后台管理系统、平台后台管理系统等多个子系统构成。包括小说推荐、作品检索、小说排行榜、小说阅读、小说评论、会员中心、作家专区、充值订阅、新闻发布等功能。
novel-cloud 是基于 novel 构建的 Spring Cloud 微服务技术栈学习型小说项目。选用了 Spring Boot 3 、Spring Cloud 2022、Spring Cloud Alibaba 2022、MyBatis-Plus、ShardingSphere-JDBC、Redis、RabbitMQ、Elasticsearch 、XXL-JOB 等流行技术。
shadowsocks / go-shadowsocks2
Forked from riobard/go-shadowsocks2Modern Shadowsocks in Go
Experimental Shadowsocks in Go. Stable fork at
新版 进价设置,集成酷猫主题 原高级设置升级版本,可以编译保存系统、网络、防火墙、DHCP、家长控制、网络唤醒、端口转发、DDNS-GO、SMARTDNS、BYPASS、OPENCLASH、NGINX、DNSMASQ、DDNS等10多个常用功能的配置文件。 进阶设置-高级设置中 可以设置 后台SSH菜单、设置向导、QOS自动优化等功能 开启与否等 KUCAT主题设置,可以设置 KUCAT主题…
Base on lede, merge with openwrt. btw, dont fork it, pls gib meme star.
Trigger deployment or repository_dispatch event for Github Actions
Unified library to controll different games installations. Provides basic instruments for adding support for mechanics like game updating
Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android
An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.
A semi-active fork of kabouzeid/Phonograph -- a revived classic material designed music player for Android
A modern offline music player with familiar designs for Android 11+.
Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64, RV64 and LoongArch Linux devices
A minimal Linux that runs as a coreboot or LinuxBoot ROM payload to provide a secure, flexible boot environment for laptops, workstations and servers.
The only tool/technique to punch holes through firewalls/NATs where multiple clients & server can be behind separate NATs without any 3rd party involvement. Pwnat is a newly developed technique, ex…
Simple .INI file parser in C, good for embedded systems
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