yosh / hiredis-py
Forked from redis/hiredis-pyPython extension that wraps hiredis
yosh / statsd
Forked from endenizen/statsdSimple daemon for easy stats aggregation
endenizen / statsd
Forked from statsd/statsdSimple daemon for easy stats aggregation
yosh / hiredis
Forked from redis/hiredisMinimalistic C client for Redis >= 1.2
yosh / nova
Forked from anotherjesse/novamy git-bzr-ng version of nova
yosh / ketama
Forked from abs/ketamaC library for consistent hashing, and langauge bindings
abs / ketama
Forked from RJ/ketamaC library for consistent hashing, and language bindings
yosh / erldis
Forked from japerk/erldisredis erlang client library (imported from bitbucket)
japerk / erldis
Forked from cstar/erldisredis erlang client library, go to for latest version and active development
yosh / python-erlastic
Forked from samuel/python-erlasticErlang binary term codec and port interface. Modeled after Erlectricity.
yosh / s2
Forked from anotherjesse/s2simplistic s3 - a project to learn erlang by building a s3 server
simplistic s3 - a project to learn erlang by building a s3 server
Erlang binary term codec and port interface. Modeled after Erlectricity.
yosh / bookburro
Forked from anotherjesse/bookburroBook Burro for Firefox
Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs,…
yosh / searchy
Forked from anotherjesse/searchya simple search box for firefox
yo dawg I heard you like search so I put search in your browser so you can search while you browse
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