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May 13, 2019
May 13, 2019
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May 8, 2018

Highway Networks

Implementation of highway networks in Tensorflow, highway networks is a method to construct networks with very deep (hundreds+) layers. Although it performs well in practice, its principle is quite east to understand.

In this repository, most codes are inspired and borrowed from lucko515/fully-connected-highway-network and fomorians/highway-cnn (some modifications and restructured).

highway_recurrent folder contains the codes copied from julian121266/RecurrentHighwayNetworks (only tensorflow implementation part, full part (theano, torch version) please go through the original repository). It is an implementation of Recurrent Highway Network (TODO)

The MNIST dataset is used as training and testing data. Examples are showing in codes. More knowledge and codes about highway networks are put in reference.


Full Connected Feed-forward Highway Networks: In this example, a 18 layers full connected highway neural networks are built to train and classify MNIST dataset. Training Information is shown below:

Extracting ../data/MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting ../data/MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Extracting ../data/MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting ../data/MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Epoch: 1/40   |  Current loss: 19.298761   |  Epoch time:  8.33s
Test accuracy 0.9553
Epoch: 2/40   |  Current loss:  8.394491   |  Epoch time:  8.32s
Test accuracy 0.9646
Epoch: 3/40   |  Current loss:  6.591007   |  Epoch time:  8.35s
Test accuracy 0.9651
Epoch: 4/40   |  Current loss:  5.484001   |  Epoch time:  8.31s
Test accuracy 0.9681
Epoch: 37/40   |  Current loss:  0.032462   |  Epoch time:  7.59s
Test accuracy 0.9752
Epoch: 38/40   |  Current loss:  0.030767   |  Epoch time:  7.59s
Test accuracy 0.9747
Epoch: 39/40   |  Current loss:  0.028955   |  Epoch time:  7.59s
Test accuracy 0.9745
Epoch: 40/40   |  Current loss:  0.028626   |  Epoch time:  7.67s
Test accuracy 0.9749
Test Accuracy:  0.9749
Validation Accuracy:  0.9722

Convolutional Highway Networks: In this example, same, a 18 layers convolutional highway neural networks (with dropout and max-pooling layer, and input layer is traditional conv2d layer, output layer is a dense layer) are built to train and classify MNIST dataset. Training information is shown below: Training Information:

step 100, validating accuracy 0.388
step 200, validating accuracy 0.3196
step 300, validating accuracy 0.4354
step 400, validating accuracy 0.8146
step 500, validating accuracy 0.8526

step 3900, validating accuracy 0.9808
step 4000, validating accuracy 0.9724
step 4100, validating accuracy 0.9724
step 4200, validating accuracy 0.9772
Test accuracy 0.9592
