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GameTuner Terraform GCP


Project Overview

GameTuner Terraform GCP is a set of terraform environments and modules to create and manage GCP resources for GameTuner project.

Below is the architecture of GameTuner solution:





In order to use this project, you need to have a GCP account.

Create GCP organisation and billing account

  • First create organisation and billing account on GCP. More info you can find here.
  • In IAM section of the organisation, for user that will run terraform commands, add roles Folder Admin, Project Mover and Project Creator.
  • Create a new project and enable billing for it. You will use this project for creating resources for GameTuner. For exampe, name it YOUR_COMPANY_NAME-terraform. You will use this project for terraform state and lock objects.
  • In created project create bucket storage. Name it like YOUR_COMPANY_NAME-terraform-state. This bucket will be used for storing terraform state and lock objects.

Configure gcloud CLI

  • Run gcloud init and follow the instructions to authenticate and configure the gcloud CLI.
  • Run gcloud config set project YOUR_COMPANY_NAME-terraform to set the project you created for terraform state and lock objects.
  • Run gcloud auth application-default login to authenticate with application default credentials.

Create project for GameTuner resources

Module infra-projects creates projects and enables GCP services. It is meant to be run first as those services are enabled asynchronously and may cause other resources to fail.

  • in setup terraform.backend.bucket to the name of the bucket you created for terraform state and lock objects.
  • in uncomment module infra-production and setup next variables:
    • billing_account - id of the billing account you created
    • org_id - id of the organisation you created. You can find it in GCP console in IAM section of the organisation, read here how to find it.
    • project_id - id of the project that will be created for GameTuner resources. It should be unique in GCP. For example YOUR_COMPANY_NAME-infra-production.
    • project_name - name of the project that will be created for GameTuner resources. For example YOUR_COMPANY_NAME Production.

Once you have set up the project, go to infra-projects folder and run terraform init. After initialization run terraform apply in infra-projects folder. It will ask you to confirm the changes. After confirmation it will create a new project and enable GCP services.

Deploy GameTuner resources

After you have created project for GameTuner resources, you can deploy GameTuner resources. You can deploy all resources at once or you can deploy them one by one.

Follow next steps to deploy all resources at once:

  • Copy folder gametuner-intra-template into the root of the project and rename it, for example to YOUR_COMPANY_NAME-infra-production.
  • in setup terraform.backend.bucket to the name of the bucket you created for terraform state and lock objects.
  • In file of the copied folder, insite locals block, setup next variables:
    • project (required) - id of the project that you created for GameTuner resources.
    • project_name (required) - name of the project that you created for GameTuner resources.
    • region (required) - region where you want to create resources. For example europe-west1.
    • distribution_zones (required) - list of distribution zones where you want to create resources. For example ["europe-west1-b", "europe-west1-c", "europe-west1-d"].
    • bq_datasets_location (required) - location where you want to create BigQuery datasets. For example EU.
    • billing_account (required) - id of the billing account you created
    • github_token_secret_id (required) - you need to setup GitHub token, that will be used for cloning all repositories and make them accessable for Cloud Build. You can create a new token in GitHub and use it here. Read more about how to create a token here. Change the name of the secret that you will create in Secret Manager, for example github-token.
    • github_token_secret_value (required) - value of the token that you created in GitHub.
    • alerting_notification_channels (optional) - list of notification channels that will be used for alerting. For example ["projects/YOUR_COMPANY_NAME-infra-production/notificationChannels/1234567890"]. You can create notification channels in GCP console in Monitoring section. Read more about how to create notification channels here. To list all available channels run command gcloud beta monitoring channels list. You can leave it empty if you don't want to setup alerting.
    • custom_collector_domain (optional) - domain that will be used for collector. For example If you use custom domain, you need to setup DNS records for it. After terraform apply, you will get IP address of collector application that you need to use for A record. If you don't want to use custom domain, you can leave it empty and it will use default domain over http protocol.
    • etl_currency_api_key (optional) - API key that will be used for currency conversion in ETL service. You can get it from here. If you don't want to use currency conversion, you can leave it empty.
    • etl_slack_webhook_url (optional) - Slack webhook url that will be used for sending messages from ETL service. You can create a new webhook in Slack and use it here. If you don't want to use Slack, you can leave it empty. More about how to create a webhook in Slack you can find here.
    • maxmind_licence_key (optional) - licence key that will be used for MaxMind service. You can get it from MaxMind. If you don't want to use MaxMind, you can leave it empty. Default GeoIP database will be used that is deployed with the application.
    • openexchangerates_licence_key (optional) - licence key that will be used for OpenExchangeRates service. You can get it from OpenExchangeRates. In GameTuner Enricher project we implemented currency enricment that uses api from If you don't want to use this enricment, you can leave it empty.
    • cloud_build_slack_webhook_url (optional) - Slack webhook url that will be used for sending messages from Cloud Build. You can leave it empty if you don't want to use Slack webhook.
    • client_projects (optional) - list of client projects that will be created for creating resources for clients. By default it will be created one client project.

Note: If you fork projects of all GameTuner components, you will need to change repository_url in file of each component to your repository url. By default repository urls are set to public repositories of GameTuner components.

Once you have set up the project, go to the folder and run next commands

gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
gcloud auth application-default login
terraform init
terraform apply

It will ask you to confirm the changes. After confirmation it will create all resources for GameTuner.


The GameTuner Terraform GCP is copyright 2022-2024 AlgebraAI.

GameTuner Terraform GCP is released under the Apache 2.0 License.