This will setup 2 Minecraft servers with a Velocity
proxy and Geyser-Velocity
and floodgate-velocity
plugin in front of it. In the end, you will be able to play with all Minecraft versions. This includes Minecraft java edition and Minecraft bedrock edition.
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- traefik as a reverse proxy in front of it
Change the domain in the .env
mkdir minecraft/data/filebrowser
touch minecraft/data/filebrowser/filebrowser.db
docker-compose up -d
sleep 100
docker-compose down
sudo chown 1000:1000 minecraft/data -R
cd minecraft/data/minecraft/proxy/plugins/
cd ../../../../../
nano minecraft/data/minecraft/proxy/velocity.toml
# Should we authenticate players with Mojang? By default, this is on.
online-mode = true
# Should the proxy enforce the new public key security standard? By default, this is on.
force-key-authentication = true
# Configure your servers here. Each key represents the server's name, and the value
# represents the IP address of the server to connect to.
lobby = ""
factions = ""
minigames = ""
# In what order we should try servers when a player logs in or is kicked from a server.
try = [
# Should we authenticate players with Mojang? By default, this is on.
online-mode = false
# Should the proxy enforce the new public key security standard? By default, this is on.
force-key-authentication = false
# Configure your servers here. Each key represents the server's name, and the value
# represents the IP address of the server to connect to.
lobby = "mc1:25565"
factions = "mc1:25565"
minigames = "mc2:25565"
# In what order we should try servers when a player logs in or is kicked from a server.
try = [
and minecraft/data/minecraft/mc2/
nano minecraft/data/minecraft/mc1/
nano minecraft/data/minecraft/mc2/
nano minecraft/data/minecraft/proxy/plugins/Geyser-Velocity/config.yml
# The IP address of the remote (Java Edition) server
# If it is "auto", for standalone version the remote address will be set to,
# for plugin versions, it is recommended to keep this as "auto" so Geyser will automatically configure address, port, and auth-type.
# Leave as "auto" if floodgate is installed.
address: auto
# The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
# For plugin versions, if address has been set to "auto", the port will also follow the server's listening port.
port: 25565
# Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate (see
# For plugin versions, it's recommended to keep the `address` field to "auto" so Floodgate support is automatically configured.
# If Floodgate is installed and `address:` is set to "auto", then "auth-type: floodgate" will automatically be used.
auth-type: online
# The IP address of the remote (Java Edition) server
# If it is "auto", for standalone version the remote address will be set to,
# for plugin versions, it is recommended to keep this as "auto" so Geyser will automatically configure address, port, and auth-type.
# Leave as "auto" if floodgate is installed.
address: mc
# The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
# For plugin versions, if address has been set to "auto", the port will also follow the server's listening port.
port: 25565
# Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate (see
# For plugin versions, it's recommended to keep the `address` field to "auto" so Floodgate support is automatically configured.
# If Floodgate is installed and `address:` is set to "auto", then "auth-type: floodgate" will automatically be used.
auth-type: floodgate
$ cd minecraft
$ docker-compose up -d
or use the shell script in the root directory of this repo
./ -S minecraft -r
Done. Now open and have fun playing on your minecraft server