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Pterodactyl Game Server Management

Pterodactyl is a robust game server management system that simplifies running game servers. This README provides instructions on setting up and managing servers using Docker.


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Initial Setup

.env file

Change the .env file to your needs.


Start pterodactyl

$ cd pterodactyl
$ docker-compose up -d

or use the script in the root directory of this repo

./ -S proxy -r
./ -S pterodactyl -r

1. Creating a User

To start, create a user for the Pterodactyl panel. Run the following commands in your terminal:

USER@server:/home/Docker-Collection/pterodactyl$ docker-compose run --rm pterodactyl-panel php artisan p:user:mak
Creating pterodactyl_pterodactyl-panel_run ... done
ln: /var/log/panel/logs: File exists
external vars exist.
Checking if https is required.
Using nginx config already in place.
No letsencrypt email is set
Checking database status.
pterodactyl-database ( open
Migrating and Seeding D.B

   INFO  Nothing to migrate.  

   INFO  Seeding database.  

  Database\Seeders\NestSeeder .............................................................................................................. RUNNING  
  Database\Seeders\NestSeeder ......................................................................................................... 9.22 ms DONE  

  Database\Seeders\EggSeeder ............................................................................................................... RUNNING  
*     Updating Eggs for Nest: Minecraft     *

Updated Paper
Updated Bungeecord
Updated Forge Minecraft
Updated Sponge (SpongeVanilla)
Updated Vanilla Minecraft

*     Updating Eggs for Nest: Source Engine     *

Updated Insurgency
Updated Team Fortress 2
Updated Garrys Mod
Updated Ark: Survival Evolved
Updated Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Updated Custom Source Engine Game

*     Updating Eggs for Nest: Voice Servers     *

Updated Mumble Server
Updated Teamspeak3 Server

*     Updating Eggs for Nest: Rust     *

Updated Rust

  Database\Seeders\EggSeeder ........................................................................................................ 829.16 ms DONE  

Starting cron jobs.
Starting supervisord.

 Is this user an administrator? (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

 Email Address:


 First Name:

 Last Name:

Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one capital letter and number.
If you would like to create an account with a random password emailed to the user, re-run this command (CTRL+C) and pass the `--no-password` flag.


| Field    | Value                                |
| UUID     | 5ef005ec-c5c8-4402-a608-0cccd2dca121 |
| Email    |                     |
| Username | USER                                 |
| Name     | USER NAME                            |
| Admin    | Yes                                  |

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the user creation process, ensuring you have administrative privileges.

2. Access the Admin Panel

Now, navigate to your admin panel at Here you can manage your servers and configurations.

Alt text

3. Configure the Server

Follow these steps for server configuration:

Alt text

Create a Node:

Alt text

Alt text

Assign New Allocations:

Alt text

Alt text

Node Configuration: Copy the Configuration File from Nodes/Configuration.

Alt text

Create a new file in pterodactyl/data/wings/config.yml and paste the Configuration File you just copied:

USER@server:/home/Docker-Collection/pterodactyl$ sudo chown 1000:1000 data/wings -R
[sudo] password for USER: 
USER@server:/home/Docker-Collection/pterodactyl$ nano data/wings/config.yml
debug: false
uuid: 0c39efaa-c9b3-45d9-914a-f3cbdc17d42e
token_id: P0DpA0yO046Xdbdf
token: plCK4IE6RT6vxgQbH4pvMItrbkQk9q2AqrSruOF2JWpB3baZiSQp84JeJDZkylA7
  port: 443
    enabled: false
    cert: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  upload_limit: 100
  data: /var/lib/docker/volumes
    bind_port: 2022
allowed_mounts: []
remote: ''

Now go to and you should see a green hart: Alt text

Creating Your First Game Server

Go to Servers and create a new server: Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

Now go to Servers and click on the spanner of the server you just created: Alt text Alt text

Thats it. Start the Server and connect to it with the IP or the domain with the port 35000. IMPORTEND. Dont use cloudflare tunnel for this. It wont work. Use a normal A record.