I earned my MS in Physics in May 2024 and have acquired nearly five years of experience coding in and out of physics and math contexts. My interests are mostly in data analysis, machine learning, and numerical methods for scientific collaborations. I have also taught high school physics/math and have TAed college physics as well as developed and taught a computational physics workshop for undergraduate research.
- 🔭 I’m in the process of updating JPAstro, my MS Project using Machine Learning to classify cluster galaxies. I defended my masters project on 5/14/24 and have included the presentation and writeup in the repository. I am also working on publishing this work to RNAAS.
- I'm also working to make a board game personality quiz with Shelfside!
- Simulating Circular Standing Waves via Advection CircWaves (with a writeup I'm particularly proud of)
- CERN Particle Physics Detector ROOT 3D Modeling ALICE_FT0-A - I also created the model for the FT0-C as well!
- Simulation of Galaxy Tidal Interactions GalaxySim
- S. Acharya et al, ALICE upgrades during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 , JINST 19 P05062, May 2024
- J. Pruitt, Development of the ALICE FIT FT0-A Detector Frame in ROOT Geometry, DigitalCommons, physsp 202 June 2021
- A. Romanowsky, J. Pruitt; Galaxy Classification in the Perseus Cluster With a Convolutional Neural Network , Rubin Community Workshop 2024
- J. Klay, S. Christiansen, J. Pruitt; Construction of the ALICE FT0-C Support Structure in ROOT Geometry, Cal Poly FROST 2021
- M. Beekman, A. Jarymowycz, J. Pruitt, K. Thomson, A. Tinkess; C71.00050 : An evaluation of methods for measuring thermomagnetic transport properties of bulk and thin film materials, APS March 2020
📫 Feel free to email me at pruitt.jason8164@gmail.com