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Laravel package for Microsoft graph (Microsoft 365). Manage mail, OneDrive, Teams, Excel, Calendars and Contacts with ease


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Laravel Microsoft graph

Use case

Laravel package for using Microsoft mail, OneDrive, Teams, Excel, Calendars and Contacts

This package makes a wrapper around the Microsoft Graph API.

  1. It provides a Mail driver for Microsoft mail.
  2. It provides a storage driver for OneDrive.
  3. It provides functionality to interact with Microsoft Teams.
  4. It provides the possibility to work with Excel, making it possible to write and read Excel files.
  5. It allows you to manage calendar events.
  6. It allows you to manage contacts.
  7. It allows you to read and handle mail.

You need to register an app in the Microsoft Azure Portal to use this package. Follow the steps in the Microsoft docs:


You can install the package via composer:

composer require lloadout/microsoftgraph

Add this to your .env file and fill it with the values you specified in Microsoft Azure Portal app registration.
If you created a multi-tenant app in Azure AD than you don't put your tentant id into the MS_TENANT_ID variable but you set it to common.


Connect your account

The package uses OAuth and provides two routes

The first redirects you to the consent screen of Microsoft

The second is the callback url you need to specify in Microsoft Azure Portal app registration as redirect uri

The callback will fire an MicrosoftGraphCallbackReceived event, you have to listen for this event in your EventServiceProvider and store the accessData to a session variable microsoftgraph-access-data. You can add your token store logic in a listener for this event.

public function boot()
    Event::listen(function (MicrosoftGraphCallbackReceived $event) {
        session()->put('microsoftgraph-access-data', $event->accessData); 

The package will search for a session variable name microsoftgraph-access-data for establishing the connection. So please provide this variable with your accessData as value when logging in. For example: On login, you get your accesData from the database and store it into the session variable microsoftgraph-access-data.

After the callback, the package will redirect you to the url you specified in the MS_REDIRECT_AFTER_CALLBACK_URL variable. If this variable is not set, the package will redirect to the root of your application.

Mail usage


You have to provide this API permissions: Mail.send

Set the environment variable MAIL_MAILER in your .env file


note: make sure your from address is the address you gave the consent to


Mail::send(new YourMailable());

Mail::raw('The body of my first test message', function($message) {
    $message->to('', 'John Doe')->subject('A mail send via lloadout/microsoftgraph');

Reading and handling mail

You have to provide this API permissions: Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite, Mail.ReadBasic

Available methods

    getMailFolders(): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getSubFolders(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMailMessagesFromFolder([folder: string = 'inbox'], [isRead: true = true], [skip: int = 0], [limit: int = 20]): array
    updateMessage(id, data): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    moveMessage(id, destinationId): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMessage(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMessageAttachements(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    $mail = app(Mail::class);

        echo $folder['displayName']."<br />";

    //get all unread messages from inbox
    collect($mail->getMailMessagesFromFolder('inbox', isRead: false))->each(function($message) use ($mail){
        echo $message['subject']."<br />";

Storage usage


You have to provide this API permissions: Files.ReadWrite.all

add the onedrive root to your .env file:


Available methods

All methods from the Laravel Storage facade are available.


The package created a disk called onedrive. This means that you can use all the methods as described in the Laravel docs:

$disk = Storage::disk('onedrive');
#create a dir
$disk->makeDirectory('Test folder');
#storing files
$disk->put('Test folder/file1.txt','Content of file 1');
$disk->put('Test folder/file2.txt','Content of file 2');
#getting files
Storage::disk('onedrive')->get('Test folder/file1.txt');

Teams usage


You have to provide this API permissions: Chat.ReadWrite

Available methods

    getJoinedTeams(): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getChannels(team): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getChats(): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getChat(id): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    getMembersInChat(chat): array|GraphResponse|mixed
    send(teamOrChat, message): array|GraphResponse|mixed


First instantiate the Teams class

$teamsClass = new Teams();

Get all the teams you are a member of ( additional permissions needed: Group.Read.All )

$joinedTeams = $teamsClass->getJoinedTeams();

Get alle the channels for a team ( additional permissions needed: Group.Read.All )

$channels = $teamsClass->getChannels($team);

Get all the chats for a user ( additional permissions needed: Chat.Read.All )

$chats = $teamsClass->getChats(); 

Get a chat by a given id ( additional permissions needed: Chat.Read.All )

$chats = $teamsClass->getChat('your-chat-id'); 

Get all the members in a channel ( additional permissions needed: ChannelMessage.Read.All )

$members = $teamsClass->getMembersInChat($chat));

Send a message to a channel ( additional permissions needed: ChannelMessage.Send )

$teamsClass->send($teamOrChat,'Hello world!');

Excel usage


You have to provide this API permissions: Files.ReadWrite.all

Available methods

    loadFile(file): void
    loadFileById(fileId): void
    setCellValues(cellRange, values: array): void
    getCellValues(cellRange): array
    recalculate(): void
    createSession(fileId): string


First instantiate the Excel class

$excelClass = new Excel();

Load a file from OneDrive

$excelClass->loadFile('Test folder/file1.xlsx');

Load a file by its id


Set cell values of a range

$values = ['B1' => null, 'B2' => '01.01.23', 'B3' => 3, 'B4' => '250', 'B5' => '120', 'B6' => '30 cm', 'B7' => null, 'B8' => null, 'B9' => null, 'B10' => null, 'B11' => null, 'B12' => 2];
$excelClass->setCellValues('B1:B12', $values);

Calendar usage


You have to provide this API permissions: Calendars.ReadWrite

Available methods

    getCalendars(): array
    getCalendarEvents(calendar: Calendar): array
    saveEventToCalendar(calendar: Calendar, event: Event): GraphResponse|mixed
    makeEvent(starttime: string, endtime: string, timezone: string, subject: string, body: string, [attendees: array = [...]], [isOnlineMeeting: bool = false]): Event


First instantiate the Calendar class

$calendarClass = new Calendar();

Get all the calendars

$calendars = $calendarClass->getCalendars();

Get all the events for a calendar

$events = $calendarClass->getCalendarEvents($calendar);

Save an event to a calendar, the event object is a MicrosoftGraphEvent object We made a helper function to create an event object Calendar::makeEvent(string $starttime, string $endtime, string $timezone, string $subject, string $body, array $attendees = [], bool $isOnlineMeeting = false)

$calendarClass->saveEvent($calendar, $event);

Contacts usage


You have to provide this API permissions: Contacts.ReadWrite

Available methods

    getContacts(): array


First instantiate the Contacts class

$contactsClass = new Contacts();

Get all the contacts

$contacts = $contactsClass->getContacts();


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Laravel package for Microsoft graph (Microsoft 365). Manage mail, OneDrive, Teams, Excel, Calendars and Contacts with ease








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