NexClipper light is a host level monitoring tool for Docker, DC/OS and Kubernetes without additional longterm data store, and not for container cluster level. But it provides almost necessary information to monitor Docker instantly. NexClipper Light features the following capabilities:
- Dashboard
- Container list
- Status of containers (total continers, running, paused, stopped)
- Number of Images
- Container resource usage (cpu, memory, network, block i/o)
- Container process, network , environment, network, log
You can run NexClipper to monitor the Docker containers.
Simply run:
sudo docker pull nexclipper/nexclipper;
sudo docker run \
--detach=true \
--name NexClipper \
-p 10001:9001 \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--volume /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker \
kubectl create -f nexclipperlight.yaml
NexClipper light is now running (in the background) on http://localhost:10001.
NexClipper exposes a web UI at its port:
The dashboard shows the container's statistics, status, logs, and various information.