A LinkedBlockingQueue
is a concurrent queue implementation in Java that is part of the java.util.concurrent package. It is a data structure that provides a thread-safe, blocking FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queue.
| LinkedBlockingQueue |
| Extends
| AbstractQueue |
| Extends
| AbstractCollection|
| Implements
| Collection |
| Methods
| - add(E e) |
| - offer(E e) |
| - put(E e) |
| - remove(Object o) |
| - poll() |
| - take() |
| - peek() |
| - size() |
| - isEmpty() |
| - contains(Object o) |
| - clear() |
| - iterator() |
Here are some key features and characteristics of a LinkedBlockingQueue
Thread Safety:
is designed to be used in multi-threaded environments, making it safe for concurrent access by multiple threads. It uses locks to synchronize access to the queue's internal data structure. -
Blocking Operations: This queue offers blocking operations for adding and removing elements. When a thread attempts to add an element to a full queue or remove an element from an empty queue, it will block until the condition is met. This blocking behavior can be useful in various concurrency scenarios.
FIFO Order: Elements are dequeued in the same order in which they were enqueued, following the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.
Unbounded or Bounded: You can create a
with either a bounded or unbounded capacity. A bounded queue has a specified maximum capacity, while an unbounded queue can grow without a set limit (until memory constraints are reached).
Here's an example of how to create and use a LinkedBlockingQueue
in Java:
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
public class LiAadUzW7hUA6mjm8tYnMrvYfqKzVZX2ee {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(3); // Create a bounded queue with a capacity of 3
// Producer thread
Thread producer = new Thread(() -> {
try {
System.out.println("Producer: Enqueued 1, 2, 3");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Consumer thread
Thread consumer = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // Simulate some work
System.out.println("Consumer: Dequeued " + queue.take());
System.out.println("Consumer: Dequeued " + queue.take());
System.out.println("Consumer: Dequeued " + queue.take());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
You can create a LinkedBlockingQueue
without specifying an initial capacity. In this case, the default initial capacity will be used, which is 2^31-1.
LinkedBlockingQueue<Type> animal = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
To create a LinkedBlockingQueue
with an initial capacity, use the following syntax:
LinkedBlockingQueue<Type> animal = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(int capacity);
: The type of the linked blocking queue.capacity
: The size of the linked blocking queue.
// Creating String type LinkedBlockingQueue with size 5
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> animals = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
// Creating Integer type LinkedBlockingQueue with size 5
LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer> age = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
Note: Providing the size is optional, and you can create an unbounded queue without specifying a size.
The LinkedBlockingQueue
class provides various methods for inserting, accessing, and removing elements. Here are some key methods:
: Inserts a specified element to the linked blocking queue. It throws an exception if the queue is full.offer()
: Inserts a specified element to the linked blocking queue. It returns false if the queue is full.
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> animals = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
// Using add()
// Using offer()
: Returns an element from the front of the linked blocking queue. It returns null if the queue is empty.iterator()
: Returns an iterator object to sequentially access elements. It throws an exception if the queue is empty.
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> animals = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
// Using peek()
String element = animals.peek();
// Using iterator()
Iterator<String> iterate = animals.iterator();
: Returns and removes a specified element from the linked blocking queue. It throws an exception if the queue is empty.poll()
: Returns and removes a specified element from the linked blocking queue. It returns null if the queue is empty.clear()
: Removes all elements from the linked blocking queue.
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> animals = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
// Using remove()
String element1 = animals.remove();
// Using poll()
String element2 = animals.poll();
// Using clear()
: Inserts an element, blocking if the queue is full, until space is available.take()
: Removes and returns an element, blocking if the queue is empty, until an element is available.
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> animals = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
try {
// Using put()
// Using take()
String element = animals.take();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {