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Production ready Koa2 boilerplate written in Typescript . Uses http2 and sequelize .

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings



Repository files navigation



Production ready boilerplate for building APIs in Typescript(3.4) with koa2, and using SQL database and http/2 as the communication protocol.


  • Object oriented
  • Typescript
  • Authentication (JWT)
  • http/2 support
  • Sequelize ORM
  • Doc generation with Swagger
  • TS linting
  • Dockerized Version

Please note, This boilerplate is for the API only application.

Visit https://localhost:3000/ to access the root page.


  • Node v10.16.0
  • SQL Database (anyone MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MSSQL)
  • Docker

Environment Variables Configuration

To simulate environment variables

Dev environment (use anyone)

  • src/resources/config/env.development.ts
  • .env file

Production environment

  • /etc/environment file

The environment variables are as follows -

NODE_ENV=production                                 // Environment development/production
SERVER_PORT=3000                                    // Server's Port
SESSION=secret_key                                  // secret-boilerplate-token
JWT_SECRET=token                                    // Jwt secret key
DB_HOST=host                                        // DB Host address
DB_PORT=3306                                        // DB Port number
DB_DIALECT=db                                       // DB (mysql, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc)
DB_NAME=name                                        // DB name
DB_USER=user                                        // DB user name
DB_PASSWORD=password                                // DB password


git clone

Modules Used


│   .gitignore                                      // Standard git ignore file
|   .env                                            // dotenv configuration file for environment variable
│   docker-compose.yml                              // Standard docker compose file
│   Dockerfile                                      // Standard docker file
│   gruntfile.js                                    // Standard  gruntfile.js file
│   package.json                                    // Standard package.json file
│   tslint.json                                     // Standard tslint.json file
├───log                                             // logs directory
└───src                                             // source code
    │   .sequelizerc                                // Standarded sequlize config file
    │   ├───constant                                // constants
    │   │       httpConstants.ts                    // http status code constant file
    │   │
    │   ├───controller                              // controller
    │   │       BookController.ts
    │   │
    │   ├───core
    │   │   │   RouterGenerator.ts                  // Generating all routes
    │   │   │   RouterManager.ts                    // Route depedency
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───middleware                          // middlewares
    │   │           ErrorMiddleware.ts 
    │   │           RequestValidator.ts             // request body validator
    │   │
    │   ├───db
    │   │   │   config.json
    │   │   │   DatabaseConfigurationManager.ts
    │   │   │
    │   │   ├───entity                              // entities
    │   │   |   ├───library
    │   │   |   │       book.ts                     // book entity
    │   │   |   │       index.ts
    │   │   |   │
    │   │   |   └───migrations                      // Migrations
    │   │   |       │   20190703135002-create-book.ts
    │   │   |       │
    │   │   |       └───compiled                    // compiled migrations
    │   │   |               20190703135002-create-book.js       
    │   │   |
    │   │   |
    │   │   └───repository                          // repository
    │   │          Book.ts        
    │   │   
    │   ├───model
    │   │       Book.ts                             // book model
    │   │ 
    │   ├───routes                                  // router
    │   │       BookRouter.ts
    │   │       index.ts
    │   │
    │   ├───service                                 // Service file for database
    │   │       BookService.ts
    │   │
    │   └───validation                              // validations
    │           BookValidator.ts
    ├───logger                                      // logger file.
    │      index.ts
    │      LogManager.ts
    ├───resources                                   // resources
    │   ├───config                                  //  configuration setting
    │   │       ConfigurationManager.ts
    │   │       env.common.ts
    │   │       env.development.ts
    │   │       index.ts
    │   │
    │	├───cert                                    // SSL certificates
    │	│      localhost.crt
    │	│      localhost.key
    │	│       
    │   └───swagger                                 // Swagger
    └───server                                      // server


  • npm run build compile the typescripts in src folder
  • npm start Starts the server on development mode in Typescript
  • npm run dev Starts the server on development mode in Javascript
  • npm run grunt Starts server using grunt file
  • docker-compose up -d Starts the server for production

Running the server in Docker Container

Prerequisite For Docker Configuration: Docker and docker compose must be installed on the system.

Steps to run the app in a docker container :

  1. CD to project dir
  2. Create build using cmd: $ docker-compose build
  3. Start the server in daemon thread using cmd: $ docker-compose up -d
  4. Stop the server using cmd: $ docker-compose down


The API documentation is written in Swagger (

To view swagger API documentation

Visit https://localhost:3000/swagger to view Swagger UI.


Sparsh Pipley

Anurag Vikram Singh

Abhishek Parmar

Ayush Sharma
