Above example data folder can be found under docs/highbeam_example/
Exposure control is not supported on mac
You can however adjust the exposure manually in third party tools or use the software that comes with your webcam
If you're on Windows, first install UV with
powershell -c "irm https://astral.sh/uv/install.ps1 | iex"
Or if you're using Linux or Mac
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh
Once UV is installed, install marimapper with
uv tool install marimapper --from git+https://github.com/TheMariday/marimapper
You can run the scripts anywhere by just typing them into a console.
If you don't want to use UV, then Marimapper also supports PipX and pip
use --help
for any MariMapper command to show a full list of additional arguments!
Some not even in this doc...
Run marimapper_check_camera
to ensure your camera is compatible with MariMapper, or check the list below:
- HP 4310 (settings may not revert)
- Logitech C920
- Dell Latitude 5521 built-in
- HP Envy x360 built-in
If your camera works, please drop me a line, so I can add it to the list!
Test LED identification by turning down the lights and holding a torch or led up to the camera.
This should start with few warnings, no errors and produce a very dark image with a single crosshair on centered on your LED.
Wrong webcam? MariMapper tools use --device 0
by default, use --device 1
to switch to your second webcam.
If the image is still too bright or you can't see a crosshair on your LED, try dimming the lights and playing around with:
- The lower the darker, defaults to-10
, my webcam only goes down to-11
- The lower the more detections, ranges between0-255
, defaults to128
For the Marimapper to communicate with your leds, it requires a backend.
Please see below for documentation on how to run the following backends:
If your LED backend isn't supported, you need to write your own, it's super simple!
🪨 Make sure that your camera is stable and won't move, try mounting it on a tripod if you can
💡 Make sure there are no light sources in your cameras view, tape up power leds and notification lights
✋ Make sure you can move your camera around without changing the layout of your leds, even a small nudge can throw off the reconstructor!
Step 4: It's time to thunderize!
In a new folder, run marimapper --backend fadecandy
and change fadecandy
to whatever backend you're using and use --help
to show more options
Set up your LEDs so most of them are in view and when you're ready, type y
when prompted with Start scan? [y/n]
This will turn each LED on and off in turn, do not move the camera or leds during capture!
If you just want a 2D map, this is where you can stop!
Rotate your leds or move your webcam to a new position
As long as some of your leds are mostly in view, you can move your webcam to wherever you like! Try and get at least 3 views between 6° - 20° apart
Once you have a few views and the reconstructor succeeds, a new window will appear showing the reconstructed 3D positions of your LEDs.
If the window doesn't appear after 4 scans, then something has gone horribly wrong. Delete the scan .csv files in the current working directory and try again.
If it doesn't look quite right, add some more scans!
Here is an example reconstruction of a test tube of LEDs I have
- Click and drag to rotate the model around.
- Hold shift to roll the camera
- Use the scroll wheel to zoom in / out
- Use the
key to hide / show normals - Use the
keys to increase / decrease point sizes - Use
keys to change colour scheme
By default (1
), the colors of the leds in the visualiser are as follows:
- Green: Reconstructed
- Blue: Interpolated
Make sure you've read this readme all the way through and do give those error messages a good read too.
They should be able to tell you at least roughly what area is going wrong.
If you want a lot more reading material, run marimapper
with -v
to put it into verbose mode.
This will tell you pretty much everything marimapper is doing under the hood.
Also good if you're just curious as to why x is taking so long!
I would really love to hear what you think and if you have any bugs or improvements, please raise them here or drop me a line on Telegram.
You can also raise issues on this repo's issues page
If you implement a backend that you think others might use, please raise a pull request or just drop me a message on Telegram!
The licensing on this is GPLv3.
The TLDR is you can do anything you like with this as long as it's open source