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Variable Default Comments
query_type REST Sets the query type for the performance testing. Can be set to REST, STITCH, or FEDERATE
query_depth 0 Sets the nested query depth
limit_cores false Allows limiting the number of cores used by the service. Only available for Tyk and Apollo.
enable_auth False Enable authentication in the performance testing. Only available for Tyk and Kong.
enable_analytics False Enable analytics gathering in the performance testing. Only available for Tyk.
enable_quota False Enable quota tracking in the performance testing. Only available for Tyk and Kong.
enable_rate_limiting False Enable rate limiting in the performance testing. Only available for Tyk and Kong.
load_test_duration 10s Load test duration.
test_services [ "tyk", "kong" ] List of services you would like to test against. This will influence that number of virtual machines created when using the AWS, GCP, and Azure playbooks.



Variable Default Comments
services.upstream.service.port 8000 Upstream server listening port
services.upstream.subgraphs.users.port 4001 Upstream server for users federated service listening port
services.upstream.subgraphs.posts.port 4002 Upstream server for ports federated service listening port
services.upstream.subgraphs.comments.port 4003 Upstream server for comments federated service listening port
services.tyk.secret 352d20ee67be67f6340b4c0605b044b7 API secret
services.tyk.service.port 8080 Tyk gateway server listening port
services.kong.service.port 8000 Kong gateway server listening port
services.kong.service.ssl_port 8443 Kong gateway server SSL listening port
services.kong.admin.port 8001 Kong gateway admin server listening port
services.kong.admin.ssl_port 8444 Kong gateway admin server SSL listening port
services.apollo.service.port 4000 Apollo server listening port



Variable Default Comments
aws_region us-west-2 AWS region.
aws_key_name secret AWS key name.
aws_instance_type c5.large AWS EC2 instant type that you want to test on.
aws_image ami-0b28dfc7adc325ef4 AWS AMI image ID
aws_group secret-sg
aws_vpc_subnet_id subnet-vpc_subnet_id AWS subnet ID
aws_access_key aws_access_key AWS access key
aws_secret_key aws_secret_key AWS secret key
provider.user ec2-user Username for SSH connection to generated instances.
provider.key_file ./secret.pem Key file for SSH connection to generated instances. Should be the key file referenced in aws_key_name.



Variable Default Comments
gcp_project project GCP project.
gcp_region us-west1 GCP region.
gcp_zone us-west1-a GCP zone.
gcp_auth_kind serviceaccount GCP authentication method
gcp_service_account_file `./secret.json GCP authentication file
gcp_machine_type e2-standard-2 GCP compute instant type that you want to test on.
gcp_image projects/rhel-cloud/global/images/rhel-8-v20220303 GCP image ID
provider.user user Username for SSH connection to generated instances.
provider.key_file ./secret.pem Key file for SSH connection to generated instances.



Variable Default Comments
azure_vm_size Standard_F2s_v2 Azure VM size.
azure_location westus Azure VM location.
azure_image.offer UbuntuServer Azure image offer.
azure_image.publisher Canonical Azure image publisher.
azure_image.sku 18.04-LTS Azure image sku.
azure_image.version latest Azure image version.
azure_ssh_public_key `` The public key that you will use to SSH into the VMs.
provider.user user Username for SSH connection to generated instances.
provider.key_file ./secret.pem Key file for SSH connection to generated instances.