This is a brief example of a Docker container to run on an EdgeCaster and receive commands from LiveEdge Cloud
In order to run this example, ensure that you have a Videon device enrolled in LiveEdge Cloud, updated to the latest Cloud Agent. This example also makes calls to the LiveEdge Cloud API "commands" endpoint:
Additionally, you will need to generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) in LiveEdge Cloud, under "Access Tokens":
To run this example on your local device, you'll first need to set up your development environment and be able to access the devuice shell through adb
[Local Machine]: adb connect <device ip>
[Local Machine]: adb root
[Local Machine]: adb shell
Once logged into the device's shell, you must set up the local environment with the source
[LiveEdge Compute Shell]: source /data/local/vstream/etc/
Create a working directory in /data/local/
[LiveEdge Compute Shell]: mkdir /data/local/cloud-command-receiver
Clone this repository to a directory on your local machine, then use adb
to copy the files to the working directory you created on the device:
[Local Machine]: adb push . /data/local/cloud-command-receiver
Run the docker build
command in the working directory:
[LiveEdge Compute Shell]: docker build -t cloud-command-receiver .
Upon a successful build, run the container in the background to see it in action:
[LiveEdge Compute Shell]: docker run -p8882:8882 --name cloud-receiver cloud-command-receiver &
To run the tests, you will send API calls to LiveEdge Cloud, manually entering information into the bracketed ('{...}') spaces of user information.
curl -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"
Copy the GUID of the org your device is enrolled in, then
curl -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_ORG_GUID}
Copy the GUID of your device, then
curl -X POST -d '{ "command": "rest_direct_get", "rest_endpoint": ":8882/cloud-command"}' -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands
Copy the command GUID that is returned, then
curl -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands/{COMMAND_GUID}
This should then return information from LiveEdge Cloud that contains the list of "Message" objects stored by the Docker container as the value for the "data" field:
"data": {
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"message": "First message"
curl -X POST -d '{ "command": "rest_direct_post", "rest_endpoint": ":8882/cloud-command"}' -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands
Copy the command GUID that is returned, then
curl -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands/{COMMAND_GUID}
This should then return information from LiveEdge Cloud that contains the list of "Message" objects stored by the Docker container as the value for the "data" field:
"data": {
"id": 2,
"message": "(New) Message #2"
curl -X POST -d '{ "command": "rest_direct_put", "rest_endpoint": ":8882/cloud-command", "data": {"id":1, "message":"First EDITED message"}}' -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands
Copy the command GUID that is returned, then
curl -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands/{COMMAND_GUID}
This should then return information from LiveEdge Cloud that contains the list of "Message" objects stored by the Docker container as the value for the "data" field:
"data": {
"id": 1,
"message": "First EDITED message"
curl -X POST -d '{ "command": "rest_direct_delete", "rest_endpoint": ":8882/cloud-command/1" }' -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands
Copy the command GUID that is returned, then
curl -H "Authorization: PAT {YOUR_PAT}"{YOUR_DEVICE_GUID}/commands/{COMMAND_GUID}
This should then return information from LiveEdge Cloud that contains the list of "Message" objects stored by the Docker container as the value for the "data" field:
"Message with id of 1 deleted"