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I2C LCD Library for STM32

This is a simple and efficient I2C LCD library for STM32 microcontrollers, designed to control one or multiple I2C LCD displays. The library is object-oriented, allowing you to manage multiple LCDs simultaneously by creating instances for each display.


  • Multiple LCD Support: Control multiple LCDs by creating separate instances.
  • 4-bit Mode Communication: Uses 4-bit mode to communicate with the LCD.
  • Customizable I2C Addresses: Specify different I2C addresses for each LCD.
  • Basic LCD Functions: Initialize, clear display, set cursor position, display strings and characters.
  • Easy Integration: Simple API for quick integration into your STM32 projects.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Hardware: STM32 microcontroller, I2C LCD display(s).
  • Software: STM32CubeIDE or any compatible development environment.
  • Knowledge: Basic understanding of C programming and STM32 HAL libraries.


  1. Clone the Repository: Download or clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Add Files to Project: Copy i2clcd.c and i2clcd.h into your project's source and header directories, respectively.

  3. Include Header File: Include the i2clcd.h in your main program or wherever you plan to use the LCD functions.

    #include "i2clcd.h"
  4. Configure I2C Peripheral: Ensure that the I2C peripheral is initialized using STM32CubeMX or manually in your code.



Create an instance of I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef for each LCD you plan to use. Initialize each LCD by specifying its I2C handler and address.

I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef lcd1;
I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef lcd2;

void init_lcds(void) {
    lcd1.hi2c = &hi2c1;     // hi2c1 is your I2C handler
    lcd1.address = 0x4E;    // I2C address for the first LCD
    lcd_init(&lcd1);        // Initialize the first LCD

    lcd2.hi2c = &hi2c1;     // Use the same or different I2C handler
    lcd2.address = 0x7E;    // I2C address for the second LCD
    lcd_init(&lcd2);        // Initialize the second LCD

Displaying Text

Use the provided functions to display text, move the cursor, and clear the display.

lcd_puts(&lcd1, "Hello, LCD 1!");
lcd_gotoxy(&lcd2, 0, 1);
lcd_puts(&lcd2, "LCD 2 here!");


#include "main.h"
#include "i2c_lcd.h"

I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef lcd1;

int main(void) {

    lcd1.hi2c = &hi2c1;
    lcd1.address = 0x4E;

    lcd_puts(&lcd1, "STM32 I2C LCD");
    lcd_gotoxy(&lcd1, 0, 1);
    lcd_puts(&lcd1, "Library Demo");

    while (1) {
        // Main loop

API Reference


  • I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef

    Member Description
    hi2c Pointer to the I2C handler
    address I2C address of the LCD (8-bit)


  • Initializes the LCD display
void lcd_init(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd);
  • Sends a command byte to the LCD
void lcd_send_cmd(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd, char cmd);
  • Sends a data byte to the LCD
void lcd_send_data(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd, char data)
  • Clears the display
void lcd_clear(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd);
  • Sets the cursor position
void lcd_gotoxy(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd, int col, int row);
  • Displays a string
void lcd_puts(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd, char *str);
  • Displays a single character
void lcd_putchar(I2C_LCD_HandleTypeDef *lcd, char ch);


Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for any improvements.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/NewFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add NewFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/NewFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

πŸ“ž Contact

For questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out via email: πŸ“§

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