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Memory Management - a closer look

Carp uses a linear type system to manage the memory associated with different values throughout a program. Carp's memory management system is designed and implemented with the following goals in mind:

  • Predictable: The memory management system's behavior should be easy to reason about.
  • Efficient: The memory management system should not have significant impacts on performance.
  • Safe: The memory management system should prevent errors related to memory management, such as "use after free" and "double free"

This document introduces the basic concepts behind the kind of linear type system Carp uses. In addition, it takes a deeper look at how the system is currently implemented.

Linear Types and Memory Management

Carp's linear type system tracks the ownership of the memory associated with a given value as part of its type signature. A linear type is a traditional type with additional information called a lifetime that allows the type system to track a value's association with a given memory location.

The memory management system only manages linear types; not all types are linear. Some of Carp's builtin types are linear by default:

  • The String type is linear and managed by the memory system.
  • The Pattern type is linear and managed by the memory system.
  • The Array type is linear and managed by the memory system.
  • The Box type is linear and managed by the memory system.
  • Function types are linear and managed by the memory system.

All other builtin types are not linear, and thus aren't managed by the memory system.

A few conditions determine whether or not a user defined type is linear:

  • Implementation of the blit interface: this interface explicitly marks a type as non-linear. Any type that implements it is ignored by the memory management system and is assumed to pose no risks in relation to memory allocation and deallocation.
  • Implementation of the delete interface: this interface explicitly marks a type as linear. Any type that implements it is managed by the memory management system. Carp will call the implementation of this interface whenever the memory management system decides it's safe to deallocate the memory associated with a value of the type that implements this interface.

When you define a type directly in Carp code, using deftype Carp will automatically implement the delete interface for you. As a consequence, any type that you declare using deftype will be managed by the memory management system. In the most cases, this automatic management of user defined types is beneficial. You can always redefine delete for your type if you need to write a custom memory deallocation routine. However, if you need to define a type that requires fine-grained control over its memory deallocation, it might be better to define both the type and its deallocation routines in C, and register them in Carp.

The same conditions hold for registered types as well. If you register an external type defined in C, Carp won't manage it unless you provide an implementation of delete for the corresponding Carp type. See the C interop documentation for more information.

In the following sections, we'll explore a few key memory system operations. Along the way, we'll present examples using Carp's builtin linear String type to illustrate how the system manages values of linear types.

Bindings, Ownership, and Lexical Scopes

Unless your program is incredibly short, you'll likely have one or more bindings that associate names with values in your program. Typically, we can assign the value of one binding to another. Consider the following local variables in a let form:

(let [x 1
      y x
      z x]

In the example above, we assign the non-linear value 1 to x, then assign the value of x to y, then assign the value of x to z.

In Carp, linear values are treated differently. When we assign a linear value to a binding, such as a local variable name, the memory location associated with the value is also bound to the name. This changes the rules about how we can assign values and pass them around a program. If we try to write the same program as we did above, using a value of the linear type, String, we get quite a different result:

;; Don't worry about the @ before the string literal. We'll explain it soon.
(let [string @"linear types!"
      other-string string ;; used here!
      yet-another-string string] ;; and here!
  string) ;; and again here!

If you try to pass this program to the Carp compiler, you'll get an error in return: You’re using a given-away value string.

This illustrates the 'golden rule' that the memory management system enforces: every linear value can only be used once. When we first assign @"linear types!" to the variable string, we've already used it once. When we attempt to assign string to other-string and yet-another-string, the memory management system will detect that we're attempting to use the single value @"linear types!" multiple times, which it won't allow. Note that only assigning the value to string, then string to other-string is OK, as long as we return other-string—we'll explain why in a later section.

In casual terminology, this concept is called ownership. The binding to which the linear value is assigned owns its associated memory. We can call such a binding the value's owner. In this example, string is the initial owner of the memory allocated for the linear value @"linear types!".

Every binding in Carp has a lexical scope that determines where in the program the binding name is defined and can be validly referenced. The lexical scope of string in our example happens to be our let form. The lexical scope of a function parameter is only the body of the function.

A linear value can only be used once in a single lexical scope. We "use" a linear value whenever we pass it to a different lexical scope. For example, we "use" string, if we return it:

(let [string @"linear types!"]
  string) ;; used here!

We also use it when we pass it to another function:

(let [string @"linear types!"]
  (do (reverse string) ;; used here!

What do both of these cases have in common? They raise the possibility that string's value (and it's assocaited memory) is passed to another binding (when we pass it to a function, it's rebound to the function parameter; when we return it, the caller might bind it to a new name in the lexical scope that contains our let). As we'll see later, these are two particular examples of a specific form of an operation we'll call moving. Binding the value of an existing linear binding, as in (let [string @"linear types!" other-string string] ())) is also a case of moving.

Safe Deallocations

The "use once" restriction is the mechanism that allows the memory management system to prevent classical memory errors such as "use after free" and "double free". Enforcing that a linear value is only used once in any lexical scope, allows the management system to determine precisely when a binding's associated memory can be freed.

When the memory management system determines some linear value will no longer be used in the lexical scope of it's owner, it automatically calls the corresponding linear type's delete implementation to free the associated memory.

Now that we have an initial sense about the restrictions the memory management system enforces around our use of linear values, we'll explore a few operations the system performs that allow us to have greater flexibility.

Moving, Borrowing, and Copying

At a high level, the functionality of the linear type system can be organized into three primary operations: moving, borrowing, and copying. These are casual, intuitive terms for what the system does with linear values as it manages them across your program. We'll explore precise technical terminology for each of these operations later on.

Moving: Transferring Ownership

The memory management system ensures that only one binding ever owns the memory associated with a given linear value. As a result, unlike non-linear values, the compiler won't let you bind the same linear value to more than one variable. Instead, when you reassign a linear value to another variable, The old binding is invalidated, as we saw earlier:

(let [string @"linear types!"
      other-string string
      yet-another-string string] ;; error here!

In the prior example, the binding string is invalidated as soon as we assign it to the binding other-string. The memory associated with string is now associated with the binding other-string, and other-string is the linear string's new owner. This process is called a transfer of ownership, or moving.

If we were to move our value across a number of bindings in sequence, we'd fix our problem! There's no issue with moving some linear value across different bindings in a lexical scope, there's only an issue if we attempt to move a value out of the same binding more than once:

(let [string @"linear types!"          ;; linear string value here.
      other-string string              ;; moved over to this binding
      yet-another-string other-string] ;; still ok, moved to this binding

The important, and only rule about moving linear values is: you can only move a linear value from an individual binding once in any given lexical scope. If your code attempts to move a linear value from a binding more than once, the memory management system will chastise you!

Moving to a New Scope

Just as we transferred ownership of a linear value to another binding in the same lexical scope, we can use ownership transfers to move a linear value into a binding beyond its lexical scope. Consider this next example:

(let [string @"linear moves!"]

Though it's not as obvious, a move is happening here! In this case, a transfer of ownership occurs across lexical scope boundaries. The linear string associated with string and its corresponding memory are returned from the let form. If the result of this let form is bound to some other variable, that new binding will receive ownership of the linear string. Thus, the lifetimes of linear values are not only limited to their lexical scopes. We can move linear values in and out of other scopes, and the memory management system will determine in which part of our code the value can be safely deallocated.

Again, since returning the value is a move, or ownership transfer, the same rules around moves apply: we can only make one move out of a given binding in a single lexical scope:

(let [string @"linear moves!"
      other-string string] ;; ok; first move out of string
  string) ;; error! Second move out of string

Passing a linear value as an argument to a function is another example of a move across lexical scopes. For instance, consider the following example:

(let [string @"linear moves!"
      reversed (reverse string)] ;; moved here!

In this example, we move the linear value associated with string into the function's lexical scope, binding it to whatever parameter name the function declaration used for its first argument. Since we only moved the value out of string once, the memory management system happily accepts this program.

Beyond Moves

In some cases, transferring ownership might be too limiting. Let's reconsider the earlier example, in which we tried to transfer ownership from string more than once:

(let [string @"linear moves!"
      other-string string
      yet-another-string string] ;; error!

We might want to write "multi-move" code like this, but under the current rules of the linear type system, we can't. Luckily, there's a way out: references.

Borrowing: Lending Ownership

As we explored in the previous section, we can’t assign a linear value to multiple bindings without transferring ownership. If we move a value from one binding to another, we can only do so once, even if one of those moves transfers ownership beyond the current scope. At any given point in a lexical scope, only one binding can ever own the linear value.

This restriction ensures the type system knows exactly when to deallocate the memory associated with a linear value, but it can be a bit limiting. For example, what if we wanted to process the value using a function, then use our original value afterwards?

(let [string @"linear borrow!"
      reversed (reverse string)]
  (concatenate string reversed)) ;; error!

This short let block calls some imaginary functions to first reverse our linear string, then join it with itself, returning the result. However there’s a big problem here, once we move our string to reverse's parameter the memory management system won’t let us use it in concatenate since it violates the "one move" rule.

This time, the rule has put us in quite a difficult situation. We want to write a program that uses string twice, but there's no way for us to use it twice directly, thanks to the linear type system rules. Just passing string along to other bindings won't help us here either.

Luckily, there’s a mechanism that allows us to reuse string more than once in our let block: references.

References are another special type that the memory management system understands how to work with. References are not linear types, but they give us another way of working with linear types that allows us to get around the type system’s “one owner” and "one move" restriction safely.

A reference value points to some linear value, but because the reference is not linear value itself, but rather a new, non-linear value, we’re allowed to pass them around freely, just like we can with other non-linear values. Assigning a reference to a linear value to some binding is called borrowing. Instead of transferring ownership of a linear value to a new binding, we’re giving it a temporary way to access the value, without taking it over and moving it.

Use the & operator, or ref special form, to create a reference:

(let [string @"hello, linear world!"
      reversed (reverse &string)] ;; reference to string
  (concatenate string reversed) ;; ok; first move of string

Using references, we can get our initial string reversal and concatenation program to work, the memory manager won’t complain. Since string is borrowed by reverse, using a reference, there’s no longer an issue using it directly in concatenate since this is now the one and only time it transfers ownership (moves).

In this case, we have no idea how reverse actually uses the reference to produce a reversed string, but we’ve followed the memory management system’s rules correctly. In the next section, we'll explore how we can actually make use of the reference in an implementation of a function like reverse.

Copying: Increasing Supply

Now that we’ve explored references and borrowing, you might wonder what we can do with references. Again, references are not linear values themselves, but they “point” to linear values. Their behaviors and relation to the type system differ. So, what can we accomplish with references?

In Carp, references, in general, (but we'll see that there are some special cases) support only a single operation, called copying. Copying a reference creates a new linear value that duplicates the linear value the reference is pointing to. This new linear value is completely distinct from the original linear value the reference points to. It has its own owner, and, just like other linear values, the memory management system will determine when to remove it.

Copying allows us to work with some linear value in multiple places in a safe way. To copy the value pointed to by a reference, use the @ operator. The following example shows how the reverse function might be implemented:

(defn reverse [string-ref]
  (reverse-internal @string-ref)) ;; reference copied here!

The function takes a reference to a linear string value, makes a copy of it, reverses the copy, then returns the resulting linear value to the caller. Note that we haven’t touched the original linear string pointed to by the string-ref reference, we only work with a copy!

We can also now understand the general string literal syntax we've used throughout this text:

string @"hello, linear world!"

This binds a copy of the string literal to the variable string. This reveals an important aspect of Carp’s builtin string literals: they are references! We’ll explore why this makes sense a bit later.

Rule of thumb

To know whether a function takes over the responsibility of freeing some memory (through its args) or generates some new memory that the caller has to handle (through the return value), just look at the type of the function (right now the easiest way to do that is with the (env) command). If the value is a non-referenced struct type like String, Vector3, or similar, it means that the memory ownership gets handed over. If it's a reference signature (i.e. (Ref String)), the memory is just temporarily lended out and someone else will make sure it gets deleted. When interoping with existing C code it's often correct to send your data structures to C as refs or pointers (using (Pointer.address <variable>)), keeping the memory management inside the Carp section of the program.

Working with arrays

The most important thing in Carp is to process arrays of data. Here's an example of how that is supposed to look:

(defn weird-sum []
  (let [stuff [3 5 8 9 10]]
    (reduce add 0 &(endo-map square (filter even? stuff)))))

All the array transforming functions 'endo-map' and 'filter' use C-style mutation of the array and return the same data structure back afterwards, no allocation or deallocation needed. The lifetime analyzer ("borrow checker" in Rust parlance) makes sure that the same data structure isn't used in several places.

The restriction of 'endo-map' is that it must return an array of the same type as the input. If that's not possible, use 'copy-map' instead. It works like the normal 'map' found in other functional languages. The 'copy-' prefix is there to remind you of the fact that the function is allocating memory.

To execute side-effects, use the doall macro:

(doall IO.println [@"Yo" @"Hola" @"Hej"])

Or foreach (works like a foreach loop construct in a lot of other programming languages):

(foreach [x &[1 2 3]]
  (println* "x: " x))

Under the Hood: The Implementation of Carp's Memory Management System

This section explores the implementation of Carp's memory management system in greater technical detail. Most users won't need to read this, but if you'd like to have a deeper understanding of how the system works, you'll find an explanation in this section.

AST Info, Identifiers, and Deleters

Like other portions the Carp compiler, the memory management system operates on the abstract syntax tree (AST) representation of the forms in your program. When the compiler compiles your code, it assigns addition information objects, called Info, to each form in your program; these objects are particularly important to the memory management system. Among other things, these Info objects contain unique identifiers for each form in your program. The memory management system uses these identifiers to keep track of memory as it moves across different parts of your code.

In addition to identifiers, form information objects also contain Deleters. These are a special data structure used to hold information about the delete functions needed for each linear value in your program. One of the memory management system's main responsibilities is to assign and keep track of these deleters for each form in your program that makes use of a linear value.

Essentially, as the memory management system examines your code, if it finds a form that uses a linear value that should be deleted at a certain point, it adds an appropriate deleter to the info object for the form. If the linear value is moved to some other part of your code, the memory management system will remove the corresponding deleter, which will be added to the form it's moved into later.

The key point to understand is that the memory management system primarily models the movements of linear values using the presence or absence of these deleter objects. When the compiler's code emission component encounters a form, if the form has an associated deleter, the emitter will produce a call to the deletion routine in the corresponding output C code.

As we'll see in a moment, there are some further complications, but this is the basic approach taken by the memory management system.


The basic operation of the memory management system entails moving deleters across different Info objects for the forms in your program. As the system performs this task, it also has to account for the way references are used throughout your code, and how they relate to linear values. In order to track this, the memory management system uses lifetimes which determine whether or not a reference is valid in a given form.

The following function provides an example of this reference validity tracking in action:

(defn invalid-ref []
  &[1 2 3])

In the prior example, our invalid-ref function returns a reference to the literal linear array value [1 2 3]. This code is problematic because the linear array value will be deleted at the end of the function, so the returned reference will point to nothing! The memory management system catches this for us and let's us know about the problem.

Contrarily, the following code is perfectly fine:

(def an-array [1 2 3])

(defn valid-ref []

The valid-ref function also returns a reference, but this reference is valid since it points to a linear array value (an-array) that won't be deleted (it will still be "alive") by the time the function returns the reference.

The system will also catch cases when we attempt to reference a linear value that's already been moved into a different location/binding:

(defn unowned-ref []
  (let [a [1 2 3]
        b a 
        c &a]

In this example, we move the linear array from a into b, but then try to set c to a reference to a, which, after the move, no longer points to anything.

Internally, the memory management system uses lifetimes to model the relationships between references and linear values and track the validity of reference across your code.

Lifetimes in Detail

Carp's lifetimes are made up of two pieces of information. Only references have lifetimes, and every reference has exactly one lifetime assigned to it:

  • A unique type variable that identifies the lifetime.
  • A lifetime mode, that indicates if the linear value tied to the reference has a lexical scope that extends beyond the reference's lexical scope or if it's limited to the reference's lexical scope.

In general, a reference is valid only when the value it points to has either an equivalent or greater lexical scope. This property is encoded in its lifetime.

Let's look at some examples to help illustrate this:

(def an-array [1 2 3])

(defn valid-ref [] 
  (let [array-ref &an-arry]) ())

In this example, the anonymous reference &an-array has a unique lifetime that extends beyond the lexical scope of the reference itself. The lexical scope of the reference value [1 2 3] is greater than or equal to the lexical scope of the reference, which only extends across the let form, so, this reference is valid.

Contrarily, the following reference is not valid:

(defn invalid-ref []
  &[1 2 3])

Here, the reference has a greater lexical scope than the linear value it points to. The anonymous linear value [1 2 3] will be deleted at the end of the function scope, but the reference will be returned from the function, so its lifetime is potentially greater than that of the value it points to.

The memory management system performs two key checks around ref usage:

  1. Check that a newly created reference doesn't point to a linear value binding that has already transferred away ownership.
  2. Check that a reference is alive at a certain point in the program.

Both of these are implemented as separate checks, but they may be viewed as specializations of a general operation that checks if every reference form in your program is "alive" at the point of use.

Currently, liveness analysis revolves around checking if the value the reference points to belongs to the same lexical scope as the reference, and, if so, that the value has a deleter in that scope, which indicates the scope properly owns the value. If no such deleter exists, it means the reference outlives the value it points to, and is invalid.

Type Dependencies

The final key piece of information the memory system manages are the type dependencies of the deletion functions for linear values.

Since Carp supports generic programming and polymorphic functions, it's possible that some deleter is needed in a polymorphic context. In particular, generic functions that "take ownership" of generic values need to be able to find the correct deletion routines for the value. For example, in the generic function:

(sig my-generic-force-delete (Fn [a] Unit))

(defn my-generic-force-delete [a]

This my-generic-force-delete function takes ownership of whatever argument it receives and does nothing. Since it takes ownership, however, the value passed to a, if it's linear, needs to be deleted at the end of the function scope.

Since the function is generic, the memory management system can't know for certain what value is being passed. In some cases it might be a linear value, in some cases it might not be. Sometimes it might be a String, sometimes an Int, or sometimes an Array. Each of these types has a different delete implementation.

Rather than having the memory management system figure out what function to use, the system instead just keeps track of the types of all the values for the forms it analyzes. Later, the component already dedicated to resolving generic functions handles finding the right deletion routine for the values passed to the generic function. In order to accomplish this, it uses the type information captured by the memory system as it analyzes each form.

Memory State

As we've explored, the memory management system needs to keep track of three key pieces of information as it analyzes the forms in your program:

  1. The deleters assigned to each AST node to track ownership of linear values and delete them at the right time.
  2. The Lifetimes assigned to each reference to check reference validity.
  3. The types of each form it analyzes to resolve generic deletion functions.

Each of these units of information is bundled into a single data structure, called the memory state or MemState of your program.

As the memory management system analyzes each of the AST nodes in your program source, it updates the memory state accordingly. Deleters are added and removed from the state at different points as ownership transfers of linear values occur. When the system finishes analyzing a node, it update's the node's Info object, attaching the deleters associated with the current memory state. At any point, if the memory management system encounters a problem with the way memory is being transferred across your program's AST nodes, it reports an error.

A simple piece of code:

(use Int)
(use String)
(use IO)

(defn say-hi [text]
  (while true
    (if (< (length &text) 10)
      (println "Too short!")
      (println &text))))

This compiles to the following C program:

void say_MINUS_hi(string text) {
    bool _5 = true;
    while (_5) {
        string* _14 = &text; // ref
        int _12 = String_length(_14);
        bool _10 = Int__LT_(_12, 10);
        if (_10) {
            string _19 = "Too short!";
            string *_19_ref = &_19;
        } else {
            string* _22 = &text; // ref
        _5 = true;

If-statements are kind of tricky in regards to memory management:

(defn say-what [text]
  (let [manage (copy &text)]
    (if (< (length &text) 10)
      (copy "Too short")

The 'manage' variable is the return value in the second branch, but should get freed if "Too short" is returned. The output is a somewhat noisy C program:

string say_MINUS_what(string text) {
    string _5;
    /* let */ {
        string* _11 = &text; // ref
        string _9 = String_copy(_11);
        string manage = _9;
        string _13;
        string* _19 = &text; // ref
        int _17 = String_length(_19);
        bool _15 = Int__LT_(_17, 10);
        if (_15) {
            string _24 = "Too short";
            string *_24_ref = &_24;
            string _22 = String_copy(_24_ref);
            _13 = _22;
        } else {
            _13 = manage;
        _5 = _13;
    return _5;

Custom deletion functions

The Carp compiler will auto-generate a deletion function for types created on the Carp side. The delete function is responsible for cleaning up any memory associated with its associated value when it goes out of scope. Type that are defined in C do not have a delete function generated for them automatically, you can write your own deletion function, declare it to be implementing delete and the Carp compiler will call it automatically for you. You can check if a type has delete implemented by using Dynamic.managed?.

As the delete interface is responsible for freeing memory, it is unsafe to override it, if you are looking for how to release other type of resources (sockets, file handle, etc...) when a value goes out of scope use the drop interface instead.

Let’s look at an example program of how to add a deletion function to a type defined in C:

(register-type Foo)
(register-type Bar)

(defmodule Foo
  (register init (Fn [] Foo))
  (register delete (Fn [Foo] ()))
  (implements delete Foo.delete))

(defmodule Bar
  (register init (Fn [] Bar)))

(defn f []
  (let [a (Foo.init)
        b (Bar.init)]

The code for f will look like this:

void f() {
    /* let */ {
        Foo _6 = Foo_init();
        Foo a = _6;
        Bar _9 = Bar_init();
        Bar b = _9;
        /* () */

Note that a deleter is emitted for the value of type Foo once the let block ends and it goes out of scope, but not for the value of type Bar, which has no deleter associated with it.

Related pages

  • Drop - a deeper look at the drop interface