issues Search Results · repo:clutchski/coffeelint language:CoffeeScript
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inclutchski/coffeelint (press backspace or delete to remove)This package (and repo) is no Roger maintained, and yet there s no mention of it neither, this repo or
NPM. In fact, is the first link in a google search, second is this repo. ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 28, 2021
- #657
Hey there!
I d like to report a security issue but cannot find contact instructions on your repository.
If not a hassle, might you kindly add a file with an email, or another contact method? ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 17, 2021
- #656
Thinking that I would contribute to this project, I created a fork, then cloned that on my local machine. I tried
running npm test and it failed. Then, thinking that it might just be an issue with using ...
- 2
- Opened on May 24, 2021
- #655
I created a custom JSON config file, then I modified one of the keys. coffeelint croaked on the first character in the
file, which turned out to be a UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark), which my editor automatically ...
- 1
- Opened on May 20, 2021
- #654
The latest commit was a few years ago.
Remember that packages do update.
Coffeelint is used a lot in Atom ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 28, 2020
- #652
@swang @clutchski There are a lot of open issues and PRs left ignored; I for one would like to be given push/release
access to address some of these… I also have a number of PRs to the @aminland /coffeelint2 ...
- 2
- Opened on Jul 13, 2019
- #648
The no_throwing_strings rule does not trigger when using round brackets.
Consider the following code:
test -
throw moo # Lint fails (correct)
test -
throw( moo ) # Lint passes (incorrect) ...
- Opened on Jul 26, 2018
- #639
1. Summary
It would be nice, if coffeelint will support YAML configuration files. coffeelint.yaml for example.
2. Argumentation
I think, JSON — bad idea. Main reason — I can t write comments, why I ...
- Opened on May 3, 2018
- #638
Thank-you so much for Coffee-Lint, I love it! Just one small request...
The following code gives the Fat Arrow warning for do_it_twice , but this is incorrect. The function is already bound to
the right ...
- Opened on Apr 16, 2018
- #637

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