chore: using standard boot command instead of uvicorn
chore: using standard boot command instead of uvicorn
chore: update python version in Dockerfile
chore: update python version in Dockerfile
chore: installation of the necessary environment
chore: installation of the necessary environment
feat: parsing documents using markitdown
feat: parsing documents using markitdown
Pull request merge
Add support for JBIG2 and JPEG images
Add support for JBIG2 and JPEG images
chore: support linux/amd64 linux/arm64 platform
chore: support linux/amd64 linux/arm64 platform
chore: add file uploading progress
chore: add file uploading progress
chore: add zeabur deployment icon
chore: add zeabur deployment icon
Force push
chore: add zeabur deployment icon
chore: add zeabur deployment icon
chore: update default param state
chore: update default param state
fix: lock version of requirements azure-cognitiveservices-speech
fix: lock version of requirements
更新 chore: lock vercel python version to 3.9 (vercel set 3.12 as defau…
更新 chore: lock vercel python version to 3.9 (vercel set 3.12 as defau…
更新 chore: fix vercel max size issue(A Serverless Function has exceede…
更新 chore: fix vercel max size issue(A Serverless Function has exceede…
chore: update ocr advanced ocr config
chore: update ocr advanced ocr config