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File metadata and controls

194 lines (159 loc) · 5.54 KB


This native Node.js module allows you to enumerate over system display information.


Display Object

The Display object represents a physical display connected to the system. A fake Display may exist on a headless system, or a Display may correspond to a remote, virtual display.

Display objects take the following format:

  • id Number - The display's unique identifier.
  • name String - The human-readable name of the display.
  • supportedWindowDepths Number[] - The window depths supported by the display.
  • rotation Number - The screen rotation in clockwise degrees.
  • scaleFactor Number - Output device's pixel scale factor.
  • isMonochrome Boolean - Whether or not the display is a monochrome display.
  • colorSpace Object - Representation of a custom color space.
    • name String - The localized name of the color space.
    • componentCount Number - The number of components, excluding alpha, the color space supports.
  • depth Number - The number of bits per pixel.
  • bounds Object
    • x Number - The x coordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
    • y Number - The y coordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
    • width Number - The width of the rectangle.
    • height Number - The height of the rectangle.
  • workArea Object
    • x Number - The x coordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
    • y Number - The y coordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
    • width Number - The width of the rectangle.
    • height Number - The height of the rectangle.
  • internal Boolean - true for an internal display and false for an external display.
  • isAsleep Boolean - Whether or not the display is sleeping.
  • refreshRate Number - Returns the refresh rate of the specified display.


Returns Array<Object> - Returns an array of display objects.

Example usage:

const displays = require('node-mac-displays')

const allDisplays = displays.getAllDisplays()

/* Prints:
    id: 69734406,
    name: 'Built-in Retina Display',
    refreshRate: 0,
    supportedWindowDepths: [
      264, 516, 520, 528,
      544,   0,   0,   0
    isAsleep: false,
    isMonochrome: false,
    colorSpace: { name: 'Color LCD', componentCount: 3 },
    depth: 520,
    scaleFactor: 2,
    bounds: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1680, height: 1050 },
    workArea: { x: 0, y: 23, width: 1680, height: 932 },
    rotation: 0,
    internal: true


Returns Object - the display containing the window with the keyboard focus.

Example Usage:

const displays = require('node-mac-displays')

const primary = displays.getPrimaryDisplay()

/* Prints:
  id: 69734406,
  name: 'Built-in Retina Display',
  refreshRate: 0,
  supportedWindowDepths: [
    264, 516, 520, 528,
    544,   0,   0,   0
  isAsleep: false,
  isMonochrome: false,
  colorSpace: { name: 'Color LCD', componentCount: 3 },
  depth: 520,
  scaleFactor: 2,
  bounds: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1680, height: 1050 },
  workArea: { x: 0, y: 23, width: 1680, height: 932 },
  rotation: 0,
  internal: true


  • id Number - The device ID for the display.

Returns Object - the display with the specified device ID.

Example Usage:

const displays = require('node-mac-displays')

const display = displays.getDisplayByID(2077749241)

/* Prints:
  id: 69734406,
  name: 'Built-in Retina Display',
  refreshRate: 0,
  supportedWindowDepths: [
    264, 516, 520, 528,
    544,   0,   0,   0
  isAsleep: false,
  isMonochrome: false,
  colorSpace: { name: 'Color LCD', componentCount: 3 },
  depth: 520,
  scaleFactor: 2,
  bounds: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1680, height: 1050 },
  workArea: { x: 0, y: 23, width: 1680, height: 932 },
  rotation: 0,
  internal: true

displays.mirror(enable, firstID[, secondID])

  • enable Boolean - Whether to enable or disable mirroring.
  • firstID Number - The device ID for the primary display. If no second display ID is provided, the first display will default to the system's main display and the display corresponding to this ID will be set as the mirroring display.
  • secondID Number (optional) - The device ID for the secondary display (which will mirror the first).

Example Usage:

const displays = require('node-mac-displays')

const [firstDisplay, secondDisplay] = displays.getAllDisplays()

// Set the second display to mirror the first.

displays.screenshot(id, options)

  • id Number - The device ID for the display.
  • options Object
    • type String - The representation of the image. Can be 'jpeg', 'png', or 'tiff'. Defaults to 'jpeg'.
    • bounds Object
      • x Number - The x coordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
      • y Number - The y coordinate of the origin of the rectangle.
      • width Number - The width of the rectangle.
      • height Number - The height of the rectangle.

Returns Buffer - a Buffer representation of the desired display screenshot.

Takes a screenshot of the display with the specified id.

Example Usage:

const displays = require('node-mac-displays')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

const { id } = displays.getPrimaryDisplay()

const ssPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'screenshot.jpg')
const screenshotData = displays.screenshot(id, {
  bounds: {
    x: 100,
    y: 500,
    width: 200,
    height: 200

// Write out JPEG image as screenshot.jpg in the current directory.
fs.writeFileSync(ssPath, screenshotData)