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Basic manual

How to edit or add documentation pages online

To edit and/or add documentation, you need to have a GitHub account. To change documentation files or add a documentation page, simply click Edit this page on the page you would like to edit. If you need to add a child page, click Create child page.

If you need to edit the text that has the markup markdown, click on the Fork this repository button.

Read how to edit files for github (GitHub docs).

Please note that files have a markup for correct display on the site: the title, the title of the link, the weight (affects the order of files displayed on the sidebar) and description (optional):

title: "Title"
linkTitle: "Link Title"
weight: 1
description: >

How to start the site locally


  1. Install Hugo

Get the v110.0-extended release of hugo. Expand the Assets section of the release on GitHub and scroll down until you find a list of Extended versions. Read more

Add a path to hugo in the PATH environment variable.

  1. Get the Docsy theme code
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install the Docsy theme dependencies

To build or update your site’s CSS resources, you will need several packages installed. To install them, you must have a recent version of NodeJS installed on your machine (tested with v18.0). For this, you can use npm directly or via an environment manager like nvm. By default npm installs tools under the directory where you run npm install.

(cd site/ && npm ci)

The full documentation is available here.

  1. To preview your site locally, use:
(cd site/ && hugo server)

By default, your site will be available at http://localhost:1313/docs/.

How to build for production deployment

  1. Install dependencies
cd site/
pip -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The documentation site includes both old and new releases. Because of this, you will need tooling for all these releases. Currently, it means you need in your environment:

  • hugo-0.110 - for new docs
  • hugo-0.83 - for older docs

Please download these hugo releases (both extended), and make such binaries available in your PATH environment variable.

On Linux, you can install it this way:

(mkdir hugo_extended_0.110.0_Linux-64bit && tar -xf hugo_extended_0.110.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz -C hugo_extended_0.110.0_Linux-64bit)
cd hugo_extended_0.110.0_Linux-64bit
sudo cp hugo /usr/local/bin/hugo-0.110

(mkdir hugo_extended_0.83.0_Linux-64bit && tar -xf hugo_extended_0.83.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz -C hugo_extended_0.83.0_Linux-64bit)
cd hugo_extended_0.83.0_Linux-64bit
sudo cp hugo /usr/local/bin/hugo-0.83
  1. Use the commands that generate a static site in the public/ folder:

Make sure to generate the SDK code first.

python --input-dir ../cvat-sdk/docs/ --site-root .


The resulting folder contains the whole site, which can be published by a server like Apache. Read more here and here.

How to update the submodule of the Docsy theme

To update the submodule of the docsy theme, you need to have a repository clone. While in the repository folder, use the git command:

git submodule update --remote

Add and then commit the change to project:

git add themes/
git commit -m "Updating theme submodule"

Push the commit to project repo. For example, run:

git push

Make sure to update the corresponding configuration files and theme overrides (layouts/, i18n/, etc.).