default of credit card clients.xls
time_series_covid19_deaths_global (1).csv
1. Introduction to Numpy.ipynb
10. Feature Selection Techniques.ipynb
11. Nearest Neighbors.ipynb
12. Clustering Techniques.ipynb
13. Anomaly Detection.ipynb
14. Support Vector Machines.ipynb
15. Dealing with Imbalanced Classes.ipynb
16. Ensemble Methods.ipynb
17. Association Rules.ipynb
2. Pandas for Machine Learning.ipynb
4. Linear Models for Classification & Regression.ipynb
8. Composite Estimators using Pipelines & FeatureUnions.ipynb
9. Model Selection & Evaluation.ipynb
Case Study - IMDB dataset.ipynb
Case Study - Balancing Class.ipynb
Case Study - Clustering, Outliers.ipynb
Case Study - Face Detection.ipynb
Case Study - Feature Selection on Store Data.ipynb
Case Study - Fraud Detection.ipynb
Case Study - HealthCare Data Analysis.ipynb
Case Study - House Pricing.ipynb
Case Study - Image Compression.ipynb
Case Study - Income Prediction.ipynb
Case Study - Titanic Shipwrek prediction.ipynb
Case Study - Visa Status Prediction.ipynb
Case Study 1 - Employee Attrition Prediction.ipynb
Case Study 2 - Review Sentiment Classification.ipynb
Case Study Churn Prediction.ipynb
Case Study Clothe Identification.ipynb
Case Study Handwriting Detection.ipynb
Case Study Insurance Amount Prediction.ipynb
Case Study using Pipeline & Column Transformer.ipynb
Column Transformer Example.ipynb
Comparing Regression.ipynb
Mallicious Network Data Prediction.ipynb
Naive Bayes, Pipelining, GridSearh, ColumnTransformer.ipynb
Project - Customer Churn Prediction.ipynb
Project - Face Generation.ipynb
Project - Finding Similar Houses.ipynb
Project - Income Prediction.ipynb
Project - Predicting Employee Exit.ipynb
Project - Recommandation Engine.ipynb
Project - Reducing colors in image.ipynb
Project - Wardrobe Identification.ipynb
Project Neighbors & Clustering.ipynb
Project using Feature Selection.ipynb
Sony - Pandas & Basic Visualization.ipynb
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