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Firebase Encoders

This project provides libraries and code generation infrastructure that allows encoding java classes into various target serialization formats(currently supported: json and proto).

The project consists of multiple parts:

  • firebase_encoders - Core API and Annotations library.
  • processor - Java plugin that automatically generates encoders for @Encodable annotated POJOs.
  • firebase_encoders_json - JSON serialization support.
  • firebase_encoders_proto - Protobuf serialization support.
  • protoc_gen - Protobuf compiler plugin that generates encoder-compliant classes. Can be used with firebase_encoders_proto and firebase_encoders_json.
  • reflective - Can be used to encode any given class via Java reflection(not recommented).

Protobuf gettings started

Step1. Place proto files into src/main/proto/


syntax = "proto3";


import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

message SimpleProto {
  int32 value = 1;
  .google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2;
Step2. Add the following configurations into gradle module build file.


plugins {
    id "java-library"
    id ''

// add a dependency on the protoc plugin's fat jar to make it available to protobuf below.
dependencies {
    protobuild project(path: ":encoders:protoc-gen-firebase-encoders", configuration: "shadow")

protobuf {
    protoc {
        artifact = "$protocVersion"
    plugins {
        firebaseEncoders {
            path = configurations.protobuild.asPath
    generateProtoTasks {
        all().each { task ->
            task.dependsOn configurations.protobuild
            task.inputs.file 'code-gen-cfg.textproto'
            task.plugins {
                firebaseEncoders {
                    option file('code-gen-cfg.textproto').path
            // In most cases you don't need the full Java output
            task.builtins {
                remove java

dependencies {
    implementation project(":encoders:firebase-encoders")
    implementation project(":encoders:firebase-encoders-proto")
    annotationProcessor project(":encoders:firebase-encoders-processor")
Step3. Create a code-gen-cfg.textproto file at the module root folder(same location as the gradle module build file).



  • The filename must be the same as the filename determined in the gradle build file.
  • Only need to specify the "root" proto object, anything it references will automatically be included.
# code_gen_cfg.textproto
# proto-file: src/main/proto/my.proto
# proto-message: SimpleProto

# all types will be vendored in this package
vendor_package: ""

# marks a type as a "root" message
include: ""

With the above configuration here's a list of classes that will be generated:$Builder$Builder

Only root classes are "encodable" meaning that they have the following methods:

public class SimpleProto {
  public void writeTo(OutputStream output) throws IOException;
  public byte[] toByteArray();

Annotation Processing on Kotlin

The default gradle annotationProcessor import doesn't run the processor over kotlin code, so we need to use kapt

  1. Add the plugin to your build
plugins {
    id 'java-library'
    id ''
    id 'kotlin-kapt'
  1. Replace your annotationProcessor tag with kapt
dependencies {
    implementation project(":encoders:firebase-encoders")
    implementation project(":encoders:firebase-encoders-proto")
    // annotationProcessor project(":encoders:firebase-encoders-processor")
    kapt project(":encoders:firebase-encoders-processor")