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Table of Contents


This document provides information about the Node.js client for Hazelcast. This client uses Hazelcast's Open Client Protocol and works with Hazelcast 4.0 and higher versions.


See the following for more information on Node.js and Hazelcast:

Release Notes

See the Releases page of this repository.

1. Getting Started

This chapter provides information on how to get started with your Hazelcast Node.js client. It outlines the requirements, installation, and configuration of the client, setting up a cluster, and provides a simple application that uses a distributed map in Node.js client.

1.1. Requirements

  • Windows, Linux or macOS
  • Node.js 10 or newer
  • Java 8 or newer
  • Hazelcast 4.0 or newer
  • Latest Hazelcast Node.js client

1.2. Working with Hazelcast Clusters

Hazelcast Node.js client requires a working Hazelcast cluster to run. This cluster handles the storage and manipulation of the user data. Clients are a way to connect to the Hazelcast cluster and access such data.

Hazelcast cluster consists of one or more cluster members. These members generally run on multiple virtual or physical machines and are connected to each other via network. Any data put on the cluster is partitioned to multiple members transparent to the user. It is therefore very easy to scale the system by adding new members as the data grows. Hazelcast cluster also offers resilience. Should any hardware or software problem causes a crash to any member, the data on that member is recovered from backups, and the cluster continues to operate without any downtime. Hazelcast clients are an easy way to connect to a Hazelcast cluster and perform tasks on distributed data structures that live on the cluster.

To use Hazelcast Node.js client, we first need to set up a Hazelcast cluster.

1.2.1. Setting Up a Hazelcast Cluster

There are following options to start a Hazelcast cluster easily:

  • You can run standalone members by downloading and running JAR files from the website.
  • You can embed members to your Java projects.
  • You can use our Docker images.

We are going to download JARs from the website and run a standalone member for this guide. Running Standalone JARs

Follow the instructions below to create a Hazelcast cluster:

  1. Go to Hazelcast's download page and download either the .zip or .tar distribution of Hazelcast.
  2. Decompress the contents into any directory that you want to run members from.
  3. Change into the directory that you decompressed the Hazelcast content and then into the bin directory.
  4. Use either hz-start or hz-start.bat depending on your operating system. Once you run the start script, you should see the Hazelcast logs in the terminal.

You should see a log similar to the following, which means that your 1-member cluster is ready to be used:

INFO: []:5701 [dev] [4.0.1] []:5701 is STARTING
May 22, 2020 2:59:11 PM com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.ClusterService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [4.0.1]

Members {size:1, ver:1} [
	Member []:5701 - 60255b17-d31c-43c4-a1c1-30f19b90f1ea this

May 22, 2020 2:59:11 PM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [4.0.1] []:5701 is STARTED Adding User Library to CLASSPATH

When you want to use features such as querying and language interoperability, you might need to add your own Java classes to the Hazelcast member to use them from your Node.js client. This can be done by adding your own compiled code to the CLASSPATH. To do this, compile your code with the CLASSPATH and add the compiled files to the user-lib directory in the extracted hazelcast-<version>.zip (or tar). Then, you can start your Hazelcast member by using the start scripts in the bin directory. The start scripts will automatically add your compiled classes to the CLASSPATH.

Note that if you are adding an IdentifiedDataSerializable or a Portable class, you need to add its factory too. Then, you should configure the factory in the hazelcast.xml configuration file. This file resides in the bin directory where you extracted the hazelcast-<version>.zip (or tar).

The following is an example configuration when you are adding an IdentifiedDataSerializable class:

            <data-serializable-factory factory-id=<identified-factory-id>>

If you want to add a Portable class, you should use <portable-factories> instead of <data-serializable-factories> in the above configuration.

See the Hazelcast Reference Manual for more information on setting up the clusters.

1.3. Downloading and Installing

Hazelcast Node.js client is on NPM. Just add hazelcast-client as a dependency to your Node.js project, and you are good to go.

npm install hazelcast-client --save

1.4. Basic Configuration

If you are using Hazelcast and Node.js Client on the same machine, generally the default configuration should be fine. This is great for trying out the client. However, if you run the client on a different machine than any of the cluster members, you may need to do some simple configurations such as specifying the member addresses.

The Hazelcast members and clients have their own configuration options. You may need to reflect some member side configurations on the client side to properly connect to the cluster.

This section describes the most common configuration elements to get you started in no time. It discusses some member side configuration options to ease the understanding of Hazelcast's ecosystem. Then, the client side configuration options regarding the cluster connection are discussed. The configurations for the Hazelcast data structures that can be used in the Node.js client are discussed in the following sections.

See the Hazelcast Reference Manual and Configuration section for more information.

1.4.1. Configuring Hazelcast

Hazelcast aims to run out-of-the-box for most common scenarios. However, if you have limitations on your network such as multicast being disabled, you may have to configure your Hazelcast members so that they can find each other on the network. Also, since most of the distributed data structures are configurable, you may want to configure them according to your needs. We will show you the basics of network configuration here.

You can use the following options to configure Hazelcast:

  • Using the hazelcast.xml configuration file.
  • Programmatically configuring the member before starting it from the Java code.

Since we use standalone servers, we will use the hazelcast.xml file to configure our cluster members.

When you download and unzip hazelcast-<version>.zip (or tar), you see the hazelcast.xml in the bin directory. When a Hazelcast member starts, it looks for the hazelcast.xml file to load the configuration from. A sample hazelcast.xml is shown below.

        <port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
            <multicast enabled="true">
            <tcp-ip enabled="false">
        <ssl enabled="false"/>
    <partition-group enabled="false"/>
    <map name="default">

We will go over some important configuration elements in the rest of this section.

  • <cluster-name> : Specifies which cluster this member belongs to. A member connects only to the other members that are in the same cluster as itself. You may give your clusters different names so that they can live in the same network without disturbing each other. Note that the cluster name should be the same across all members and clients that belong to the same cluster.
  • <network>
    • <port>: Specifies the port number to be used by the member when it starts. Its default value is 5701. You can specify another port number, and if you set auto-increment to true, then Hazelcast will try the subsequent ports until it finds an available port or the port-count is reached.
    • <join>: Specifies the strategies to be used by the member to find other cluster members. Choose which strategy you want to use by setting its enabled attribute to true and the others to false.
      • <multicast>: Members find each other by sending multicast requests to the specified address and port. It is very useful if the IP addresses of the members are not static.
      • <tcp>: This strategy uses a pre-configured list of known members to find an already existing cluster. It is enough for a member to find only one cluster member to connect to the cluster. The rest of the member list is automatically retrieved from that member. We recommend putting multiple known member addresses there to avoid disconnectivity should one of the members in the list is unavailable at the time of connection.

These configuration elements are enough for most connection scenarios. Now we will move on to the configuration of the Node.js client.

1.4.2. Configuring Hazelcast Node.js Client

To configure your Hazelcast Node.js client you need to create a config object and set the appropriate options. Then you can supply this object to your client at the startup. The structure of the config object is similar to the hazelcast.xml configuration file used when configuring the member. It is done this way to make it easier to transfer Hazelcast skills to multiple platforms.

This section describes some network configuration settings to cover common use cases in connecting the client to a cluster. See the Configuration section and the following sections for information about detailed network configurations and/or additional features of Hazelcast Node.js client configuration.

You need to create a ClientConfig object and adjust its properties. Then you can pass this object to the client when starting it.

const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');

// ...

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient({
    clusterName: 'name of your cluster'
// Some operations

It's also possible to omit the config object to use the default settings.

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Some operations

If you run the Hazelcast members on a different server than the client, you most probably have configured the members' ports and cluster names as explained in the previous section. If you did, then you need to make certain changes to the network settings of your client. Cluster Name Setting

You need to provide the name of the cluster, if it is defined on the server side, to which you want the client to connect.

const cfg = {
    clusterName: 'name of your cluster'
}; Network Settings

You need to provide the IP address and port of at least one member in your cluster, so the client can find it.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        clusterMembers: [

1.5. Basic Usage

Now we have a working cluster, and we know how to configure both our cluster and client, we can run a simple program to use a distributed map in the Node.js client.

The following example first creates a programmatic configuration object. Then, it starts a client.

const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');

(async () => {
    try {
        // Connect to Hazelcast cluster
        const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
        // Print some information about this client

        await client.shutdown();
    } catch (err) {
        console.error('Error occurred:', err);

NOTE: For the sake of brevity we are going to omit boilerplate parts, like require or the root async function, in the later code snippets. Refer to the Code Samples section to see samples with the complete code.

This should print logs about the cluster members and information about the client itself such as the client type, UUID and address.

[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is STARTING
[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is STARTED
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ConnectionManager: Trying to connect to localhost:5701
[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is CONNECTED
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ConnectionManager: Authenticated with server,
 server version: 4.0.2, local address:
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ClusterService:

Members [1] {
	Member []:5701 - 255e4c83-cc19-445e-b7e1-9084ee423767

ClientInfo {
  type: 'NodeJS',
  uuid: UUID {
    mostSignificant: Long { low: 20157807, high: 1081410737, unsigned: false },
    leastSignificant: Long { low: 314555559, high: 1465580554, unsigned: false }
  localAddress: Address {
    host: '',
    port: 53988,
    type: 4,
    addrStr: ''
  labels: Set {},
  name: 'hz.client_0'

Congratulations! You just started a Hazelcast Node.js client.

Using a Map

Let's manipulate a distributed map on a cluster using the client.

Save the following file as it.js and run it using node it.js.


const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient();

const personnelMap = await client.getMap('personnelMap');
await personnelMap.put('Alice', 'IT');
await personnelMap.put('Bob', 'IT');
await personnelMap.put('Clark', 'IT');
console.log('Added IT personnel. Logging all known personnel');

const allPersonnel = await personnelMap.entrySet();
allPersonnel.forEach(function (person) {
    console.log(`${person[0]} is in ${person[1]} department`);


Added IT personnel. Logging all known personnel
Alice is in IT department
Clark is in IT department
Bob is in IT department

You see this example puts all the IT personnel into a cluster-wide personnelMap and then prints all the known personnel.

Now create a sales.js file as shown below and run it using node sales.js.


const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient();

const personnelMap = await client.getMap('personnelMap');
await personnelMap.put('Denise', 'Sales');
await personnelMap.put('Erwing', 'Sales');
await personnelMap.put('Faith', 'Sales');
console.log('Added Sales personnel. Logging all known personnel');

const allPersonnel = await personnelMap.entrySet();
allPersonnel.forEach(function (person) {
    console.log(`${person[0]} is in ${person[1]} department`);


Added Sales personnel. Logging all known personnel
Denise is in Sales department
Erwing is in Sales department
Faith is in Sales department
Alice is in IT department
Clark is in IT department
Bob is in IT department

You will see this time we add only the sales employees, but we get the list of all known employees including the ones in IT. That is because our map lives in the cluster and no matter which client we use, we can access the whole map.

1.6. Code Samples

See the Hazelcast Node.js code samples for more examples.

You can also see the Hazelcast Node.js API Documentation.

2. Features

Hazelcast Node.js client supports the following data structures and features:

  • Map
  • Queue
  • Set
  • List
  • MultiMap
  • Replicated Map
  • Ringbuffer
  • Reliable Topic
  • CRDT PN Counter
  • Flake Id Generator
  • FencedLock (CP Subsystem)
  • Semaphore (CP Subsystem)
  • AtomicLong (CP Subsystem)
  • AtomicReference (CP Subsystem)
  • CountDownLatch (CP Subsystem)
  • Event Listeners
  • Entry Processor
  • Query (Predicates)
  • Paging Predicate
  • Built-in Predicates
  • Listener with Predicate
  • Fast Aggregations
  • Near Cache Support
  • Eventual Consistency Control
  • Programmatic Configuration
  • Client Configuration Import
  • Fail Fast on Invalid Configuration
  • SSL Support (requires Enterprise server)
  • Mutual Authentication (requires Enterprise server)
  • Authorization
  • Management Center Integration / Awareness
  • Client Near Cache Stats
  • Client Runtime Stats
  • Client Operating Systems Stats
  • Hazelcast Cloud Discovery
  • Smart Client
  • Unisocket Client
  • Lifecycle Service
  • IdentifiedDataSerializable Serialization
  • Portable Serialization
  • Custom Serialization
  • Global Serialization
  • Connection Strategy
  • Connection Retry
  • External Client Public Address Discovery
  • Blue-Green Deployment and Disaster Recovery (requires Enterprise server)

3. Configuration

This chapter describes the options to configure your Node.js client. If an invalid value is given to any configuration option, an InvalidConfigurationError error will be thrown.

For configuration of the Hazelcast Node.js client, just instantiate a config object and configure the desired aspects. An example is shown below.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        clusterMembers: [
const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient(cfg);
// Some operations

In the following chapters, you will learn the description of all options supported by Hazelcast Node.js client.

3.1 Client Properties

The following is the list of all client properties in alphabetical order.

Property Name Default Value Type Description
hazelcast.client.autopipelining.enabled true boolean Turns automated pipelining feature on/off. If your application does only write operations, like IMap.set(), you can try disabling automated pipelining to get a slightly better throughput.
hazelcast.client.autopipelining.threshold.bytes 65536 (64 KB) number This is the coalescing threshold for the internal queue used by automated pipelining. Once the total size of operation payloads taken from the queue reaches this value during batch preparation, these operations are written to the socket. Notice that automated pipelining will still send operations if their total size is smaller than the threshold and there are no more operations in the internal queue.
hazelcast.client.heartbeat.interval 5000 number Frequency of the heartbeat messages sent by the clients to members in milliseconds.
hazelcast.client.heartbeat.timeout 60000 number Timeout for the heartbeat messages sent by the client to members in milliseconds. If no messages pass between the client and member within the given time via this property, the connection will be closed.
hazelcast.client.invocation.retry.pause.millis 1000 number Pause time between each retry cycle of an invocation in milliseconds.
hazelcast.client.invocation.timeout.millis 120000 number Period, in milliseconds, to give up the invocation when a member in the member list is not reachable, member throws an exception or client's heartbeat requests are timed out.
hazelcast.client.operation.backup.timeout.millis 5000 number If an operation has backups, this property specifies how long (in milliseconds) the invocation waits for acks from the backup replicas. If acks are not received from some of the backups, there will not be any rollback on the other successful replicas. false boolean When it is true, if an operation has sync backups and acks are not received from backup replicas in time, or the member which owns primary replica of the target partition leaves the cluster, then the invocation fails. However, even if the invocation fails, there will not be any rollback on other successful replicas.
hazelcast.client.shuffle.member.list true boolean The client shuffles the given member list to prevent all the clients to connect to the same member when this property is true. When it is set to false, the client tries to connect to the members in the given order. true boolean The setNoDelay setting for connections.
hazelcast.client.statistics.enabled false boolean DEPRECATED since 5.1, use metrics client config instead If set to true, it enables collecting the client statistics and sending them to the cluster. When it is true you can monitor the clients that are connected to your Hazelcast cluster, using Hazelcast Management Center.
hazelcast.client.statistics.period.seconds 3 number DEPRECATED since 5.1, use metrics client config instead Period in seconds the client statistics are collected and sent to the cluster.
hazelcast.discovery.public.ip.enabled null(detection enabled) boolean or null When set to true, the client will assume that it needs to use public IP addresses reported by members. When set to false, the client will always use private addresses reported by members. If it is null, the client will try to infer how the discovery mechanism should be based on the reachability of the members. This inference is not %100 reliable and may result in false negatives.
hazelcast.invalidation.max.tolerated.miss.count 10 number If missed invalidation count is bigger than this value, relevant cached data in a Near Cache will be made unreachable.
hazelcast.invalidation.reconciliation.interval.seconds 60 number Period of the task that scans cluster members to compare generated invalidation events with the received ones from the client Near Cache.
hazelcast.logging.level INFO string Logging level. Can be one of OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. You can also use lowercase characters ( debug, warn, info etc.) because this property is case insensitive.

4. Serialization

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes to store the object in the memory, a file, or database or transmit it through the network. Its main purpose is to save the state of an object to be able to recreate it when needed. The reverse process is called deserialization. Hazelcast offers you its native serialization methods. You will see these methods throughout this chapter. All serialization methods are listed and compared in this page.

Hazelcast serializes all your objects before sending them to the server. Certain types, like boolean, number, string, and Long, are serialized natively and you cannot override this behavior. The following table is the conversion of types for the Java server side.

Node.js Java
boolean Boolean
number Byte, Short, Integer, Float, Double
BigInt BigInteger
string String
Long Long
Buffer byte[]
Object com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastJsonValue

NOTE: The Long type means the type provided by long.js library.

NOTE: A number is serialized as Double by default. You can configure this behavior using the defaultNumberType serialization config option. See API Documentation for more information.

Arrays of the boolean, number, BigInt, string, and Long types can be serialized as boolean[], BigInteger[], byte[], short[], int[], float[], double[], string[], and long[] for the Java server side, respectively.

Serialization Priority

When Hazelcast Node.js client serializes an object:

  1. It first checks whether the object is null.

  2. If the above check fails, then it checks if it is an instance of IdentifiedDataSerializable.

  3. If the above check fails, then it checks if it is an instance of Portable.

  4. If the above check fails, then it checks if it is an instance of one of the default types (see above default types).

  5. If the above check fails, then it looks for a user-specified Custom Serialization.

  6. If the above check fails, it will use the registered Global Serialization if one exists.

  7. If the above check fails, then the Node.js client uses JSON Serialization by default.

However, JSON Serialization may not be the best way of serialization in terms of performance and interoperability between the clients in different languages. If you want the serialization to work faster or you use the clients in different languages, Hazelcast offers its own native serialization methods, such as IdentifiedDataSerializable Serialization and Portable Serialization.

Or, if you want to use your own serialization method, you can use Custom Serialization.

NOTE: Hazelcast Node.js client is a TypeScript-based project but JavaScript does not have interfaces. Therefore, some interfaces are given to the user by using the TypeScript files that have .ts extension. In this guide, implementing an interface means creating an object to have the necessary functions that are listed in the interface inside the .ts file. Also, this object is mentioned as an instance of the interface. You can search the API Documentation or GitHub repository for a required interface.

4.1. Compact Serialization

NOTES: Compact serialization is promoted to the stable status in the 5.2 release. The older versions released under the BETA status are not compatible with stable the 5.2 server version.

As an enhancement to existing serialization methods, Hazelcast offers the compact serialization, with the following main features.

  • Separates the schema from the data and stores it per type, not per object which results in less memory and bandwidth usage compared to other formats.
  • Does not require a class to implement an interface or change the source code of the class in any way.
  • Supports schema evolution which permits adding or removing fields, or changing the types of fields.
  • Platform and language independent.
  • Supports partial deserialization of fields during queries or indexing.

Hazelcast achieves these features by having well-known schemas of objects and replicating them across the cluster which enables members and clients to fetch schemas they don’t have in their local registries. Each serialized object carries just a schema identifier and relies on the schema distribution service or configuration to match identifiers with the actual schema. Once the schemas are fetched, they are cached locally on the members and clients so that the next operations that use the schema do not incur extra costs.

Schemas help Hazelcast to identify the locations of the fields on the serialized binary data. With this information, Hazelcast can deserialize individual fields of the data, without deserializing the whole binary. This results in a better query and indexing performance.

Schemas can evolve freely by adding or removing fields. Even the types of the fields can be changed. Multiple versions of the schema may live in the same cluster and both the old and new readers may read the compatible parts of the data. This feature is especially useful in rolling upgrade scenarios.

The Compact serialization does not require any changes in the user classes as it doesn’t need a class to implement a particular interface. Serializers might be implemented and registered separately from the classes.

The underlying format of the compact serialized objects is platform and language independent.

4.1.1. Configuration

The only thing you need to configure is to register compact serializers. You can do that via serialization.compact.serializers configuration option.

You have to supply a unique type name for the class in the serializer.

Choosing a type name will associate that name with the schema and will make the polyglot use cases, where there are multiple clients from different languages, possible. Serializers in different languages can work on the same data, provided that their read and write methods are compatible, and they have the same type name.

NOTES: If you evolve your class in the later versions of your application, by adding or removing fields, you should continue using the same type name for that class.

The following is an example of compact configuration:

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient({
    serialization: {
        compact: {
            serializers: [new EmployeeSerializer()]

4.1.2. Implementing CompactSerializer

Compact serialization can be used by implementing a CompactSerializer for a class and registering it in the configuration.

For example, assume that you have the following Employee class.

class Employee {
    constructor(age, id) {
        this.age = age; = id;

Then, a Compact serializer can be implemented as below.

class EmployeeSerializer {
    getTypeName() {
        return 'Employee';

    getClass() {
        return Employee;

    read(reader) {
        const age = reader.readInt32('age');
        const id = reader.readInt64('id');
        return new Employee(age, id);

    write(writer, value) {
        writer.writeInt32('age', value.age);

The last step is to register the serializer in the member or client configuration, as shown in the Configuration section.

Upon serialization, a schema will be created from the serializer, and a unique schema identifier will be assigned to it automatically.

After the configuration registration, Hazelcast will serialize instances of the Employee class using the EmployeeSerializer.

4.1.3. Supported Types

Compact serialization supports the types in this list in the reference manual as first class types. Any other type can be implemented on top of these, by using these types as building blocks.

NOTE: Compact serialization supports circularly-dependent types, provided that the cycle ends at some point on runtime by some null value.

4.1.4. Schema Evolution

Compact serialization permits schemas and classes to evolve by adding or removing fields, or by changing the types of fields. More than one version of a class may live in the same cluster and different clients or members might use different versions of the class.

Hazelcast handles the versioning internally. So, you don’t have to change anything in the classes or serializers apart from the added, removed, or changed fields.

Hazelcast achieves this by identifying each version of the class by a unique fingerprint. Any change in a class results in a different fingerprint. Hazelcast uses a 64-bit Rabin Fingerprint to assign identifiers to schemas, which has an extremely low collision rate.

Different versions of the schema with different identifiers are replicated in the cluster and can be fetched by clients or members internally. That allows old readers to read fields of the classes they know when they try to read data serialized by a new writer. Similarly, new readers might read fields of the classes available in the data, when they try to read data serialized by an old writer.

Assume that the two versions of the following Employee class live in the cluster.

class Employee {
    constructor(id, name) { = id; // int32 = name; // string
class Employee {
    constructor(id, name, age) { = id; // int32 = name; // string
        this.age = age; // int64, Newly added field

Then, when faced with binary data serialized by the new writer, old readers will be able to read the following fields.

// CompactSerializer's read method
read(reader) {
    const id = reader.readInt64("id");
    const name = reader.readString("name");
    // The new "age" field is there, but the old reader does not
    // know anything about it. Hence, it will simply ignore that field.
    return new Employee(id, name);

Then, when faced with binary data serialized by the old writer, new readers will be able to read the following fields. Also, Node.js client provides convenient APIs to check the existence of fields in the data when there is no such field.

// CompactSerializer's read method
read(reader) {
    const id = reader.readInt64("id");
    const name = reader.readString("name");
    // Read the "age" if it exists or use the default value 0.
    // reader.readInt32("age") would throw if the "age" field
    // does not exist in data.
    const age = reader.getFieldKind("age") === FieldKind.INT32 ? reader.readInt32("age") : 0;
    return new Employee(id, name, age);

Note that, when an old reader reads data written by an old writer, or a new reader reads a data written by a new writer, they will be able to read all fields written.

One thing to be careful while evolving the class is to not have any conditional code in the write method. That method must write all the fields available in the current version of the class to the writer, with appropriate field names and types. Node.js client uses the write method of the serializer to extract a schema out of the object, hence any conditional code that may or may not run depending on the object in that method might result in an undefined behavior.

4.1.5. Generic Record Representation

Compact serialized objects can also be represented by a GenericRecord. A GenericRecord is the representation of some object when the client does not have the serializer/configuration to construct it. For example, if you read a compact object and there is no CompactSerializer registered for that class, you will receive a GenericRecord. CompactSerializers are responsible for both serializing and deserializing class instances.

To create a GenericRecord object in compact serialization format, use the GenericRecords.compact() method:

 * Static constructor method for compact generic records.
 * @param typeName Represents the type of the compact object, included in serialized form
 * @param fields Represents the field schema of the compact
 * @param values Values to use in the generic record. This should be in sync with {@link fields}
 * @throws TypeError if a value is of wrong type according to {@link fields}
 * @throws RangeError if a value is out of range of its type
 * @returns A compact generic record
static compact<F extends {[name: string]: Field<any>}>(
    typeName: string,
    fields: F,
    values: {[property in keyof F]: F[property] extends Field<infer T> ? T : any}
): GenericRecord

Every compact object has a type name, we need to pass it first. Then, fields is the schema for the generic record and can be reused across multiple calls to GenericRecords.compact(). Finally, values object is the corresponding values for each field.


const fields = {
    name: Fields.STRING,
    age: Fields.INT32,
    id: Fields.INT64

const record = GenericRecords.compact('employee', fields, {
    age: 21,
    name: "John",
    id: Long.fromNumber(11)

const anotherRecord = GenericRecords.compact('employee', fields, {
    age: 19,
    name: "Jane",
    id: Long.fromNumber(10)

For more information, you can check the related page in Hazelcast reference documentation.

4.1.6. SQL Support

Compact serialized objects can be used in SQL statements, provided that a mapping is created, similar to other serialization formats. See Compact Object mappings section in Hazelcast reference manual to learn more.

4.1.7. Limitations

APIs with lazy deserialization, e.g ReadOnlyLazyList may throw HazelcastSerializationError in case a compact object is read and its schema is not known by the client. This is due to a technical limitation. If the schema is fetched by the client already, it won't throw. To fetch the schema, you can use any API that reads an object with the same schema.

4.2. IdentifiedDataSerializable Serialization

For a faster serialization of objects, Hazelcast recommends to implement the IdentifiedDataSerializable interface. The following is an example of an object implementing this interface:

class Employee {
    constructor(id, name) { = id; = name;
        // IdentifiedDataSerializable interface properties:
        this.factoryId = 1000;
        this.classId = 100;

    readData(input) { = input.readInt(); = input.readString();

    writeData(output) {

NOTE: Refer to DataInput/DataOutput interfaces in the API Documentation to understand methods available on the input/output objects.

The IdentifiedDataSerializable interface uses classId and factoryId properties to reconstitute the object. To complete the implementation, IdentifiedDataSerializableFactory factory function should also be implemented and put into the serialization.dataSerializableFactories config option. The factory's responsibility is to return an instance of the right IdentifiedDataSerializable object, given the classId.

A sample IdentifiedDataSerializableFactory function could be implemented as follows:

function sampleDataSerializableFactory(classId) {
    if (classId === 100) {
        return new Employee();
    return null;

The last step is to register the IdentifiedDataSerializableFactory in the config.

const cfg = {
    serialization: {
        dataSerializableFactories: {
            1000: sampleDataSerializableFactory

Note that the key used in the serialization.dataSerializableFactories option is the same as the factoryId that the Employee object returns.

4.3. Portable Serialization

As an alternative to the existing serialization methods, Hazelcast offers portable serialization. To use it, you need to implement the Portable interface. Portable serialization has the following advantages:

  • Supporting multiversion of the same object type.
  • Fetching individual fields without having to rely on reflection.
  • Querying and indexing support without deserialization and/or reflection.

To support these features, a serialized Portable object contains meta information like the version and concrete location of each field in the binary data. This way Hazelcast is able to navigate in the binary data and deserialize only the required field without actually deserializing the whole object, which improves the query performance.

With multiversion support, you can have two members, each having different versions of the same object; Hazelcast stores both meta information and uses the correct one to serialize and deserialize portable objects depending on the member. This is very helpful when doing a rolling upgrade without shutting down the cluster.

Also, note that portable serialization is totally language independent and is used as the binary protocol between Hazelcast server and clients.

A sample portable implementation of a Customer class looks like the following:

class Customer {
    constructor(name, id, lastOrder) { = name; = id;
        this.lastOrder = lastOrder;
        // Portable interface properties:
        this.factoryId = 1;
        this.classId = 1;

    readPortable(reader) { = reader.readString('name'); = reader.readInt('id');
        this.lastOrder = reader.readLong('lastOrder').toNumber();

    writePortable(writer) {
        writer.writeLong('lastOrder', Long.fromNumber(this.lastOrder));

NOTE: Refer to PortableReader/PortableWriter interfaces in the API Documentation to understand methods available on the reader/writer objects.

Similar to IdentifiedDataSerializable, a Portable object must provide classId and factoryId. The factory function will be used to create the Portable object given the classId.

A sample PortableFactory function could be implemented as follows:

function portableFactory(classId) {
    if (classId === 1) {
        return new Customer();
    return null;

The last step is to register the PortableFactory in the config.

const cfg = {
    serialization: {
        portableFactories: {
            1: portableFactory

Note that the ID that the key used in the serialization.portableFactories option is the same as the factoryId that the Customer object returns.

4.3.1. Versioning for Portable Serialization

More than one version of the same class may need to be serialized and deserialized. For example, a client may have an older version of a class, and the member to which it is connected may have a newer version of the same class.

Portable serialization supports versioning. It is a global versioning, meaning that all portable classes serialized through a client get the globally configured portable version.

You can declare the version using the serialization.portableVersion option, as shown below.

const cfg = {
    serialization: {
        portableVersion: 0

If you update the class by changing the type of one of the fields or by adding a new field, it is a good idea to upgrade the version of the class rather than sticking to the global version specified in the configuration. In the Node.js client, you can achieve this by simply adding the version property to your implementation of Portable, and setting the version to be different than the default global version.

NOTE: If you do not use the version property in your Portable implementation, it will have the global version, by default.

Here is an example implementation of creating a version 2 for the Foo class:

class Foo {
    constructor(foo, foo2) { = foo;
        this.foo2 = foo2;
        // VersionedPortable interface properties:
        this.factoryId = 1;
        this.classId = 1;
        this.version = 2;

    readPortable(reader) { = reader.readString('foo');
        this.foo2 = reader.readString('foo2');

    writePortable(writer) {
        writer.writeString('foo2', this.foo2);

You should consider the following when you perform versioning:

  • It is important to change the version whenever an update is performed in the serialized fields of a class, for example by incrementing the version.
  • If a client performs a Portable deserialization on a field and then that Portable is updated by removing that field on the cluster side, this may lead to problems such as a TypeError being thrown when an older version of the client tries to access the removed field.
  • Portable serialization does not use reflection and hence, fields in the class and in the serialized content are not automatically mapped. Field renaming is a simpler process. Also, since the class ID is stored, renaming the Portable does not lead to problems.
  • Types of fields need to be updated carefully. Hazelcast performs basic type upgrades, such as int to float.

Example Portable Versioning Scenarios:

Assume that a new client joins to the cluster with a class that has been modified and class's version has been upgraded due to this modification.

If you modified the class by adding a new field, the new client’s put operations include that new field. If the new client tries to get an object that was put from the older clients, it gets null for the newly added field.

If you modified the class by removing a field, the old clients get null for the objects that are put by the new client.

If you modified the class by changing the type of a field to an incompatible type (such as from int to String), a TypeError is generated as the client tries accessing an object with the older version of the class. The same applies if a client with the old version tries to access a new version object.

If you did not modify a class at all, it works as usual.

4.4. Custom Serialization

Hazelcast lets you plug a custom serializer to be used for serialization of objects.

Let's say you have an object CustomSerializable and you would like to customize the serialization, since you may want to use an external serializer for only one object.

class CustomSerializable {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
        // CustomSerializable interface properties:
        this.hzCustomId = 10;

Note that the hzCustomId property should return type id of the CustomSerializable.

Now you need to implement a custom Serializer which will serialize CustomSerializable objects.

class CustomSerializer {
    constructor() {
        // Serializer interface properties: = 10;

    read(input) {
        const len = input.readInt();
        let str = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            str = str + String.fromCharCode(input.readInt());
        return new CustomSerializable(str);

    write(output, obj) {
        for (let i = 0; i < obj.value.length; i++) {

Note that the serializer id must be unique as Hazelcast will use it to lookup the CustomSerializer while it deserializes the object. Now the last required step is to register the CustomSerializer to the configuration.

const cfg ={
    serialization: {
        customSerializers: [new CustomSerializer()]

From now on, Hazelcast will use CustomSerializer to serialize CustomSerializable objects.

4.5. Global Serialization

The global serializer is identical to custom serializers from the implementation perspective. The global serializer is registered as a fallback serializer to handle all other objects if a serializer cannot be located for them.

By default, JSON serialization is used if the object is not IdentifiedDataSerializable or Portable or there is no custom serializer for it. When you configure a global serializer, it is used instead of JSON serialization.

Use cases:

  • Third party serialization frameworks can be integrated using the global serializer.
  • For your custom objects, you can implement a single serializer to handle all of them.

A sample global serializer that integrates with a third party serializer is shown below.

class GlobalSerializer {
    constructor() {
        // Serializer interface properties: = 20;

    read(input) {
        return MyFavoriteSerializer.deserialize(input.readByteArray());

    write(output, obj) {

You should register the global serializer in the configuration.

Programmatic Configuration:

const cfg = {
    serialization: {
        globalSerializer: new GlobalSerializer()

4.6. JSON Serialization

If the Hazelcast Node.js client cannot find a suitable serializer for an object, it uses JSON Serialization by default. With JSON Serialization, objects are converted to JSON strings and transmitted to the Hazelcast members as such.

When the Hazelcast Node.js client retrieves a JSON serialized data from a member, it parses the JSON string and returns the object represented by that string to the user. However, you may want to defer the string parsing and work with the raw JSON strings.

For this purpose, you can configure your client to return HazelcastJsonValue objects when it retrieves a JSON serialized data from a member.

HazelcastJsonValue is a lightweight wrapper around the raw JSON strings. You may get the JSON string representation of the object using the toString() method.

Below is the configuration required to return HazelcastJsonValue objects instead of JavaScript objects.

Programmatic Configuration:

const cfg = {
    serialization: {
        jsonStringDeserializationPolicy = 'NO_DESERIALIZATION'

5. Setting Up Client Network

Main parts of network related configuration for Hazelcast Node.js client may be tuned via the network configuration option.

Here is an example of configuring the network for Hazelcast Node.js client.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        clusterMembers: ['', ''],
        smartRouting: true,
        redoOperation: true,
        connectionTimeout: 6000

5.1. Providing Member Addresses

Address list is the initial list of cluster addresses which the client will connect to. The client uses this list to find an alive member. Although it may be enough to give only one address of a member in the cluster (since all members communicate with each other), it is recommended that you give the addresses for all the members.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        clusterMembers: [

If the port part is omitted, then 5701, 5702 and 5703 ports will be tried in a random order.

You can specify multiple addresses with or without the port information as seen above. The provided list is shuffled and tried in a random order. Its default value is localhost.

5.2. Setting Smart Routing

Smart routing defines whether the client mode is smart or unisocket. See the Node.js Client Operation Modes section for the description of smart and unisocket modes.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        smartRouting: true

Its default value is true (smart client mode).

5.3. Enabling Redo Operation

It enables/disables redo-able operations. While sending the requests to the related members, the operations can fail due to various reasons. Read-only operations are retried by default. If you want to enable retry for the other operations, you can set the redoOperation to true.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        redoOperation: true

Its default value is false (disabled).

5.4. Setting Connection Timeout

Connection timeout is the timeout value in milliseconds for the members to accept the client connection requests.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        connectionTimeout: 6000

Its default value is 5000 milliseconds.

5.5. Enabling Client TLS/SSL

You can use TLS/SSL to secure client-member connections. You should set an SSL configuration if you want to enable TLS/SSL for the client-cluster connection. Please see TLS/SSL section.

As explained in the TLS/SSL section, Hazelcast members have key stores used to identify themselves (to other members), and Hazelcast Node.js clients have certificate authorities used to define which members they can trust. Hazelcast has the mutual authentication feature which allows the Node.js clients also to have their private keys and public certificates, and members to have their certificate authorities so that the members can know which clients they can trust. See the Mutual Authentication section.

5.6. Enabling Hazelcast Viridian Discovery

Hazelcast Node.js client can discover and connect to Hazelcast clusters running on Hazelcast Viridian. For this, provide authentication information as clusterName and enable cloud discovery by setting your discoveryToken as shown below.

const cfg = {
    clusterName: 'hzCluster',
    network: {
        hazelcastCloud: {
            discoveryToken: 'EXAMPLE_TOKEN'

If you have enabled encryption for your cluster, you should also enable TLS/SSL configuration for the client to secure communication between your client and cluster members as described in the TLS/SSL section.

5.7. Configuring Backup Acknowledgment

When an operation with sync backup is sent by a client to the Hazelcast member(s), the acknowledgment of the operation's backup is sent to the client by the backup replica member(s). This improves the performance of the client operations.

To disable backup acknowledgement, you should use the backupAckToClientEnabled configuration option.

const cfg = {
    backupAckToClientEnabled: false

Its default value is true. This option has no effect for unisocket clients.

You can also fine-tune this feature using hazelcast.client.operation.backup.timeout.millis and properties:

5.8. External Client Public Address Discovery

NOTE: This feature requires Hazelcast 4.2 or higher version.

When you set up a Hazelcast cluster in the Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes) and would like to use it from outside the Cloud network, the client needs to communicate with all cluster members via their public IP addresses. Whenever Hazelcast cluster members are able to resolve their public external IP addresses, they pass this information to the client. As a result, the client can use public addresses for communication if it cannot access members via private IPs.

Hazelcast Node.js client has a built-in mechanism to detect such situation. When the client starts, it executes the following steps:

  1. Check if the private addresses reported by members are the same as defined in the client configuration. If they are the same, there is no need to use public addresses. If not, then
  2. Check if every member is reachable via public address but not reachable via private address (for the performance reason, only three members are checked). If the check succeeds, the client uses public addresses for further communication.

For more details on member-side configuration, refer to the Discovery SPI section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

You can disable the detection mechanism and specify the client behavior by using the hazelcast.discovery.public.ip.enabled property.

NOTE: The detection mechanism is disabled when the client is configured to use TLS/SSL encryption. In such setup you should explicitly set the hazelcast.discovery.public.ip.enabled property.

NOTE: This feature is disabled when the client is configured to use Hazelcast Cloud Discovery.

6. Client Connection Strategy

Node.js client can be configured to connect to a cluster in an async manner during the client start and reconnecting after a cluster disconnect. Both of these options are configured via ClientConnectionStrategyConfig.

You can configure the client’s starting mode as async or sync using the configuration element asyncStart. When it is set to true (async), the behavior of Client.newHazelcastClient() call changes. It resolves a client instance without waiting to establish a cluster connection. In this case, the client rejects any network dependent operation with ClientOfflineError immediately until it connects to the cluster. If it is false, the call is not resolved, and the client is not created until a connection with the cluster is established. Its default value is false (sync).

You can also configure how the client reconnects to the cluster after a disconnection. This is configured using the configuration element reconnectMode; it has three options:

  • OFF: Client rejects to reconnect to the cluster and triggers the shutdown process.
  • ON: Client opens a connection to the cluster in a blocking manner by not resolving any of the waiting invocations.
  • ASYNC: Client opens a connection to the cluster in a non-blocking manner by resolving all the waiting invocations with ClientOfflineError.

Its default value is ON.

The example configuration below shows how to configure a Node.js client’s starting and reconnecting modes.

const cfg = {
    connectionStrategy: {
        asyncStart: false,
        reconnectMode: 'ON'

6.1. Configuring Client Connection Retry

When the client is disconnected from the cluster, it searches for new connections to reconnect. You can configure the frequency of the reconnection attempts and client shutdown behavior using the connectionStrategy.connectionRetry configuration option.

const cfg = {
    connectionStrategy: {
        asyncStart: false,
        reconnectMode: 'ON',
        connectionRetry: {
            initialBackoffMillis: 1000,
            maxBackoffMillis: 60000,
            multiplier: 2,
            clusterConnectTimeoutMillis: 50000,
            jitter: 0.2

The following are configuration element descriptions:

  • initialBackoffMillis: Specifies how long to wait (backoff), in milliseconds, after the first failure before retrying. Its default value is 1000 ms. It must be non-negative.
  • maxBackoffMillis: Specifies the upper limit for the backoff in milliseconds. Its default value is 30000 ms. It must be non-negative.
  • multiplier: Factor to multiply the backoff after a failed retry. Its default value is 1.05. It must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • clusterConnectTimeoutMillis: Timeout value in milliseconds for the client to give up to connect to the current cluster. If set to -1, the client tries to connect forever. If set to 0, the client won't try to connect anymore after the first attempt fails. The default value is -1 (No timeout).
  • jitter: Specifies by how much to randomize backoffs. Its default value is 0. It must be in range 0 to 1.

A pseudo-code for connection retry logic is as follows:

begin_time = getCurrentTime()
current_backoff_millis = INITIAL_BACKOFF_MILLIS
while (tryConnect(connectionTimeout)) != SUCCESS) {
    if (getCurrentTime() - begin_time >= CLUSTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS) {
        // Give up to connecting to the current cluster and switch to another if exists.
    Sleep(current_backoff_millis + UniformRandom(-JITTER * current_backoff_millis, JITTER * current_backoff_millis))
    current_backoff = Min(current_backoff_millis * MULTIPLIER, MAX_BACKOFF_MILLIS)

Note that, tryConnect above tries to connect to any member that the client knows, and for each connection we have a connection timeout; see the Setting Connection Timeout section.

7. Blue-Green Deployment and Disaster Recovery

Hazelcast provides disaster recovery for the client-cluster connections and can use the well-known blue-green mechanism so that a Node.js client is automatically diverted to another cluster on demand or when the intended cluster becomes unavailable. These features require Hazelcast Enterprise edition.

Using the blue-green system, the clients can connect to another cluster automatically when they are blacklisted from their currently connected cluster.

See the Blue-Green Mechanism section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual for information on the blue-green deployment support.

With the disaster recovery, the clients try to connect to alternative clusters described in the failover config when one of your clusters is gone due to a failure. See the Disaster Recovery Mechanism section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual for information on the disaster recovery.

7.1. Configuring Client

In order to configure the client for blue-green deployment or disaster recovery you need to start it with the Client.newHazelcastFailoverClient function and provide the client failover configuration, like shown below.

const client = await Client.newHazelcastFailoverClient({
    tryCount: 3,
    // Client configs for alternative clusters go here:
    clientConfigs: [
        // Each config has the same structure as in `Client.newHazelcastClient`.
            clusterName: 'clusterA',
            network: {
                clusterMembers: ['clusterA.member1', 'clusterA.member2']
            clusterName: 'clusterB',
            network: {
                clusterMembers: ['clusterB.member1', 'clusterB.member2']
// Some operations

The following are configuration element descriptions:

  • tryCount: Specifies the count of attempts to connect to a cluster. Its default value is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. It must be non-negative. For each alternative cluster, the client will try to connect to the cluster respecting related connectionRetry. When the client can not connect a cluster, it will try to connect tryCount times going over the alternative client configs in a round-robin fashion. This is triggered at the start and also when the client disconnects from the cluster and can not connect back to it by exhausting attempts described in connectionRetry config. In that case, the client will continue from where it is left off in clientConfigs list, and try the next one again in round-robin tryCount times. For example, if two alternative clusters are given in the clientConfigs list and the tryCount is set as 4, the maximum number of subsequent connection attempts done by the client is 4 x 2 = 8.

  • clientConfigs: The list of client configs for alternative clusters to be used by the client. The client configurations must be exactly the same except the following configuration options:

    • clusterName
    • customCredentials
    • security
    • network.clusterMembers
    • network.ssl
    • network.hazelcastCloud

8. Using Node.js Client with Hazelcast

This chapter provides information on how you can use Hazelcast's data structures in the Node.js client, after giving some basic information including an overview to the client API, operation modes of the client and how it handles the failures.

8.1. Node.js Client API Overview

Most of the functions in the API return Promises. Therefore, you need to be familiar with the concept of promises to use the Node.js client. If not, you can learn about them using various online resources. Also, you can use async/await.

If you are ready to go, let's start to use Hazelcast Node.js client.

The first step is the configuration. See the Configuration section for details.

The following is an example on how to create a ClientConfig object and configure it programmatically:

The fist step is to define configuration and initialize the HazelcastClient to be connected to the cluster:

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient({
    clusterName: 'dev',
    network: {
        clusterMembers: ['', '']
// Some operations

This client object is your gateway to access all the Hazelcast distributed objects.

Let's create a map and populate it with some data, as shown below.

// Get a Map called 'my-distributed-map'
const map = await client.getMap('my-distributed-map');
// Write and read some data
await map.put('key', 'value');
const val = await map.get('key');

As the final step, if you are done with your client, you can shut it down as shown below. This will release all the used resources and close connections to the cluster.

await client.shutdown();

8.2. Node.js Client Operation Modes

The client has two operation modes because of the distributed nature of the data and cluster: smart and unisocket. Refer to the Setting Smart Routing section to see how to configure the client for different operation modes.

8.2.1. Smart Client

In the smart mode, the clients connect to each cluster member. Since each data partition uses the well-known and consistent hashing algorithm, each client can send an operation to the relevant cluster member, which increases the overall throughput and efficiency. Smart mode is the default mode.

8.2.2. Unisocket Client

In some cases, the clients can be required to connect to a single member instead of each member in the cluster. Firewalls, security, or some custom networking issues can be the reason for these cases.

In the unisocket client mode, the client will only connect to one of the configured addresses. This single member will behave as a gateway to the other members. For any operation requested from the client, it will redirect the request to the relevant member and return the response back to the client connected to this member.

FaaS(Function as a Service) is an example use case of a unisocket client. Let's say you deployed a function in which a Hazelcast Node.js Client starts each time the function runs. In this case, using a unisocket client will run faster than a smart client because a unisocket client will connect to just one member, whereas a smart client will connect to all cluster members.

An example configuration for unisocket client is given below.

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient({
    clusterName: 'dev',
    network: {
        clusterMembers: ['', ''],
        smartRouting: false
// Some operations

8.3. Handling Failures

There are two main failure cases you should be aware of. Below sections explain these, and the configuration options you can use to achieve proper behavior.

8.3.1. Handling Client Connection Failure

While the client is trying to connect initially to one of the members for the network.addresses array, all the members might not be available. Instead of giving up, throwing an error and stopping the client, the client retries to connect as configured. This behavior is described in the Configuring Client Connection Retry section.

The client executes each operation through the already established connection to the cluster. If this connection(s) disconnects or drops, the client will try to reconnect as configured.

8.3.2. Handling Retry-able Operation Failure

While sending requests to cluster members, the operations may fail due to various reasons. Read-only operations are retried by default. If you want to enable retrying for non-read-only operations, you can set the redoOperation to true. See the Enabling Redo Operation section.

You can set a timeout for retrying the operations sent to a member. This can be provided by using the property hazelcast.client.invocation.timeout.millis in the client properties. The client will retry an operation within this given period, of course, if it is a read-only operation or you enabled the redoOperation as stated in the above paragraph. This timeout value is important when there is a failure resulted by either of the following causes:

  • Member throws an exception.
  • The connection between the client and member is closed.
  • Client’s heartbeat requests are timed out.

When a connection problem occurs, an operation is retried if it is certain that it has not run on the member yet or if it is idempotent such as a read-only operation, i.e., retrying does not have a side effect. If it is not certain whether the operation has run on the member, then the non-idempotent operations are not retried. However, as explained in the first paragraph of this section, you can force all the client operations to be retried (redoOperation) when there is a connection failure between the client and member. But in this case, you should know that some operations may run multiple times causing conflicts. For example, assume that your client sent a queue.offer operation to the member and then the connection is lost. Since there will be no response for this operation, you will not know whether it has run on the member or not. If you enabled redoOperation, it means this operation may run again, which may cause two instances of the same object in the queue.

8.4. Using Distributed Data Structures

Most of the distributed data structures available in Hazelcast are supported by the Node.js client. In this chapter, you will learn how to use these distributed data structures.

8.4.1. Using Map

Hazelcast Map (IMap) is a distributed map. Through the Node.js client, you can perform operations like reading and writing from/to a Hazelcast Map with the well known get and put methods. For details, see the Map section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Map usage example is shown below.

// Get a Map called 'my-distributed-map'
const map = await client.getMap('my-distributed-map');
// Run Put and Get operations
await map.put('key', 'value');
const val = await map.get('key');
// Run concurrent Map operations (optimistic updates)
await map.putIfAbsent('somekey', 'somevalue');
await map.replaceIfSame('key', 'value', 'newvalue');

Hazelcast Map supports a Near Cache for remotely stored entries to increase the performance of read operations. See the Near Cache section for a detailed explanation of the Near Cache feature and its configuration.

Hazelcast Map uses MapListener to listen to the events that occur when the entries are added to, updated/merged in or evicted/removed from the Map. See the Map Listener section for information on how to create a map listener object and register it.

8.4.2. Using MultiMap

Hazelcast MultiMap is a distributed and specialized map where you can store multiple values under a single key. For details, see the MultiMap section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A MultiMap usage example is shown below.

// Get a MultiMap called 'my-distributed-multimap'
const multiMap = await client.getMultiMap('my-distributed-multimap');
// Put values in the map against the same key
await multiMap.put('my-key', 'value1');
await multiMap.put('my-key', 'value2');
await multiMap.put('my-key', 'value3');
// Read and print out all the values for associated with key called 'my-key'
const values = await multiMap.get('my-key')
for (const value of values) {
// Remove specific key/value pair
await multiMap.remove('my-key', 'value2');

Hazelcast MultiMap uses EntryListener to listen to the events that occur when the entries are added to or removed from the MultiMap. See the Entry Listener section for information on how to create an entry listener object and register it.

8.4.3. Using Replicated Map

Hazelcast ReplicatedMap is a distributed key-value data structure where the data is replicated to all members in the cluster. It provides full replication of entries to all members for high speed access. For details, see the Replicated Map section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Replicated Map usage example is shown below.

// Get a ReplicatedMap called 'my-replicated-map'
const map = await client.getReplicatedMap('my-replicated-map');
// Put and get a value from the Replicated Map
// (key/value is replicated to all members)
const replacedValue = await map.put('key', 'value');
// Will print 'Replaced value: null' as it's the first update
console.log('Replaced value:', replacedValue);
const value = map.get('key');
// The value is retrieved from a random member in the cluster
console.log('Value:', value);

Hazelcast Replicated Map uses EntryListener to listen to the events that occur when the entries are added to, updated in or evicted/removed from the Replicated Map. See the Entry Listener section for information on how to create an entry listener object and register it.

8.4.4. Using Queue

Hazelcast Queue (IQueue) is a distributed queue which enables all cluster members to interact with it. For details, see the Queue section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Queue usage example is shown below.

// Get a Queue called 'my-distributed-queue'
const queue = await client.getQueue('my-distributed-queue');
// Offer a string into the Queue
await queue.offer('item');
// Poll the Queue and return the string
let item = queue.poll();
// Timed-restricted operations
await queue.offer('anotheritem', 500); // waits up to 500 millis
await queue.poll(5000); // waits up to 5000 millis
// Indefinitely-waiting operations
await queue.put('yetanotheritem');
const item = queue.take();
console.log('Item:', item);

Hazelcast Queue uses ItemListener to listen to the events that occur when the items are added to or removed from the Queue. See the Item Listener section for information on how to create an item listener object and register it.

8.4.5. Using Set

Hazelcast Set (ISet) is a distributed set which does not allow duplicate elements. For details, see the Set section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Set usage example is shown below.

// Get a Set called 'my-distributed-set'
const set = await client.getSet('my-distributed-set');
// Add items to the Set with duplicates
await set.add('item1');
await set.add('item1');
await set.add('item2');
await set.add('item2');
await set.add('item2');
await set.add('item3');
// Get the items. Note that there are no duplicates
const values = await set.toArray();
console.log('Values:', values);

Hazelcast Set uses ItemListener to listen to the events that occur when the items are added to or removed from the Set. See the Item Listener section for information on how to create an item listener object and register it.

8.4.6. Using List

Hazelcast List (IList) is a distributed list which allows duplicate elements and preserves the order of elements. For details, see the List section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A List usage example is shown below.

// Get a List called 'my-distributed-list'
const list = await client.getList('my-distributed-list');
// Add elements to the list
await list.add('item1');
await list.add('item2');
// Remove the first element
const value = await list.removeAt(0);
console.log('Value:', value);
// There is only one element left
const len = await list.size();
console.log('Length:', len);
// Clear the list
await list.clear();

Hazelcast List uses ItemListener to listen to the events that occur when the items are added to or removed from the List. See the Item Listener section for information on how to create an item listener object and register it.

8.4.7. Using Ringbuffer

Hazelcast Ringbuffer is a replicated but not partitioned data structure that stores its data in a ring-like structure. You can think of it as a circular array with a given capacity. Each Ringbuffer has a tail and a head. The tail is where the items are added and the head is where the items are overwritten or expired. You can reach each element in a Ringbuffer using a sequence ID, which is mapped to the elements between the head and tail (inclusive) of the Ringbuffer. For details, see the Ringbuffer section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Ringbuffer usage example is shown below.

// Get a Ringbuffer called 'my-distributed-ringbuffer'
const rb = await client.getRingbuffer('my-distributed-ringbuffer');
// Add some elements to the Ringbuffer
await rb.add(100);
await rb.add(200);
// We start from the oldest item.
// If you want to start from the next item, call rb.tailSequence()+1
const sequence = await rb.headSequence();
let value = await rb.readOne(sequence);
console.log('Value:', value);
value = await rb.readOne(sequence.add(1));
console.log('Next value:', value);
// Add some elements to the Ringbuffer
await rb.addAll([300, 400, 500]);
// We want to get 5 items from Ringbuffer and write to console.
const items = await rb.readMany(0, 1, 5);
for(const item of items){
    console.log("Item:" item);

8.4.8. Using Reliable Topic

Hazelcast ReliableTopic is a distributed topic implementation backed up by the Ringbuffer data structure. For details, see the Reliable Topic section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Reliable Topic usage example is shown below.

// Get a Topic called 'my-distributed-topic'
const topic = await client.getReliableTopic('my-distributed-topic');
// Add a Listener to the Topic
topic.addMessageListener((message) => {
    console.log('Message:', message);
// Publish a message to the Topic
await topic.publish('Hello to the distributed world!');

Hazelcast Reliable Topic uses MessageListener to listen to the events that occur when a message is received. See the Message Listener section for information on how to create a message listener object and register it. Configuring Reliable Topic

You may configure ReliableTopics as the following:

const cfg = {
    reliableTopics: {
        'rt1': {
            readBatchSize: 35,
            overloadPolicy: 'DISCARD_NEWEST'

The following are the descriptions of configuration elements and attributes:

  • key (rt1 in the above example): Name of your Reliable Topic. Hazelcast client supports wildcard configuration for Reliable Topics. Using an asterisk (*) character in the name, different instances of topics can be configured by a single configuration.
  • readBatchSize: Minimum number of messages that Reliable Topic tries to read in batches. Its default value is 10.
  • overloadPolicy: Policy to handle an overloaded topic. Available values are DISCARD_OLDEST, DISCARD_NEWEST, BLOCK and ERROR. Its default value is BLOCK. See Slow Consumers for definitions of these policies.

NOTE: When you use default as the Reliable Topic configuration key, it has a special meaning. Hazelcast client will use that configuration as the default one for all Reliable Topics, unless there is a specific configuration for the topic.

8.4.9. Using PN Counter

Hazelcast PNCounter (Positive-Negative Counter) is a CRDT positive-negative counter implementation. It is an eventually consistent counter given there is no member failure. For details, see the PN Counter section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A PN Counter usage example is shown below.

// Get a PN Counter called 'my-pn-counter'
const pnCounter = await client.getPNCounter('my-pn-counter');
// Get the current value
let value = await pnCounter.get();
console.log('Counter started with value:', value); // 0

// Increment and get
value = await pnCounter.addAndGet(5);
console.log('Value after operation:', value); // 5
// Get and increment
value = await pnCounter.getAndAdd(2);
console.log('Value before operation:', value); // 5

value = await pnCounter.get();
console.log('New value:', value); // 7
value = await pnCounter.decrementAndGet();
console.log('Decremented counter by one. New value:', value); // 6

8.4.10. Using Flake ID Generator

Hazelcast FlakeIdGenerator is used to generate cluster-wide unique identifiers. Generated identifiers are long primitive values and are k-ordered (roughly ordered). IDs are in the range from 0 to 2^63-1 (maximum value for Java's long type). For details, see the FlakeIdGenerator section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

A Flake ID Generator usage example is shown below.

// Get a Flake ID Generator called 'my-flake-id-generator'
const flakeIdGenerator = await client.getFlakeIdGenerator('my-flake-id-generator');
// Generate an id (returns a Long)
const id = flakeIdGenerator.newId();
console.log('New id:', id.toString()); Configuring Flake ID Generator

You may configure FlakeIdGenerators as the following:

const cfg = {
    flakeIdGenerators: {
        'flakeidgenerator': {
            prefetchCount: 123,
            prefetchValidityMillis: 150000

The following are the descriptions of configuration elements and attributes:

  • key (flakeidgenerator in the above example): Name of your Flake ID Generator. Hazelcast client supports wildcard configuration for Flake ID Generators. Using an asterisk (*) character in the name, different instances of generators can be configured by a single configuration.
  • prefetchCount: Count of IDs which are pre-fetched on the background when one call to FlakeIdGenerator.newId() is made. Its value must be in the range 1 - 100,000. Its default value is 100.
  • prefetchValidityMillis: Specifies for how long the pre-fetched IDs can be used. After this time elapses, a new batch of IDs are fetched. Time unit is milliseconds. Its default value is 600,000 milliseconds (10 minutes). The IDs contain a timestamp component, which ensures a rough global ordering of them. If an ID is assigned to an object that was created later, it will be out of order. If ordering is not important, set this value to 0.

NOTE: When you use default as the Flake ID Generator configuration key, it has a special meaning. Hazelcast client will use that configuration as the default one for all Flake ID Generators, unless there is a specific configuration for the generator.

8.4.11. CP Subsystem

Hazelcast 4.0 introduces CP concurrency primitives with respect to the CAP principle, i.e., they always maintain linearizability and prefer consistency to availability during network partitions and client or server failures.

All data structures within CP Subsystem are available through client.getCPSubsystem() component of the client.

Before using Atomic Long, Lock, and Semaphore, CP Subsystem has to be enabled on cluster-side. Refer to CP Subsystem documentation for more information.

Data structures in CP Subsystem run in CP groups. Each CP group elects its own Raft leader and runs the Raft consensus algorithm independently. The CP data structures differ from the other Hazelcast data structures in two aspects. First, an internal commit is performed on the METADATA CP group every time you fetch a proxy from this interface. Hence, callers should cache returned proxy objects. Second, if you call DistributedObject.destroy() on a CP data structure proxy, that data structure is terminated on the underlying CP group, and cannot be reinitialized until the CP group is force-destroyed. For this reason, please make sure that you are completely done with a CP data structure before destroying its proxy. Using Atomic Long

Hazelcast IAtomicLong is the distributed implementation of atomic 64-bit integer counter. It offers various atomic operations such as get, set, getAndSet, compareAndSet and incrementAndGet. This data structure is a part of CP Subsystem.

An Atomic Long usage example is shown below.

// Get an AtomicLong called 'my-atomic-long'
const atomicLong = await client.getCPSubsystem().getAtomicLong('my-atomic-long');
// Get current value (returns a Long)
const value = await atomicLong.get();
console.log('Value:', value);
// Prints:
// Value: 0
// Increment by 42
await atomicLong.addAndGet(42);
// Set to 0 atomically if the current value is 42
const result = await atomicLong.compareAndSet(42, 0);
console.log('CAS operation result:', result);
// Prints:
// CAS operation result: true

AtomicLong implementation does not offer exactly-once / effectively-once execution semantics. It goes with at-least-once execution semantics by default and can cause an API call to be committed multiple times in case of CP member failures. It can be tuned to offer at-most-once execution semantics. Please see fail-on-indeterminate-operation-state option in

CP Subsystem server-side configuration. Using Lock

Hazelcast FencedLock is the distributed implementation of a linearizable lock. It offers multiple operations for acquiring the lock. This data structure is a part of CP Subsystem.

A basic Lock usage example is shown below.

// Get a FencedLock called 'my-lock'
const lock = await client.getCPSubsystem().getLock('my-lock');
// Acquire the lock (returns a fencing token of Long type)
const fence = await lock.lock();
try {
    // Your guarded code goes here
} finally {
    // Make sure to release the lock
    await lock.unlock(fence);

FencedLock works on top of CP sessions. It keeps a CP session open while the lock is acquired. Please refer to CP Session documentation for more information.

Distributed locks are unfortunately not equivalent to single-node mutexes because of the complexities in distributed systems, such as uncertain communication patterns and independent and partial failures. In an asynchronous network, no lock service can guarantee mutual exclusion because there is no way to distinguish between a slow and a crashed process. Consider the following scenario, where a Hazelcast client acquires a FencedLock, then hits a long GC pause. Since it will not be able to commit session heartbeats while paused, its CP session will eventually be closed. After this moment, another Hazelcast client can acquire this lock. If the first client wakes up again, it may not immediately notice that it has lost ownership of the lock. In this case, multiple clients think they hold the lock. If they attempt to perform an operation on a shared resource, they can break the system. To prevent such situations, you can choose to use an infinite session timeout, but this time probably you are going to deal with liveliness issues. For the scenario above, even if the first client actually crashes, requests sent by 2 clients can be re-ordered in the network and hit the external resource in reverse order.

There is a simple solution for this problem. Lock holders are ordered by a monotonic fencing token, which increments each time the lock is assigned to a new owner. This fencing token can be passed to external services or resources to ensure sequential execution of side effects performed by lock holders.

You can read more about the fencing token idea in Martin Kleppmann's "How to do distributed locking" blog post and Google's Chubby paper.

FencedLocks in Hazelcast Node.js client are different from the Java implementation as they are non-reentrant. Once a caller acquires the lock, it can not acquire the lock reentrantly in the same asynchronous call chain. So, the next acquire attempt made within the same async chain will lead to a dead lock.

const fence = await lock.lock();
// The following Promise will never be resolved
// (i.e., it's a dead lock)
await lock.lock();

Considering this, you should always call the lock() method only once per async call chain and make sure to release the lock as early as possible.

As an alternative approach, you can use the tryLock() method of FencedLock. It tries to acquire the lock in optimistic manner and immediately returns with either a valid fencing token or undefined. It also accepts an optional timeout argument which specifies the timeout in milliseconds to acquire the lock before giving up.

// Try to acquire the lock
const fence = await lock.tryLock();
// Check for valid fencing token
if (fence !== undefined) {
    try {
        // Your guarded code goes here
    } finally {
        // Make sure to release the lock
        await lock.unlock(fence);
} Using Semaphore

Hazelcast ISemaphore is the distributed implementation of a linearizable and distributed semaphore. It offers multiple operations for acquiring the permits. This data structure is a part of CP Subsystem.

Semaphore is a cluster-wide counting semaphore. Conceptually, it maintains a set of permits. Each acquire() waits if necessary until a permit is available and then takes it. Dually, each release() adds a permit, potentially releasing a waiting acquirer. However, no actual permit objects are used; the semaphore just keeps a count of the number available and acts accordingly.

A basic Semaphore usage example is shown below.

// Get a Semaphore called 'my-semaphore'
const semaphore = await client.getCPSubsystem().getSemaphore('my-semaphore');
// Try to initialize the semaphore
// (does nothing if the semaphore is already initialized)
await semaphore.init(3);
// Acquire 3 permits out of 3
await semaphore.acquire(3);
// Release 2 permits
await semaphore.release(2);
// Check available permits
const available = await semaphore.availablePermits();
console.log('Available:', available);
// Prints:
// Available: 1

Beware of the increased risk of indefinite postponement when using the multiple-permit acquire. If permits are released one by one, a caller waiting for one permit will acquire it before a caller waiting for multiple permits regardless of the call order. Correct usage of a semaphore is established by programming convention in the application.

As an alternative, potentially safer approach to the multiple-permit acquire, you can use the tryAcquire() method of Semaphore. It tries to acquire the permits in optimistic manner and immediately returns with a boolean operation result. It also accepts an optional timeout argument which specifies the timeout in milliseconds to acquire the permits before giving up.

// Try to acquire 2 permits
const success = await semaphore.tryAcquire(2);
// Check for valid fencing token
if (success) {
    try {
        // Your guarded code goes here
    } finally {
        // Make sure to release the permits
        await semaphore.release(2);

Semaphore data structure has two variations:

  • The default implementation is session-aware. In this one, when a caller makes its very first acquire() call, it starts a new CP session with the underlying CP group. Then, liveliness of the caller is tracked via this CP session. When the caller fails, permits acquired by this caller are automatically and safely released. However, the session-aware version comes with a limitation, that is, a Hazelcast client cannot release permits before acquiring them first. In other words, a client can release only the permits it has acquired earlier.
  • The second implementation is sessionless. This one does not perform auto-cleanup of acquired permits on failures. Acquired permits are not bound to callers and permits can be released without acquiring first. However, you need to handle failed permit owners on your own. If a Hazelcast server or a client fails while holding some permits, they will not be automatically released. You can use the sessionless CP Semaphore implementation by enabling JDK compatibility jdk-compatible server-side setting. Refer to Semaphore configuration documentation for more details. Using CountDownLatch

Hazelcast ICountDownLatch is the distributed implementation of a linearizable and distributed countdown latch. This data structure is a cluster-wide synchronization aid that allows one or more callers to wait until a set of operations being performed by other callers completes. This data structure is a part of CP Subsystem.

A basic CountDownLatch usage example is shown below.

// Get a CountDownLatch called 'my-latch'
const latch = await client.getCPSubsystem().getCountDownLatch('my-latch');
// Try to initialize the latch
// (does nothing if the count is not zero)
const initialized = await latch.trySetCount(1);
console.log('Initialized:', initialized);
// Check count
let count = await latch.getCount();
console.log('Count:', count);
// Prints:
// Count: 1
// Bring the count down to zero after 10ms
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10);
// Wait up to 1 second for the count to become zero up
const countIsZero = await latch.await(1000);
console.log('Count is zero:', countIsZero);

NOTE: CountDownLatch count can be reset with trySetCount() after a countdown has finished, but not during an active count. Using AtomicReference

Hazelcast IAtomicReference is the distributed implementation of a linearizable object reference. It provides a set of atomic operations allowing to modify the value behind the reference. This data structure is a part of CP Subsystem.

A basic AtomicReference usage example is shown below.

// Get a AtomicReference called 'my-ref'
const ref = await client.getCPSubsystem().getAtomicReference('my-ref');
// Set the value atomically
await ref.set(42);
// Read the value
const value = await ref.get();
console.log('Value:', value);
// Prints:
// Value: 42
// Try to replace the value with 'value'
// with a compare-and-set atomic operation
const result = await ref.compareAndSet(42, 'value');
console.log('CAS result:', result);
// Prints:
// CAS result: true

The following are some considerations you need to know when you use AtomicReference:

  • IAtomicReference works based on the byte-content and not on the object-reference. If you use the compareAndSet() method, do not change to the original value because its serialized content will then be different.
  • All methods returning an object return a private copy. You can modify the private copy, but the rest of the world is shielded from your changes. If you want these changes to be visible to the rest of the world, you need to write the change back to the AtomicReference; but be careful about introducing a data-race.
  • The 'in-memory format' of an AtomicReference is binary. The receiving side does not need to have the class definition available unless it needs to be deserialized on the other side., e.g., because a method like alter() is executed. This deserialization is done for every call that needs to have the object instead of the binary content, so be careful with expensive object graphs that need to be deserialized.
  • If you have an object with many fields or an object graph and you only need to calculate some information or need a subset of fields, you can use the apply() method. With the apply() method, the whole object does not need to be sent over the line; only the relevant information is sent.

NOTE: IFunction-based methods, like alter() or apply() are not yet supported by Hazelcast Node.js client.

AtomicReference does not offer exactly-once / effectively-once execution semantics. It goes with at-least-once execution semantics by default and can cause an API call to be committed multiple times in case of CP member failures. It can be tuned to offer at-most-once execution semantics. Please see fail-on-indeterminate-operation-state option in

CP Subsystem server-side configuration.

8.5. Distributed Events

This chapter explains when various events are fired and describes how you can add event listeners on a Hazelcast Node.js client. These events can be categorized as cluster and distributed data structure events.

8.5.1. Listening for Cluster Events

You can add event listeners to a Hazelcast Node.js client. You can configure the following listeners to listen to the events on the client side:

  • Membership Listener: Notifies when a member joins to/leaves the cluster, or when an attribute is changed in a member.
  • Distributed Object Listener: Notifies when a distributed object is created or destroyed throughout the cluster.
  • Lifecycle Listener: Notifies when the client is starting, started, shutting down and shutdown. Membership Listener

The Membership Listener interface has methods that are invoked for the following events.

  • memberAdded: A new member is added to the cluster.
  • memberRemoved: An existing member leaves the cluster.

For these events, a MembershipEvent object is passed to the listener function.

After you create the listener object, you can configure your cluster to include the membership listener. You can also add one or more membership listeners.

The following is a membership listener registration by using the ClusterService.addMembershipListener() function.

const membershipListener = {
    memberAdded: (event) => {
        console.log('Member Added: The address is', event.member.address.toString());

Also, if you want to receive the list of available members when the client connects to cluster you may register an InitialMembershipListener. This listener receives an only-once InitialMembershipEvent when the member list becomes available. After the event has been received, the listener will receive the normal MembershipEvents.

The following is an initial membership listener registration by using the config.membershipListeners config option.

const membershipListener = {
    init: function (event) {
      console.log("Initial member list received -> " + event.members);
    memberAdded: function (event) {
        console.log('Member Added: The address is', event.member.address.toString());
const cfg = {
    membershipListeners: [membershipListener]
}; Distributed Object Listener

The events for distributed objects are invoked when they are created and destroyed in the cluster. After the events, a listener callback function is called. The interface of the callback function should be DistributedObjectListener. The parameter of the function is DistributedObjectEvent, including following fields:

  • serviceName: Service name of the distributed object.
  • objectName: Name of the distributed object.
  • eventType: Type of the invoked event. It can be created or destroyed.

The following is an example of adding a DistributedObjectListener.

await client.addDistributedObjectListener((event) => {
    console.log('Distributed object event >>> ',
const mapname = 'test';
// This causes a created event
await client.getMap(mapname);
// This causes no event because map was already created
await client.getMap(mapname); Lifecycle Listener

The LifecycleListener interface notifies for the following events:

  • STARTING: The client is starting.
  • STARTED: The client has started.
  • CONNECTED: The client connected to a member.
  • CHANGED_CLUSTER: The client connected to a new cluster.
  • SHUTTING_DOWN: The client is shutting down.
  • DISCONNECTED: The client disconnected from a member.
  • SHUTDOWN: The client has shutdown.

The following is an example of the LifecycleListener that is added to the config object and its output.

const lifecycleListener = (state) => {
    console.log('Lifecycle Event >>> ' + state);
const cfg = {
    lifecycleListeners: [lifecycleListener]

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient(cfg);
await client.shutdown();


[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is STARTING
Lifecycle Event >>> STARTING
[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is STARTED
Lifecycle Event >>> STARTED
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ConnectionManager: Trying to connect to localhost:5701
[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is CONNECTED
Lifecycle Event >>> CONNECTED
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ConnectionManager: Authenticated with server,
 server version: 4.1-SNAPSHOT, local address:
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ClusterService:

Members [1] {
	Member []:5701 - 8d69d670-fa8a-4278-a91f-b43875fccfe8

[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is SHUTTING_DOWN
Lifecycle Event >>> SHUTTING_DOWN
[DefaultLogger] INFO at ConnectionManager: Removed connection to endpoint:
, connection: Connection{alive=false, connectionId=0, remoteAddress=}
[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is DISCONNECTED
Lifecycle Event >>> DISCONNECTED
[DefaultLogger] INFO at LifecycleService: HazelcastClient is SHUTDOWN
Lifecycle Event >>> SHUTDOWN

8.5.2. Listening for Distributed Data Structure Events

You can add event listeners to the distributed data structures.

NOTE: Hazelcast Node.js client is a TypeScript-based project, but JavaScript does not have interfaces. Therefore, some interfaces are given to the user with TypeScript definition files which have .d.ts extension. In this guide, implementing an interface means creating an object to have the necessary functions that are listed in the interface inside the .ts file. Also, this object is mentioned as "an instance of the interface". You can search the API Documentation or GitHub repository for the required interface. Map Listener

The Map Listener is used by the Hazelcast Map (IMap).

You can listen to map-wide or entry-based events by using the functions in the MapListener interface. Every function type in this interface is one of the EntryEventListener and MapEventListener types. To listen to these events, you need to implement the relevant EntryEventListener and MapEventListener functions in the MapListener interface.

An entry-based event is fired after the operations that affect a specific entry. For example, IMap.put(), IMap.remove() or IMap.evict(). You should use the EntryEventListener type to listen to these events. An EntryEvent object is passed to the listener function.

See the following example.

const entryEventListener = {
    added: (entryEvent) => {
        console.log('Entry added:', entryEvent.key, '-->', entryEvent.value);

await map.addEntryListener(entryEventListener, undefined, true);
await map.put('1', 'My new entry');
// Prints:
// Entry added: 1 --> My new entry

The second argument in the addEntryListener method is key. It stands for the key to listen for. When it is set to undefined (or omitted, which is the same), the listener will be fired for all entries in the Map.

The third argument in the addEntryListener method is includeValue. It is a boolean parameter, and if it is true, the entry event contains the entry value.

A map-wide event is fired as a result of a map-wide operation. For example, IMap.clear() or IMap.evictAll(). You should use the MapEventListener type to listen to these events. A MapEvent object is passed to the listener function.

See the following example.

const mapEventListener = {
    mapCleared: (mapEvent) => {
        console.log('Map cleared:', mapEvent.numberOfAffectedEntries);
await map.addEntryListener(mapEventListener);

await map.put('1', 'Muhammad Ali');
await map.put('2', 'Mike Tyson');
await map.put('3', 'Joe Louis');
await map.clear();
// Prints:
// Map cleared: 3 Entry Listener

The Entry Listener is used by the Hazelcast MultiMap and ReplicatedMap.

You can listen to map-wide or entry-based events by using the functions in the EntryListener interface. Every function type in this interface is one of the EntryEventListener and MapEventListener types. To listen to these events, you need to implement the relevant EntryEventListener and MapEventListener functions in the EntryListener interface.

An entry-based event is fired after the operations that affect a specific entry. For example, MultiMap.put(), MultiMap.remove(). You should use the EntryEventListener type to listen to these events. An EntryEvent object is passed to the listener function.

const entryEventListener = {
    added: (entryEvent) => {
        console.log('Entry added:', entryEvent.key, '-->', entryEvent.value);
await mmp.addEntryListener(entryEventListener, undefined, true);

await mmp.put('1', 'My new entry');
// Prints:
// Entry Added: 1 --> My new entry

The second argument in the addEntryListener method is key. It stands for the key to listen for. When it is set to undefined (or omitted, which is the same), the listener will be fired for all entries in the MultiMap or Replicated Map.

The third argument in the addEntryListener method is includeValue. It is a boolean parameter, and if it is true, the entry event contains the entry value.

A map-wide event is fired as a result of a map-wide operation. For example, MultiMap.clear(). You should use the MapEventListener type to listen to these events. A MapEvent object is passed to the listener function.

See the following example.

const mapEventListener = {
    mapCleared: (mapEvent) => {
        console.log('Map cleared:', mapEvent.numberOfAffectedEntries);
await mmp.addEntryListener(mapEventListener);

await mmp.put('1', 'Muhammad Ali');
await mmp.put('1', 'Mike Tyson');
await mmp.put('1', 'Joe Louis');
await mmp.clear();
// Prints:
// Map cleared: 1

Note that some methods in the EntryListener interface are not supported by MultiMap and Replicated Map. See the following headings to see supported listener methods for each data structure.

Entry Listener Functions Supported by MultiMap

  • added
  • removed
  • mapCleared

Entry Listener Functions Supported by Replicated Map

  • added
  • removed
  • updated
  • evicted
  • mapCleared Item Listener

The Item Listener is used by the Hazelcast Queue, Set and List.

You can listen to item events by implementing the functions in the ItemListener interface including itemAdded and itemRemoved. These functions are invoked when an item is added or removed.

The following is an example of item listener object and its registration to the Set. It also applies to Queue and List.

const itemListener = {
    itemAdded: (itemEvent) => {
        console.log('Item added:', itemEvent.item);
    itemRemoved: (itemEvent) => {
        console.log('Item removed:', itemEvent.item);
await set.addItemListener(itemListener, true);

await set.add('Item1');
// Prints:
// Item added: Item1
await set.remove('Item1');
// Prints:
// Item removed: Item1

The second argument in the addItemListener function is includeValue. It is a boolean parameter, and if it is true, the item event contains the item value. Message Listener

The Message Listener is used by the Hazelcast ReliableTopic.

You can listen to message events. To listen to these events, you need to implement the MessageListener function to which a Message object is passed.

See the following example.

topic.addMessageListener((message) => {
    console.log('Message received:', message.messageObject);

// Prints:
// Message received: Message1

8.6. Distributed Computing

This chapter explains how you can use Hazelcast's entry processor implementation in the Node.js client.

8.6.1. Using EntryProcessor

Hazelcast supports entry processing. An entry processor is a function that executes your code on a map entry in an atomic way.

An entry processor is a good option if you perform bulk processing on an IMap. Usually, you perform a loop of keys -- executing IMap.get(key), mutating the value and finally putting the entry back in the map using IMap.put(key, value). If you perform this process from a client or a member where the keys do not exist, you effectively perform two network hops for each update: the first to retrieve the data and the second to update the mutated value.

If you are doing the process described above, you should consider using entry processors. An entry processor executes a read and updates upon the member where the data resides. This eliminates the costly network hops described above.

NOTE: Entry processor is meant to process a single entry per call. Processing multiple entries and data structures in an entry processor is not supported as it may result in deadlocks on the server side.

Hazelcast sends the entry processor to each cluster member, and these members apply it to the map entries. Therefore, if you add more members, your processing completes faster.

Processing Entries

The IMap interface provides the following functions for entry processing:

  • executeOnKey processes an entry mapped by a key.
  • executeOnKeys processes entries mapped by a list of keys.
  • executeOnEntries can process all entries in a map with a defined predicate. Predicate is optional.

In the Node.js client, an EntryProcessor should be IdentifiedDataSerializable or Portable because the server should be able to deserialize it to process.

The following is an example for EntryProcessor which is an IdentifiedDataSerializable.

class IdentifiedEntryProcessor {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
        this.factoryId = 5;
        this.classId = 1;

    readData(input) {
        this.value = input.readString();

    writeData(output) {

Now, you need to ensure that the Hazelcast member recognizes the entry processor. For this, you need to implement the Java equivalent of your entry processor and its factory, and create your own compiled class or JAR files. For adding your own compiled class or JAR files to the server's CLASSPATH, see the Adding User Library to CLASSPATH section.

The following is the Java counterpart of the entry processor in Node.js client given above:

package com.example;

import com.hazelcast.nio.ObjectDataInput;
import com.hazelcast.nio.ObjectDataOutput;
import com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.IdentifiedDataSerializable;
import java.util.Map;

public class IdentifiedEntryProcessor
        implements EntryProcessor<String, String, String>, IdentifiedDataSerializable {

    static final int CLASS_ID = 1;
    private String value;

    public IdentifiedEntryProcessor() {

    public int getFactoryId() {
        return IdentifiedFactory.FACTORY_ID;

    public int getClassId() {
        return CLASS_ID;

    public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException {

    public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException {
        value = in.readString();

    public String process(Map.Entry<String, String> entry) {
        return value;

Notice the process method which contains processor's logic.

You can implement the above processor’s factory as follows:

package com.example;

import com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.DataSerializableFactory;
import com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.IdentifiedDataSerializable;

public class IdentifiedFactory implements DataSerializableFactory {

    public static final int FACTORY_ID = 5;

    public IdentifiedDataSerializable create(int typeId) {
        if (typeId == IdentifiedEntryProcessor.CLASS_ID) {
            return new IdentifiedEntryProcessor();
        return null;

Now you need to configure the hazelcast.xml to add your factory as shown below.

            <data-serializable-factory factory-id="5">

In this example, the code that runs on the entries is implemented in Java on the server side. The client side entry processor is used to specify which entry processor should be called. For more details about the Java implementation of the entry processor, see the Entry Processor section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

After the above implementations and configuration are done and you start the server where your library is added to its CLASSPATH, you can use the entry processor in the IMap functions. See the following example.

const map = await client.getMap('my-distributed-map');
await map.put('key', 'not-processed');

// Run the entry processor
await map.executeOnKey('key', new IdentifiedEntryProcessor('processed'));

const value = await map.get('key');
// Prints:
// processed

8.7. SQL

The SQL service provided by Hazelcast Node.js client allows you to run SQL queries.

You can use SQL to query data in maps, Kafka topics, or various file systems. Results can be sent directly to the client or inserted into maps or Kafka topics. For streaming queries, you can submit them to a cluster as jobs to run in the background.

WARNING: The SQL feature have become stable in 5.0 versions of the client and the server.In order a client and a server to be fully compatible, their major versions must be the same.

WARNING: To use the SQL feature, the Jet engine must be enabled on the members and the hazelcast-sql module must be in the classpath of the members. If you are using the CLI, Docker image, or distributions to start Hazelcast members, then you don't need to do anything, as the above preconditions are already satisfied for such members.

However, if you are using Hazelcast members in the embedded mode, or receiving errors saying that The Jet engine is disabled or Cannot execute SQL query because "hazelcast-sql" module is not in the classpath. while executing queries, enable the Jet engine following one of the instructions pointed out in the error message, or add the hazelcast-sql module to your member's classpath.

8.7.1. Supported Queries

TIP: For a hands-on introduction to SQL, see Get Started with SQL Over Maps.

You can run the following queries with SQL: Ad-Hoc Queries

Query large datasets either in one or multiple systems and/or run aggregations on them to get deeper insights.

See the Get Started with SQL Over Maps tutorial for reference. Streaming Queries (Continuous Queries)

Keep an open connection to a streaming data source and run a continuous query to get near real-time updates.

See the Get Started with SQL Over Kafka tutorial for reference. Federated Queries

Query different datasets such as Kafka topics and Hazelcast maps, using a single query. Normally, querying in SQL is database or dataset-specific. However, with mappings, you can pull information from different sources to present a more complete picture.

See the Get Started with SQL Over Files tutorial for reference.

8.7.2. Mappings

To connect to data sources and query them as if they were tables, the SQL service uses a concept called mappings.

Mappings store essential metadata about the source’s data model, data access patterns, and serialization formats so that the SQL service can connect to the data source and query it.

You can create mappings for the following data sources by using the CREATE MAPPING statement: Case sensitivity

Mapping names and field names are case-sensitive.

For example, you can access an employee map as employee but not as Employee.

8.7.3. SQL Statements

Hazelcast supports the following SQL statements. Explore the available statements and find more details about them. Data Manipulation Language(DML) Statements Data Definition Language(DDL) Statements Job Management Statements

8.7.4. Querying Maps with SQL

WARNING: SQL queries against heterogenous maps is not supported and it may not work as expected.

With SQL, you can query the keys and values of maps in your cluster.

Assume that we have a map called employees that contains values of type Employee:

class Employee {
    constructor(name, age) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.factoryId = 1;
        this.classId = 2;

    readPortable(reader) { = reader.readString('name');
        this.age = reader.readInt('age');

    writePortable(writer) {
        writer.writeInt('age', this.age);

const employees = await client.getMap('employees');

await employees.set(1, new Employee('John Doe', 33));
await employees.set(2, new Employee('Jane Doe', 29));

Before starting to query data, we must create a mapping for the employees map. The details of CREATE MAPPING statement is discussed in the reference manual. For the Employee class above, the mapping statement is shown below. It is enough to create the mapping once per map.

await client.getSql().execute(`
        __key DOUBLE,
        name VARCHAR,
        age INT
    TYPE IMap
      'keyFormat' = 'double',
      'valueFormat' = 'portable',
      'valuePortableFactoryId' = '1',
      'valuePortableClassId' = '2'

The following code prints names of the employees whose age is less than 30:

const sqlResult = await client.getSql().execute('SELECT name FROM employees WHERE age < 30');

for await (const row of sqlResult) {
    console.log(; // Jane Doe

The following subsections describe how you can access Hazelcast maps and perform queries on them in more details. Key and Value Objects

A map entry consists of a key and a value. These are accessible through the __key and this aliases. The following query returns the keys and values of all entries in a map:

SELECT __key, this FROM employee "SELECT *" Queries

You may use the SELECT * FROM <table> syntax to get all the table fields.

The __key and this fields are returned by the SELECT * queries if they do not have nested fields. For IMap<number, Employee>, the following query does not return the this field, because the value has nested fields name and age:

-- Returns __key, name, age
SELECT * FROM employee Key and Value Fields

You may also access the nested fields of a key or value. The list of exposed fields depends on the serialization format, as described Querying Maps with SQL section.

Field names are case-sensitive.

8.7.5. Using Query Parameters

You can use query parameters to build safer and faster SQL queries.

A query parameter is a piece of information that you supply to a query before you run it. Parameters can be used by themselves or as part of a larger expression to form a criterion in the query.

const ageToCompare = 30;
await client.getSql().execute(`SELECT name FROM employees WHERE employees.age > ?`, [ageToCompare]);

Instead of putting data straight into an SQL statement, you use the ? placeholder in your client code to indicate that you will replace that placeholder with a parameter. Benefits of Query Parameters

Query parameters have the following benefits:

  • Faster execution of similar queries. If you submit more than one query where only a value changes, the SQL service uses the cached query plan from the first query rather than optimizing each query again.
  • Protection against SQL injection. If you use query parameters, you don’t need to escape special characters in user-provided strings.

8.7.6. Querying JSON Objects

To query JSON objects, you should create an explicit mapping using the CREATE MAPPING statement, similar to the example above.

For example, this code snippet creates a mapping to a new map called json_employees, which stores the JSON values name and salary and query it:

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient();

await client.getSql().execute(`
        __key DOUBLE,
        name VARCHAR,
        salary DOUBLE
    TYPE IMap
        'keyFormat' = 'double',
        'valueFormat' = 'json-flat'

const jsonEmployees = await client.getMap('jsonEmployees');

await jsonEmployees.set(1, {
   name: 'John Doe',
   salary: 60000

await jsonEmployees.set(2, {
    name: 'Jane Doe',
    salary: 80000

const sqlResult = await client.getSql().execute(
    'SELECT __key AS employeeId, name, salary FROM jsonEmployees WHERE salary > ?', [75000]

for await (const row of sqlResult) {
    console.log(`Employee ${row.employeeId}: Name: ${} Salary: ${row.salary}`);

The "json-flat" value format means that top level fields of the JSON object is treated as separate columns. There is also "json" value format which we cover in the next section.

8.7.7. JSON Data Type

JSON is a first-class SQL type with IMap and Kafka Connector support, usable in most contexts, similarly to any other type.

In order to send a JSON parameter, you can use a regular JavaScript object or a HazelcastJsonValue. (You need to use a HazelcastJsonValue object if you configured a global serializer):

await client.getSql().execute('INSERT INTO test VALUES (2, ?)', [{age: 3}]);

The corresponding result type for JSON type is HazelcastJsonValue:

const result = await client.getSql().execute('SELECT * FROM test');

const rowMetadata = result.rowMetadata;
console.log(rowMetadata.getColumn(rowMetadata.findColumn('this')).type === SqlColumnType.JSON) // true

for await (const row of result) {

Supported operations:

  1. JSON_QUERY(jsonArg VARCHAR|JSON, jsonPath VARCHAR ... <extended syntax> ): returns JSON: returns a JSON-object/array by the given JSON path.
  2. JSON_VALUE(jsonArg VARCHAR|JSON, jsonPath VARCHAR ... ): returns VARCHAR: returns a primitive value as varchar by the given JSON path.
  3. CAST(x AS JSON) support for VARCHAR, columns/literals and dynamic params are supported.

For more information about working with JSON using SQL see Working with JSON in Hazelcast reference manual.

8.7.7. Lazy SQL Row Deserialization

Rows in an SqlResult are deserialized lazily to allow you to access part of it if there is a value that can't be deserialized.

While executing a query, if you set SqlStatementOptions.returnRawResult to true, SqlRow objects will be returned while iterating the SqlResult. Then, with SqlRow.getObject you can access values in a SqlRow. Each call to this method might result in deserialization if the column type for this object is OBJECT. It is advised to assign the result of this method call to some variable and reuse it.

If you set SqlStatementOptions.returnRawResult to false, you will get regular JavaScript objects where keys are column names and values are values in the SQL row. If there is a field with OBJECT column type in the result that can't be deserialized, you will get an error. In this case, it is advised to set SqlStatementOptions.returnRawResult to true if you want partial deserialization.

8.7.8. Data Types

The SQL service supports a set of SQL data types. The table below shows SQL data types and corresponding JavaScript types:

Column Type Javascript
VARCHAR string
BOOLEAN boolean
TINYINT number
INTEGER number
DECIMAL BigDecimal
REAL number
DOUBLE number
DATE LocalDate
TIME LocalTime
OBJECT Any class
NULL null

See API documentation for how you can use BigDecimal, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime and OffsetDateTime classes.

Also check out SQL data types example to learn how to use some data types like OBJECT(Portable and Compact), VARCHAR and INTEGER.

8.7.9. Casting

In general, you should try to send parameters having same data type with its related column. Otherwise, you need to cast parameters to suitable types. How to Cast

Casting syntax: CAST(? AS TYPE)

Example casting:

SELECT * FROM someMap WHERE this = CAST(? AS INTEGER) An Example of Casting

Since Node.js client's default number type corresponds to DOUBLE type in SQL, to compare with an integer-like column, you need to use casting. Alternatively, you can use Long objects where you have a column with BIGINT type, because Long objects correspond to the BIGINT type.

In the example below, the age column's type is INTEGER. Since DOUBLE is not comparable with INTEGER, the query needs an explicit cast. Note that, the cast can fail if the parameter cannot be converted to an integer.

const result = await client.getSql().execute('SELECT * FROM myMap WHERE age > CAST(? AS INTEGER) AND age < CAST(? AS INTEGER)',
    [13, 18]
); Important Notes About Comparison and Casting

  • In case of comparison operators (=, <, <>, ...), if one side is ?, it's assumed to be exactly the other side's type.

  • String parameters can be cast to any type. The cast operation may fail though.

8.7.10. Functions and Operators

Hazelcast SQL supports logical predicates, IS predicates, comparison operators, mathematical functions and operators, string functions, and special functions. Refer to Hazelcast for all possible operations.

8.7.11. Limitations

SQL has the following limitations. We plan to remove these limitations in future releases.

  • You cannot run SQL queries on lite members.
  • The only supported Hazelcast data structure is map. You cannot query other data structures such as replicated maps.
  • No support for the CREATE INDEX statement. To create indexes for maps in Hazelcast, see addIndex method of map in API documentation.
  • No support for the JSON type. You can’t use functions such as JSON_VALUE or JSON_QUERY.
  • Limited support for joins. See Join Tables.
  • No support for window functions. You cannot group or aggregate results in streaming queries.

8.7.12. Improving the Performance of SQL Queries

You can improve the performance of queries over maps by indexing map entries. To find out more about indexing map entries, see addIndex method of map in API documentation.

If you find that your queries lead to out of memory exceptions (OOME), consider decreasing the value of the Jet engine’s max-processor-accumulated-records option.

8.7.13. More Information

Please refer to Hazelcast SQL docs for more information. Code Samples

  • For basic usage of SQL, see this code sample.
  • For usage of SQL with different data types, see this code sample.
  • For usage of SQL with ORDER BY, LIMIT and OFFSET, see this code sample.

8.8. Distributed Query

Hazelcast partitions your data and spreads it across a cluster of members. You can iterate over the map entries and look for certain entries (specified by predicates) you are interested in. However, this is not very efficient because you will have to bring the entire entry set and iterate locally. Instead, Hazelcast allows you to run distributed queries on your distributed map.

8.8.1. How Distributed Query Works

  1. The requested predicate is sent to each member in the cluster.
  2. Each member looks at its local entries and filters them according to the predicate. At this stage, key-value pairs of the entries are deserialized and then passed to the predicate.
  3. The predicate requester merges all the results from each member into a single set.

Distributed query is highly scalable. If you add new members to the cluster, the partition count for each member is reduced and thus the time spent by each member on iterating its entries is reduced. In addition, the pool of partition threads evaluates the entries concurrently in each member, and the network traffic is also reduced since only filtered data is sent to the requester.

Predicates Object Operators

The Predicates object offered by the Node.js client includes many operators for your query requirements. Some of them are described below.

  • equal: Checks if the result of an expression is equal to a given value.
  • notEqual: Checks if the result of an expression is not equal to a given value.
  • instanceOf: Checks if the result of an expression has a certain type.
  • like: Checks if the result of an expression matches some string pattern. % (percentage sign) is the placeholder for many characters, _ (underscore) is the placeholder for only one character.
  • greaterThan: Checks if the result of an expression is greater than a certain value.
  • greaterEqual: Checks if the result of an expression is greater than or equal to a certain value.
  • lessThan: Checks if the result of an expression is less than a certain value.
  • lessEqual: Checks if the result of an expression is less than or equal to a certain value.
  • between: Checks if the result of an expression is between two values, inclusively.
  • inPredicate: Checks if the result of an expression is an element of a certain list.
  • not: Checks if the result of an expression is false.
  • regex: Checks if the result of an expression matches some regular expression.

Hazelcast offers the following ways for distributed query purposes:

  • Combining Predicates with AND, OR, NOT
  • Distributed SQL Query Employee Map Query Example

Assume that you have an employee map containing the values of Employee objects, as shown below.

class Employee {
    constructor(name, age, active, salary) { = name;
        this.age = age; = active;
        this.salary = salary;
        this.factoryId = 1;
        this.classId = 1;

    readPortable(reader) { = reader.readString();
        this.age = reader.readInt(); = reader.readBoolean();
        this.salary = reader.readDouble();

    writePortable(writer) {

Note that Employee is a Portable object. As portable types are not deserialized on the server side for querying, you do not need to implement its Java counterpart on the server side.

For the non-portable types, you need to implement its Java counterpart and its serializable factory on the server side for server to reconstitute the objects from binary formats. In this case before starting the server, you need to compile the Employee and related factory classes with server's CLASSPATH and add them to the user-lib directory in the extracted (or tar). See the Adding User Library to CLASSPATH section.

NOTE: Querying with Portable object is faster as compared to IdentifiedDataSerializable. Querying by Combining Predicates with AND, OR, NOT

You can combine predicates by using the and, or and not operators, as shown in the below example.

const { Predicates } = require('hazelcast-client');
// ...
const map = await client.getMap('employee');
// Define the predicate
const predicate = Predicates.and(
    Predicates.equal('active', true),
    Predicates.lessThan('age', 30)
// Run the query
const employees = await map.valuesWithPredicate(predicate);
// Some operations

In the above example code, predicate verifies whether the entry is active and its age value is less than 30. This predicate is applied to the employee map using the map.valuesWithPredicate(predicate) method. This method sends the predicate to all cluster members and merges the results coming from them.

NOTE: Predicates can also be applied to keySet and entrySet methods of the Hazelcast's distributed map. Querying with SQL

You can query with SQL by using the predicate returned from the Predicates.sql function. Its argument takes a regular SQL where clause, as shown in the below example.

const { Predicates } = require('hazelcast-client');
// ...
const map = await client.getMap('employee');
// Define the predicate
const predicate = Predicates.sql('active AND age < 30');
// Run the query
const employees = await map.valuesWithPredicate(predicate);
// Some operations
Supported SQL Syntax

AND/OR: <expression> AND <expression> AND <expression>…

  • active AND age > 30
  • active = false OR age = 45 OR name = 'Joe'
  • active AND ( age > 20 OR salary < 60000 )

Equality: =, !=, <, ⇐, >, >=

  • <expression> = value
  • age <= 30
  • name = 'Joe'
  • salary != 50000

BETWEEN: <attribute> [NOT] BETWEEN <value1> AND <value2>

  • age BETWEEN 20 AND 33 ( same as age >= 20 AND age ⇐ 33 )
  • age NOT BETWEEN 30 AND 40 ( same as age < 30 OR age > 40 )

IN: <attribute> [NOT] IN (val1, val2,…)

  • age IN ( 20, 30, 40 )
  • age NOT IN ( 60, 70 )
  • active AND ( salary >= 50000 OR ( age NOT BETWEEN 20 AND 30 ) )
  • age IN ( 20, 30, 40 ) AND salary BETWEEN ( 50000, 80000 )

LIKE: <attribute> [NOT] LIKE 'expression'

The % (percentage sign) is the placeholder for multiple characters, an _ (underscore) is the placeholder for only one character.

  • name LIKE 'Jo%' (true for Joe, Josh, Joseph, etc.)
  • name LIKE 'Jo_' (true for Joe; false for Josh)
  • name NOT LIKE 'Jo_' (true for Josh; false for Joe)
  • name LIKE 'J_s%' (true for Josh, Joseph; false for John, Joe)

ILIKE: <attribute> [NOT] ILIKE 'expression'

ILIKE is similar to the LIKE predicate but in a case-insensitive manner.

  • name ILIKE 'Jo%' (true for Joe, joe, jOe, Josh, joSH, etc.)
  • name ILIKE 'Jo_' (true for Joe or jOE; false for Josh)

REGEX: <attribute> [NOT] REGEX 'expression'

  • name REGEX 'abc-.*' (true for abc-123; false for abx-123)
Querying Examples with Predicates

You can use the __key attribute to perform a predicated search for the entry keys, as shown in the below example.

const personMap = await client.getMap('persons');
// Generate some data
await personMap.put('Alice', 35);
await personMap.put('Andy', 37);
await personMap.put('Bob', 22);
// Run the query
const predicate = Predicates.sql('__key like A%');
const startingWithA = await personMap.valuesWithPredicate(predicate);
// Prints:
// 35

In this example, the code creates a list with the values whose keys start with the letter A. Note that the returned object is an instance of ReadOnlyLazyList class.

You can use the this attribute to perform a predicated search for entry values. See the following example:

const personMap = await client.getMap('persons');
// Generate some data
await personMap.put('Alice', 35);
await personMap.put('Andy', 37);
await personMap.put('Bob', 22);
// Run the query
const predicate = Predicates.greaterEqual('this', 27);
const olderThan27 = await return personMap.valuesWithPredicate(predicate);
// Prints:
// 35 37
console.log(olderThan27.get(0), olderThan27.get(1));

In this example, the code creates a list with the values greater than or equal to 27. Querying with JSON Strings

You can query the JSON strings stored inside your Hazelcast clusters. To query a JSON string, you can use HazelcastJsonValue or plain JavaScript objects.

HazelcastJsonValue objects can be used both as keys and values in the distributed data structures. Then, it is possible to query these objects using the query methods explained in this section.

const { HazelcastJsonValue } = require('hazelcast-client');
// ...

const personMap = await client.getMap('personsMap');
// Generate some data
const person1 = '{ "name": "John", "age": 35 }';
const person2 = '{ "name": "Jane", "age": 24 }';
const person3 = '{ "name": "Trey", "age": 17 }';
await personMap.put(1, new HazelcastJsonValue(person1));
await personMap.put(2, new HazelcastJsonValue(person2));
await personMap.put(3, new HazelcastJsonValue(person3));
// Run the query
const personsUnder21 = await personMap.valuesWithPredicate(Predicates.lessThan('age', 21));
// Prints:
// HazelcastJsonValue { jsonString: '{ "name": "Trey", "age": 17 }' }
for (const person of personsUnder21) {

When running the queries, Hazelcast treats values extracted from the JSON documents as Java types so they can be compared with the query attribute. JSON specification defines five primitive types that can be used in the JSON documents: number, string, true, false and null. The string, true/false and null types are treated as String, boolean and null, respectively. Number values treated as longs if they can be represented by a long. Otherwise, numbers are treated as doubles.

HazelcastJsonValue is a lightweight wrapper around your JSON strings. It is used merely as a way to indicate that the contained string should be treated as a valid JSON value. Hazelcast does not check the validity of JSON strings put into maps. Putting an invalid JSON string in a map is permissible. However, whether such an entry is going to be returned or not from a query is not defined.

It is possible to query nested attributes and arrays in JSON documents. The query syntax is the same as querying other Hazelcast objects using the Predicates.

const departments = [
        departmentId: 1,
        room: 'alpha',
        people: [
                name: 'Peter',
                age: 26,
                salary: 50000

                name: 'Jonah',
                age: 50,
                salary: 140000
        departmentId: 2,
        room: 'beta',
        people: [
                name: 'Terry',
                age: 44,
                salary: 100000
const departmentsMap = await client.getMap('departmentsMap');
await departmentsMap.putAll(, index) => {
    return [index, department];
// Run the query which finds all the departments that have a person named "Peter"
const departmentsWithPeter =
    await departmentsMap.valuesWithPredicate(Predicates.equal('people[any].name', 'Peter'))
// Prints the first department
for (const department of departmentsWithPeter) {
Querying with HazelcastJsonValue Objects

If the Hazelcast Node.js client cannot find a suitable serializer for an object, it uses JSON Serialization.

This means that, you can run queries over your JavaScript objects if they are serialized as JSON strings. However, when the results of your query are ready, they are parsed from JSON strings and returned to you as JavaScript objects.

For the purposes of your application, you may want to get rid of the parsing and just work with the raw JSON strings using HazelcastJsonValue objects. Then, you can configure your client to do so as described in the JSON Serialization section.

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient({
    serialization: {
        jsonStringDeserializationPolicy: 'NO_DESERIALIZATION'

const moviesMap = await client.getMap('moviesMap');
// Generate some data
const movies = [
    [1, new HazelcastJsonValue('{ "name": "The Dark Knight", "rating": 9.1 }')],
    [2, new HazelcastJsonValue('{ "name": "Inception", "rating": 8.8 }')],
    [3, new HazelcastJsonValue('{ "name": "The Prestige", "rating": 8.5 }')]
await moviesMap.putAll(movies);
// Run the query
const highRatedMovies =
    await moviesMap.valuesWithPredicate(Predicates.greaterEqual('rating', 8.8));
// Prints the first two movies
for (const movie of highRatedMovies) {
Metadata Creation for JSON Querying

Hazelcast stores a metadata object per JSON serialized object stored. This metadata object is created every time a JSON serialized object is put into an IMap. Metadata is later used to speed up the query operations. Metadata creation is on by default. Depending on your application’s needs, you may want to turn off the metadata creation to decrease the put latency and increase the throughput.

You can configure this using metadata-policy element for the map configuration on the member side as follows:

    <map name="map-a">
        valid values for metadata-policy are:
          - OFF
          - CREATE_ON_UPDATE (default)
</hazelcast> Filtering with Paging Predicates

WARNING: Starting from version 4.2, the SQL querying feature is introduced. The SQL querying feature is more efficient than paging predicates, and it is recommended to be used instead.

The Node.js client provides paging for defined predicates. With its PagingPredicate object, you can get a list of keys, values or entries page by page by filtering them with predicates and giving the size of the pages. Also, you can sort the entries by specifying comparators. You can find an example code here.

const map = await client.getMap('students');
// Define the paging predicate
const greaterEqual = Predicates.greaterEqual('age', 18);
const pagingPredicate = Predicates.paging(greaterEqual, 5);
// Set page to retrieve the third page
// Retrieve third page
let values = await map.valuesWithPredicate(pagingPredicate);
// Some operations
// ...
// Set up next page
// Retrieve the next page
values = await map.valuesWithPredicate(pagingPredicate);
// Some operations

To sort the result before paging, you need to specify a comparator object that implements the Comparator interface. Also, this comparator object should be one of IdentifiedDataSerializable or Portable. After implementing this object in Node.js, you need to implement the Java counterpart of it and its factory. The Java counterpart of the comparator should implement java.util.Comparator. Note that the compare function of Comparator on the Java side is the counterpart of the sort function of Comparator on the Node.js side. When you implement the Comparator and its factory, you can add them to the CLASSPATH of the server side. See the Adding User Library to CLASSPATH section.

Also, you can access a specific page more easily with the help of the setPage function. This way, if you make a query for the 100th page, for example, it will get all 100 pages at once instead of reaching the 100th page one by one using the nextPage function.

8.8.2. Fast-Aggregations

Fast-Aggregations feature provides some aggregate functions, such as sum, average, max, and min, on top of Hazelcast IMap entries. Their performance is high since they run in parallel for each partition and are highly optimized for speed and low memory consumption.

The Aggregators object provides a wide variety of built-in aggregators. The full list is presented below:

  • count
  • doubleAvg
  • doubleSum
  • numberAvg
  • fixedPointSum
  • floatingPointSum
  • max
  • min
  • integerAvg
  • integerSum
  • longAvg
  • longSum
  • distinct

You can use these aggregators with the IMap.aggregate() and IMap.aggregateWithPredicate() functions.

See the following example.

const { Aggregators } = require('hazelcast-client');
// ...
const map = await client.getMap('employees');
// Generate some data
await map.putAll([
    ['John Stiles', 23],
    ['Judy Doe', 29],
    ['Richard Miles', 38],

// Run count aggregate
let count = await map.aggregate(Aggregators.count());
// Prints:
// There are 3 employees
console.log('There are ' + count + ' employees');
// Run count aggregate with a predicate
count = await map.aggregateWithPredicate(Aggregators.count(), Predicates.greaterThan('this', 25));
// Prints:
// There are 2 employees older than 25
console.log('There are ' + count + ' employees older than 25');

// Run avg aggregate
const avgAge = await map.aggregate(Aggregators.numberAvg());
// Prints:
// Average age is 30
console.log('Average age is ' + avgAge);

8.9. Performance

8.9.1. Partition Aware

Partition Aware ensures that the related entries exist on the same member. If the related data is on the same member, operations can be executed without the cost of extra network calls and extra wire data, and this improves the performance. This feature is provided by using the same partition keys for related data.

Hazelcast has a standard way of finding out which member owns/manages each key object. The following operations are routed to the same member, since they all operate based on the same key 'key1'.

const mapA = await client.getMap('mapA');
const mapB = await client.getMap('mapB');
const mapC = await client.getMap('mapC');

// Since map names are different, operation is manipulating
// different entries, but the operation takes place on the
// same member since the keys ('key1') are the same
await mapA.put('key1', 'value1');
const res = await mapB.get('key1');
await mapC.remove('key1');
// Lock operation is executed on the same member
// of the cluster since the key ("key1") is same
await mapA.lock('key1');

When the keys are the same, entries are stored on the same member. However, we sometimes want to have the related entries, such as a customer and their order entries, stored on the same member even if they are stored in different maps and have different keys.

Let's consider a customers map with customerId as the key and an orders map with orderId as the key. Since customerId and orderId are different keys, a customer and their orders may fall into different members in your cluster. So how can we have them stored on the same member? We create an affinity between the customer and orders. If we make them part of the same partition, these entries will be co-located. We achieve this by making OrderKeys PartitionAware.

class OrderKey {
    constructor(orderId, customerId) {
        this.orderId = orderId;
        this.customerId = customerId;
        // PartitionAware interface properties:
        this.partitionKey = customerId;

Notice that OrderKey implements PartitionAware interface and that partitionKey property contains the customerId. This will make sure that the Customer entry and its Orders will be stored on the same member.

const customersMap = await client.getMap('customers');
const ordersMap = await client.getMap('orders');
// Create the customer entry with customer id = 1
await customersMap.put(1, customer);
// Now create orders for this customer
await ordersMap.putAll([
    [new OrderKey(21, 1), order],
    [new OrderKey(22, 1), order],
    [new OrderKey(23, 1), order]

For more details, see the PartitionAware section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

8.9.2. Near Cache

Map entries in Hazelcast are partitioned across the cluster members. Hazelcast clients do not have local data at all. Suppose you read the key k a number of times from a Hazelcast client, and a member in your cluster owns k. Then each map.get('k') will be a remote operation, which creates a lot of network trips. If you have a map that is mostly read, you should consider creating a local Near Cache so that reads are sped up and less network traffic is created.

These benefits do not come for free, please consider the following trade-offs:

  • If invalidation is enabled and entries are updated frequently, then invalidations will be costly.

  • Near Cache breaks the strong consistency guarantees; you might be reading stale data.

  • Clients with a Near Cache will have to hold the extra cached data, which increases memory consumption.

Near Cache is highly recommended for maps that are mostly read. Configuring Near Cache

The following snippets show how a Near Cache is configured in the Node.js client, presenting all available values for each element:

const cfg = {
    nearCaches: {
        'mostlyReadMap': {
            invalidateOnChange: false,
            maxIdleSeconds: 2,
            inMemoryFormat: 'OBJECT',
            timeToLiveSeconds: 3,
            evictionPolicy: "lru",
            evictionMaxSize: 3000,
            evictionSamplingCount: 4,
            evictionSamplingPoolSize: 8

Following are the descriptions of all configuration elements:

  • key (mostlyReadMap in the above example): Name of your Map for which the Near Cache will be enabled. Hazelcast client supports wildcard configuration for Near Caches. Using an asterisk (*) character in the name, different instances of maps can be configured by a single configuration.

  • inMemoryFormat: Specifies in which format data will be stored in your Near Cache. Note that a map’s in-memory format can be different from that of its Near Cache. Available values are as follows:

    • BINARY: Data will be stored in serialized binary format (default value).
    • OBJECT: Data will be stored in deserialized form.
  • invalidateOnChange: Specifies whether the cached entries are evicted when the entries are updated or removed in members. Its default value is true.

  • timeToLiveSeconds: Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the Near Cache. Entries that are older than this period are automatically evicted from the Near Cache. Regardless of the eviction policy used, timeToLiveSeconds still applies. Any integer between 0 and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Its default value is 0 (means infinite).

  • maxIdleSeconds: Maximum number of seconds each entry can stay in the Near Cache as untouched (not read). Entries that are not read more than this period are removed from the Near Cache. Any integer between 0 and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Its default value is 0 (means infinite).

  • evictionPolicy: Eviction policy configuration. Available values are as follows:

    • LRU: Least Recently Used (default value).
    • LFU: Least Frequently Used.
    • RANDOM: A random item is evicted.
    • NONE: No items are evicted and the evictionMaxSize property is ignored. You still can combine it with timeToLiveSeconds and maxIdleSeconds to evict items from the Near Cache.
  • evictionMaxSize: Maximum number of entries kept in the memory before eviction kicks in. Its default value is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.

  • evictionSamplingCount: Number of random entries that are evaluated to see if some of them are already expired. If there are expired entries, those are removed and there is no need for eviction. Its default value is 8.

  • evictionSamplingPoolSize: Size of the pool for eviction candidates. The pool is kept sorted according to eviction policy. The entry with the highest score is evicted. Its default value is 16.

NOTE: When you use default as the Near Cache configuration key, it has a special meaning. Hazelcast client will use that configuration as the default one for all Maps, unless there is a specific configuration for a Map. Near Cache Example for Map

The following is an example configuration for a Near Cache defined in the mostlyReadMap map. According to this configuration, the entries are stored as OBJECT's in this Near Cache, and eviction starts when the count of entries reaches 5000; entries are evicted based on the LRU (Least Recently Used) policy. In addition, when an entry is updated or removed on the member side, it is eventually evicted on the client side.

const cfg = {
    nearCaches: {
        'mostlyReadMap': {
            inMemoryFormat: 'OBJECT',
            invalidateOnChange: true,
            evictionPolicy: 'LRU',
            evictionMaxSize: 5000,
}; Near Cache Eviction

In the scope of Near Cache, eviction means evicting (clearing) the entries selected according to the given evictionPolicy when the specified evictionMaxSize has been reached.

The evictionMaxSize defines the entry count when the Near Cache is full and determines whether the eviction should be triggered.

Once the eviction is triggered the configured evictionPolicy determines which, if any, entries must be evicted. Near Cache Expiration

Expiration means the eviction of expired records. A record is expired:

  • if it is not touched (accessed/read) for maxIdleSeconds

  • timeToLiveSeconds passed since it is put to Near Cache

The actual expiration is performed when a record is accessed: it is checked if the record is expired or not. If it is expired, it is evicted and undefined is returned as the value to the caller. Near Cache Invalidation

Invalidation is the process of removing an entry from the Near Cache when its value is updated or it is removed from the original map (to prevent stale reads). See the Near Cache Invalidation section in the Hazelcast Reference Manual. Near Cache Eventual Consistency

Near Caches are invalidated by invalidation events. Invalidation events can be lost due to the fire-and-forget fashion of eventing system. If an event is lost, reads from Near Cache can indefinitely be stale.

To solve this problem, Hazelcast provides eventually consistent behavior for Map Near Caches by detecting invalidation losses. After detection of an invalidation loss, stale data will be made unreachable and Near Cache’s get calls to that data will be directed to underlying Map to fetch the fresh data.

You can configure eventual consistency with hazelcast.invalidation.max.tolerated.miss.count and hazelcast.invalidation.reconciliation.interval.seconds properties.

8.9.3. Automated Pipelining

Hazelcast Node.js client performs automated pipelining of operations. It means that the library pushes all operations into an internal queue and tries to send them in batches. This reduces the count of executed Socket.write() calls and significantly improves throughtput for read operations.

You can configure automated operation pipelining with hazelcast.client.autopipelining.enabled and hazelcast.client.autopipelining.threshold.bytes properties.

8.10. Monitoring and Logging

8.10.1. Enabling Client Metrics

You can monitor your clients using Hazelcast Management Center.

As a prerequisite, you need to enable the client metrics in the Node.js client. You can configure client metrics with metrics client config.

You can enable client metrics and set a non-default period in seconds as follows:

const cfg = {
    metrics: {
        enabled: true,
        collectionFrequencySeconds: 4 // in seconds, must be positive

After enabling the client metrics, you can monitor your clients using Hazelcast Management Center. Please refer to the Monitoring Clients section in the Hazelcast Management Center Reference Manual for more information on the client metrics.

NOTE: Metrics sent by Hazelcast Node.js client 4.0 are compatible with Management Center 4.0. Management Center 4.2020.08 and newer versions will be supported in version 4.1 of the client.

8.10.2. Logging Configuration

By default, Hazelcast Node.js client uses a default logger which logs to the stdout with the INFO log level. You can change the log level using the hazelcast.logging.level property.

Below is an example of the logging configuration with the OFF log level which disables logging.

const cfg = {
    properties: {
        'hazelcast.logging.level': 'OFF'

You can also implement a custom logger depending on your needs. Your custom logger must have log, error, warn, info, debug, trace methods. After implementing it, you can use your custom logger using the customLogger config option.

See the following for a custom logger example.

const winstonAdapter = {
    logger: winston.createLogger({
        level: 'info',
        transports: [
            new winston.transports.Console({
                format: winston.format.simple()
    levels: [
    log: function (level, objectName, message, furtherInfo) {
        this.logger.log(this.levels[level], objectName + ': ' + message, furtherInfo);
    error: function (objectName, message, furtherInfo) {
        this.log(LogLevel.ERROR, objectName, message, furtherInfo);
    warn: function (objectName, message, furtherInfo) {
        this.log(LogLevel.WARN, objectName, message, furtherInfo);
    info: function (objectName, message, furtherInfo) {
        this.log(LogLevel.INFO, objectName, message, furtherInfo);
    debug: function (objectName, message, furtherInfo) {
        this.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, objectName, message, furtherInfo);
    trace: function (objectName, message, furtherInfo) {
        this.log(LogLevel.TRACE, objectName, message, furtherInfo);
const cfg = {
    customLogger: winstonAdapter

8.11. Defining Client Labels

Through the client labels, you can assign special roles for your clients and use these roles to perform some actions specific to those client connections.

You can also group your clients using the client labels. These client groups can be blacklisted in Hazelcast Management Center to prevent them from connecting to a cluster. See the

related section in the Hazelcast Management Center Reference Manual for more information on this topic.

You can define the client labels using the clientLabels config option. See the below example.

const cfg = {
    clientLabels: [
        'role admin',
        'region foo'

8.12. Defining Instance Name

Each client has a name associated with it. By default, it is set to hz.client_${CLIENT_ID}. Here CLIENT_ID starts from 0 and it is incremented by 1 for each new client. This id is incremented and set by the client, so it may not be unique between different clients used by different applications.

You can set the client name using the instanceName configuration element.

const cfg = {
    instanceName: 'blue_client_0'

8.13. Configuring Load Balancer

Load Balancer allows you to send operations to one of a number of endpoints (members).

If it is a smart client, only the operations that are not key-based are routed to the member that is returned by the LoadBalancer. If it is not a smart client, LoadBalancer is ignored.

By default, client uses round robin Load Balancer which picks each cluster member in turn. Also, the client provides random Load Balancer which picks the next member randomly as the name suggests. You can use one of them by specifying ROUND_ROBIN or RANDOM value on the loadBalancer.type config option.

The following are example configurations.

const cfg = {
  loadBalancer: {
    type: 'RANDOM'

You can also provide a custom Load Balancer implementation to use different load balancing policies. To do so, you should implement the LoadBalancer interface or extend the AbstractLoadBalancer class for that purpose and provide the Load Balancer object into the loadBalancer.customLoadBalancer config option.

9. Securing Client Connection

This chapter describes the security features of Hazelcast Node.js client. These include using TLS/SSL for connections between members and between clients and members, mutual authentication and credentials. These security features require Hazelcast Enterprise edition.

9.1. TLS/SSL

One of the offers of Hazelcast is the TLS/SSL protocol which you can use to establish an encrypted communication across your cluster with key stores and trust stores.

  • A Java keyStore is a file that includes a private key and a public certificate. The equivalent of a key store is the combination of key and cert files at the Node.js client side.
  • A Java trustStore is a file that includes a list of certificates trusted by your application which is named as "certificate authority". The equivalent of a trust store is a ca file at the Node.js client side.

You should set keyStore and trustStore before starting the members. See the next section on setting keyStore and trustStore on the server side.

9.1.1. TLS/SSL for Hazelcast Members

Hazelcast allows you to encrypt socket level communication between Hazelcast members and between Hazelcast clients and members, for end-to-end encryption. To use it, see the

TLS/SSL for Hazelcast Members section.

9.1.2. TLS/SSL for Hazelcast Node.js Clients

TLS/SSL for the Hazelcast Node.js client can be configured using the SSLConfig class. In order to turn it on, enabled property of the network.ssl config option should be set to true:

const cfg = {
    network: {
        ssl: {
            enabled: true

SSL config takes various SSL options defined in the Node.js TLS Documentation. You can set your custom options object to network.ssl.sslOptions.

9.1.3. Mutual Authentication

As explained above, Hazelcast members have key stores used to identify themselves (to other members) and Hazelcast clients have trust stores used to define which members they can trust.

Using mutual authentication, the clients also have their key stores and members have their trust stores so that the members can know which clients they can trust.

To enable mutual authentication, firstly, you need to set the following property on the server side in the hazelcast.xml file:

    <ssl enabled="true">
            <property name="">REQUIRED</property>

You can see the details of setting mutual authentication on the server side in the Mutual Authentication section of the Hazelcast Reference Manual.

At the Node.js client side, you need to supply an SSL options object to pass to tls.connect of Node.js.

There are two ways to provide this object to the client:

  1. Using the built-in BasicSSLOptionsFactory bundled with the client.
  2. Writing an SSLOptionsFactory.

Below subsections describe each way.

Using the Built-in BasicSSLOptionsFactory

Hazelcast Node.js client includes a utility factory class that creates the necessary options object out of the supplied properties. All you need to do is to specify your factory as BasicSSLOptionsFactory and provide the following options:

  • caPath
  • keyPath
  • certPath
  • servername
  • rejectUnauthorized
  • ciphers

See tls.connect of Node.js for the descriptions of each option.

NOTE: caPath, keyPath and certPath define the file path to the respective file that stores such information.

const cfg = {
    network: {
        ssl: {
            enabled: true,
            sslOptionsFactoryProperties: {
                caPath: 'ca.pem',
                keyPath: 'key.pem',
                certPath: 'cert.pem',
                rejectUnauthorized: false

If these options are not enough for your application, you may write your own options factory and instruct the client to get the options from it, as explained below.

Writing an SSLOptionsFactory

In order to use the full range of options provided to tls.connect of Node.js, you may write your own factory object.

An example configuration is shown below.

const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);

class SSLOptionsFactory {
    async init(properties) {
        const promises = [];
        this.keepOrder = properties.userDefinedProperty1;
        const self = this;

        promises.push(readFile(properties.caPath).then((data) => {
   = data;
        promises.push(readFile(properties.keyPath).then((data) => {
            self.key = data;
        promises.push(readFile(properties.certPath).then((data) => {
            self.cert = data;

        return Promise.all(promises);

    getSSLOptions() {
        const sslOpts = {
            key: this.key,
            cert: this.cert,
            servername: '',
            rejectUnauthorized: true
        if (this.keepOrder) {
            sslOpts.honorCipherOrder = true;
        return sslOpts;

const cfg = {
    network: {
        ssl: {
            enabled: true,
            sslOptionsFactory: new SSLOptionsFactory(),
            sslOptionsFactoryProperties: {
                caPath: 'ca.pem',
                keyPath: 'key.pem',
                certPath: 'cert.pem',
                keepOrder: true

The client calls the init() method with the properties configuration option. Then the client calls the getSSLOptions() method of SSLOptionsFactory to create the options object.

9.2 Authentication

By default, the client does not use any authentication method and just uses the configured cluster name to connect to members.

Hazelcast Node.js client has more ways to authenticate the client against the members, using the security configuration. Please note that, the security configuration requires Hazelcast Enterprise edition.

The security configuration lets you specify different kinds of authentication mechanisms which are described in the following sub-sections.

NOTE: It is almost always a bad idea to write the credentials to wire in a clear-text format. Therefore, using TLS/SSL encryption is highly recommended while using the security configuration as described in TLS/SSL section.

Also, see the Security section of Hazelcast Reference Manual for more information.

9.2.1. Username Password Authentication

The client can authenticate with username and password against the members with the following configuration. The properties are username and password strings.

const config = {
    security: {
        usernamePassword: {
            username: 'admin',
            password: 'some-strong-password'

One can use the following default authentication configuration on the member-side.

    <security enabled="true">
            <realm name="username-password">
                    <username-password username="admin" password="some-strong-password" />
        <member-authentication realm="username-password"/>
        This is not `client-authentication` to use default authentication.

Alternatively, you could provide your custom login module in the member configuration and use that.

    <security enabled="true">
            <realm name="username-password-with-login-module">
                        <login-module class-name="org.example.CustomLoginModule"/>
        <client-authentication realm="username-password-with-login-module"/>

See Hazelcast Reference Manual for details of custom login modules.

9.2.2. Token Authentication

The client can authenticate with a token against the members with the following configuration. The properties are token and encoding strings. The token must be the string representation of the token encoded with the given encoding. The possible values for encoding are case-insensitive values of ascii and base64, and when not provided, defaults to ascii. Supported encodings are provided in the TokenEncoding enum.

const config = {
    security: {
        token: {
            token: 'bXktdG9rZW4=',
            encoding: TokenEncoding.BASE64 // Or, 'base64' string.

There is no out-of-the-box support token-based authentication on the member side, so you have to provide your login module to use in the member configuration. The login module will be responsible for performing the authentication against the decoded version of the token sent by the client.

    <security enabled="true">
            <realm name="token">
                        <login-module class-name="org.example.CustomTokenLoginModule"/>
        <client-authentication realm="token"/>

See Hazelcast Reference Manual for details of custom login modules.

9.2.3. Custom Authentication

The client can use a custom object during the authentication against the members with the following configuration.

The properties of the object depends entirely on the serialization mechanism that will be used. The example below uses Portable serialization to demonstrate the concept.

const config = {
    security: {
        custom: {
            someField: 'someValue',
            factoryId: 1,
            classId: 1,
            readPortable: function (reader) {
                this.someField = reader.readString('someField');
            writePortable: function (writer) {
                writer.writeString('someField', this.someField);

You have to write your login module and provide that in the member configuration to use custom authentication. The login module will be responsible for performing the authentication against the deserialized version of the credentials sent by the client.

    <security enabled="true">
            <realm name="custom-credentials">
                        <login-module class-name="org.example.CustomCredentialsLoginModule"/>
        <client-authentication realm="custom-credentials"/>

See Hazelcast Reference Manual for details of custom login modules.

10. Development and Testing

Hazelcast Node.js client is developed using TypeScript. If you want to help with bug fixes, develop new features or tweak the implementation to your application's needs, you can follow the steps in this section.

10.1. Building and Using Client From Sources

Follow the below steps to build and install Hazelcast Node.js client from its source:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository (
  2. Run npm install to automatically download and install all the required modules under node_modules directory. Note that, there may be vulnerabilities reported due to devDependencies. In that case, run npm audit fix to automatically install any compatible updates to vulnerable dependencies.
  3. Run npm run compile to compile TypeScript files to JavaScript.

At this point you have all the runnable code (.js) and type declarations (.d.ts) in the lib directory. You may create a link to this module so that your local applications can depend on your local copy of Hazelcast Node.js client. In order to create a link, run the below command:

npm link

This will create a global link to this module in your machine. Whenever you need to depend on this module from another local project, run the below command:

npm link hazelcast-client

If you are planning to contribute, please run the style checker, as shown below, and fix the reported issues before sending a pull request:

npm run lint

10.2. Testing

In order to test Hazelcast Node.js client locally, you will need the following:

  • Java 8 or newer
  • Maven

Following command starts the tests:

npm test

Test script automatically downloads hazelcast-remote-controller and Hazelcast. The script uses Maven to download those.

11. Getting Help

You can use the following channels for your questions and development/usage issues:

  • This repository by opening an issue.
  • Slack

12. Contributing

Besides your development contributions as explained in the Development and Testing chapter above, you can always open a pull request on this repository for your other requests such as documentation changes.

13. License

Apache 2 License.

14. Copyright

Copyright (c) 2008-2022, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Visit for more information.