IMPORTANT NOTICE: This project is now discontinued and will likely not restart due to funding issues. Sorry for your inconvenience.
This repository is for registering subdomains on!
By using our service, you agree to our Terms of Service.
Just so you know, please do not change the title of issues else it won't work.
- use the Get Info feature to check if your preferred domain name is available.
- Then, click on this link to open the registration form.
- Fill in the required details on the registration form.
- Submit the form.
- Within a few minutes, your domain will be ready.
Please note that each account is limited to a maximum of five subdomains.
- Click on this link to open the editing form.
- Fill in the editing form with the details you want to change.
- Submit the form.
- Within a few minutes, your domain will be edited.
- Click on this link to open the deleting form.
- Fill in the deleting form with the details of the subdomain you want to delete.
- Submit the form.
- Within a few minutes, your domain will be deleted.
- Click on this link to open a form for listing your subdomains.
- Check the checkbox to confirm you want to list your subdomains.
- Submit the form.
- Within a few minutes, all your domains will be listed.
- Click on this link to open a form for getting information on a domain.
- Fill in the form with the domain details you want to know about.
- Submit the form.
- Within a few minutes, information on that domain will be listed.