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The goals of this project are to: 1) Create a Spring Boot application that manages books, called book-service; 2) Use Keycloak as OpenID Connect provider; 3) Test using Testcontainers; 4) Explore the utilities and annotations that Spring Boot provides for testing applications.

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The goals of this project are:

  • Create a Spring Boot application that manages books, called book-service;
  • Use Keycloak as OpenID Connect provider;
  • Test using Testcontainers;
  • Explore the utilities and annotations that Spring Boot provides for testing applications.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.

Additional Readings


  • book-service

    Spring Boot Web application that manages books. MongoDB is used as storage, and the application's sensitive endpoints (like create, update and delete books) are secured.



Start Environment

Open a terminal and, inside the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder, run the script below


Configure Keycloak

There are two ways: running a script or using the Keycloak website

Running Script

  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder

  • Run the following script to configure Keycloak for book-service application


    This script will create:

    • company-services realm;
    • book-service client;
    • manage_books client role;
    • user with username ivan.franchin and password 123 and with the role manage_books assigned.
  • The book-service client secret (BOOK_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET) is shown at the end of the execution. It will be used in the next step.

  • You can check the configuration in Keycloak by accessing http://localhost:8080. The credentials are admin/admin.

Using Keycloak Website


Create a new Realm

  • On the left menu, click the dropdown button that contains Keycloak and then, click Create Realm button
  • Set company-services to the Realm name field and click Create button

Disable Required Action Verify Profile

  • On the left menu, click Authentication
  • Select Required actions tab
  • Disable Verify Profile

Create a new Client

  • On the left menu, click Clients
  • Click Create client button
  • In General Settings
    • Set book-service to Client ID
    • Click Next button
  • In Capability config
    • Enable Client authentication toggle switch
    • Click Next button
  • In Login settings tab
    • Set http://localhost:9080/* to Valid redirect URIs
    • Click Save button
  • In Credentials tab, you can find the secret generated for book-service
  • In Roles tab
    • Click Create role button
    • Set manage_books to Role Name
    • Click Save button

Create a new User

  • On the left menu, click Users
  • Click Create new user button
  • Set ivan.franchin to Username field
  • Click Create
  • In Credentials tab
    • Click Set password button
    • Set the value 123 to Password and Password confirmation
    • Disable the Temporary toggle switch
    • Click Save button
    • Confirm by clicking Save password button
  • In Role Mappings tab
    • Click Assign role button
    • Click Filter by realm roles dropdown button and select Filter by clients
    • Select [book-service] manage_books name and click Assign button

Running book-service with Gradle

  • Open a new terminal and navigate to the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder

  • Run the following command to start the application

    ./gradlew book-service:clean book-service:bootRun --args='--server.port=9080'

Running book-service as a Docker Container

  • In a terminal, navigate to the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder

  • Build Docker Image

    Environment Variable Description
    MONGODB_HOST Specify host of the Mongo database to use (default localhost)
    MONGODB_PORT Specify port of the Mongo database to use (default 27017)
    KEYCLOAK_HOST Specify host of the Keycloak to use (default localhost)
    KEYCLOAK_PORT Specify port of the Keycloak to use (default 8080)
  • Run book-service docker container, joining it to project Docker network

    docker run --rm --name book-service \
      -p 9080:8080 \
      -e MONGODB_HOST=mongodb \
      -e KEYCLOAK_HOST=keycloak \
      --network=springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers-net \

Getting Access Token

  • In a terminal, create an environment variable that contains the Client Secret generated by Keycloak to book-service at Configure Keycloak step

  • When running book-service with Gradle

    Run the commands below to get an access token for ivan.franchin

    ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST \
      "http://localhost:8080/realms/company-services/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
      -d "username=ivan.franchin" \
      -d "password=123" \
      -d "grant_type=password" \
      -d "client_secret=$BOOK_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET" \
      -d "client_id=book-service" | jq -r .access_token)
    echo $ACCESS_TOKEN
  • When running book-service as a Docker Container

    Run the commands below to get an access token for ivan.franchin

      docker run -t --rm -e CLIENT_SECRET=$BOOK_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET --network springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers-net alpine/curl:latest sh -c '
        curl -s -X POST http://keycloak:8080/realms/company-services/protocol/openid-connect/token \
          -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
          -d "username=ivan.franchin" \
          -d "password=123" \
          -d "grant_type=password" \
          -d "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
          -d "client_id=book-service"' | jq -r .access_token)
    echo $ACCESS_TOKEN

    Note: We are running a alpine/curl Docker container and joining it to the project Docker network. By specifying "keycloak:8080" as host/port, we won't encounter the error related to an invalid token issuer.

  • In, you can decode and verify the JWT access token

Test using cURL

  • In terminal, call the endpoint GET /api/books

    curl -i http://localhost:9080/api/books

    It should return:

    HTTP/1.1 200
  • Try to call the endpoint POST /api/books, without access token

    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:9080/api/books \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"authorName": "Ivan Franchin", "title": "Java 8", "price": 10.5}'

    It should return:

    HTTP/1.1 401
  • Get the Access Token as explained on section Getting Access Token

  • Call the endpoint POST /api/books, now informing the access token

    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:9080/api/books \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"authorName": "Ivan Franchin", "title": "Java 8", "price": 10.5}'

    It should return something like:

    HTTP/1.1 201
    {"id":"612f4f9438e39e473c4d098b", "authorName":"Ivan Franchin", "title":"Java 8", "price":10.5}

Test using Swagger

  • Access http://localhost:9080/swagger-ui.html

  • Click GET /api/books to open it. Then, click Try it out button and, finally, click Execute button.

    It will return a HTTP status code 200 and an empty list or a list with some books if you've already added them.

  • Now, let's try to call a secured endpoint without authentication. Click POST /api/books to open it. Then, click Try it out button (you can use the default values) and, finally, click Execute button.

    It will return:

    Code: 401
    Details: Error: response status is 401
  • Get the Access Token as explained on section Getting Access Token

  • Copy the token generated and go back to Swagger

  • Click the Authorize button and paste the access token in the Value field. Then, click Authorize and, to finalize, click Close

  • Go to POST /api/books, click Try it out and, finally, click Execute button.

    It should return something like:

    HTTP/1.1 201
      "id": "612f502f38e39e473c4d098c",
      "authorName": "Ivan Franchin",
      "title": "SpringBoot",
      "price": 10.5

Useful Links & Commands

  • MongoDB

    List books

    docker exec -it mongodb mongosh bookdb

    Type exit to get out of MongoDB shell


  • To stop book-service, go to the terminal where the application is running and press Ctrl+C;
  • To stop the Docker containers started using the ./ script, make sure you are in springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers and run the script below:


To remove the Docker image created by this project, go to a terminal and, inside the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder, run the following script:


Running Unit and Integration Tests

  • In a terminal and inside the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder, run the command below to run unit and integration tests

    ./gradlew book-service:clean book-service:assemble \
      book-service:cleanTest \
      book-service:test \

    Note: During integration tests, Testcontainers will automatically start MongoDB and Keycloak containers before the tests begin and shut them down when the tests finish.

  • From the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder, the Unit Testing Report can be found at:

  • From the springboot-keycloak-mongodb-testcontainers root folder, the Integration Testing Report can be found at:



The goals of this project are to: 1) Create a Spring Boot application that manages books, called book-service; 2) Use Keycloak as OpenID Connect provider; 3) Test using Testcontainers; 4) Explore the utilities and annotations that Spring Boot provides for testing applications.







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