Welcome to the pyinfra v3 documentation. If you're new to pyinfra you should start with the :doc:`getting-started` page.
- :doc:`getting-started`
- Start here! The quickest way to learn the basics of pyinfra and get started.
- :doc:`using-operations`
- The guide to writing reusable, committable operations in Python files.
- :doc:`inventory-data`
- Use groups, host, and group data to control and configure operations for any environment.
- :doc:`arguments`
- Arguments available in all operations & facts such as
- :doc:`cli`
- The pyinfra CLI is extremely powerful for ad hoc command execution and management.
- :doc:`faq`
- Quick answers to the most commonly asked questions for using pyinfra.
- :doc:`operations`
- A list of all available operations and their arguments, e.g.
- :doc:`facts`
- A list of all facts pyinfra can gather from hosts, e.g.
- :doc:`connectors`
- A list of connectors to target different hosts such as
- :doc:`deploy-process`
- Discover how pyinfra orders, diffs and executes operations against target hosts.
- :doc:`api/deploys`
- How to package, redistribute and share pyinfra deploys as Python packages.
- :doc:`api/connectors`
- How to write your own connectors for pyinfra.
- :doc:`api/operations`
- How to write your own operations for pyinfra.
- :doc:`api/facts`
- How to write your own facts for pyinfra.
- :doc:`api/index`
- How to use the pyinfra API.
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Using pyinfra getting-started using-operations inventory-data arguments cli faq
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Deploy Reference operations facts connectors
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: How pyinfra Works deploy-process api/deploys api/operations api/facts api/connectors api/index
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Meta support contributing compatibility performance api/reference