What are operations?
Operations tell pyinfra what to do, for example the server.shell
operation instructs pyinfra to execute a shell command. Most operations define state rather than actions - so instead of start this service you say this service should be running - pyinfra will make changes if needed.
For example, these two operations will ensure that user pyinfra
exists with home directory /home/pyinfra
, and that the /var/log/pyinfra.log
file exists and is owned by that user:
from pyinfra.operations import server, files
name="Create pyinfra user",
name="Create pyinfra log file",
Uses :doc:`operations/files` and :doc:`operations/server`. You can see all available operations in the :doc:`operations`. If you save the file as deploy.py
you can test it out using Docker:
pyinfra @docker/ubuntu:20.04 deploy.py
Global arguments are covered in detail here: :doc:`arguments`. There is a set of arguments available to all operations to control authentication (_sudo
, etc) and operation execution (_shell_executable
, etc):
from pyinfra.operations import apt
name="Update apt repositories",
pyinfra provides a global host
object that can be used to retrieve information and metadata about the current host target. At all times the host
variable represents the current host context, so you can think about the deploy code executing on individual hosts at a time.
The host
object has name
and groups
attributes which can be used to control operation flow:
from pyinfra import host
if host.name == "control-plane-1":
if "control-plane" in host.groups:
Adding data to inventories is covered in detail here: :doc:`inventory-data`. Data can be accessed within operations using the host.data
from pyinfra import host
from pyinfra.operations import server
# Ensure the state of a user based on host/group data
name="Setup the app user",
Facts allow you to use information about the target host to control and configure operations. A good example is switching between apt
& yum
depending on the Linux distribution. Facts are imported from pyinfra.facts.*
and can be retrieved using the host.get_fact
from pyinfra import host
from pyinfra.facts.server import LinuxName
from pyinfra.operations import yum
if host.get_fact(LinuxName) == "CentOS":
name="Install nano via yum",
See :doc:`facts` for a full list of available facts and arguments.
Only use immutable facts in deploy code (installed OS, Arch, etc) unless you are absolutely sure they will not change. See: using host facts.
When facts fail due to an error the host will be marked as failed just as it would when an operation fails. This can be avoided by passing the _ignore_errors
if host.get_fact(LinuxName, _ignore_errors=True):
Like host
, there is an inventory
object that can be used to access the entire inventory of hosts. This is useful when you need facts or data from another host like the hostname of another server:
from pyinfra import inventory
from pyinfra.facts.server import Hostname
from pyinfra.operations import files
# Get the other host, load the hostname fact
db_host = inventory.get_host("postgres-main")
db_hostname = db_host.get_fact(Hostname)
name="Generate app config",
All operations return an operation meta object which provides information about the changes the operation will execute. This can be used to control other operations via the _if
from pyinfra.operations import server
create_user = server.user(
name="Create user myuser",
create_otheruser = server.user(
name="Create user otheruser",
name="Bootstrap myuser",
# A list can be provided to run an operation if **all** functions return true
commands=["echo 'Both myuser and otheruser changed'"],
_if=[create_user.did_change, create_otheruser.did_change],
# You can also build your own lamba functions to achieve, e.g. an OR condition
commands=["echo 'myuser or otheruser changed'"],
_if=lambda: create_user.did_change() or create_otheruser.did_change(),
# The functions `any_changed` and `all_changed` are provided for common use cases, e.g.
from pyinfra.operations.utils import any_changed, all_changed
server.shell(commands=["..."], _if=any_changed(create_user, create_otheruser))
server.shell(commands=["..."], _if=all_changed(create_user, create_otheruser))
pyinfra doesn't immediately execute operations, meaning output is not available right away. It is possible to access this output at runtime by providing a callback function using the :ref:`operations:python.call` operation.
from pyinfra import logger
from pyinfra.operations import python, server
result = server.shell(
commands=["echo output"],
# result.stdout raises exception here, but works inside callback()
def callback():
logger.info(f"Got result: {result.stdout}")
name="Execute callback function",
Nested operations are called during the execution phase within a callback function passed into a :ref:`operations:python.call`. Calling a nested operation immediately executes it on the target machine. This is useful in complex scenarios where one operation output is required in another.
Because nested operations are executed immediately, the output is always available right away:
from pyinfra import logger
from pyinfra.operations import python, server
def callback():
result = server.shell(
commands=["echo output"],
logger.info(f"Got result: {result.stdout}")
name="Execute callback function",
Including files can be used to break out operations across multiple files. Files can be included using local.include
from pyinfra import local
# Include & call all the operations in tasks/install_something.py
Additional data can be passed across files via the data
param to parameterize tasks and is available in host.data
. For example tasks/create_user.py could look like:
from getpass import getpass
from pyinfra import host
from pyinfra.operations import server
group = host.data.get("group")
user = host.data.get("user")
name=f"Ensure {group} is present",
name=f"Ensure {user} is present",
And and be called by other deploy scripts or tasks:
from pyinfra import local
for group, user in (("admin", "Bob"), ("admin", "Joe")):
local.include("tasks/create_user.py", data={"group": group, "user": user})
See more in :doc:`examples: groups & roles <./examples/groups_roles>`.
Like host
and inventory
, config
can be used to set global defaults for operations. For example, to use sudo in all following operations:
from pyinfra import config
config.SUDO = True
# all operations below will use sudo by default (unless overridden by `_sudo=False`)
The config object can be used to enforce a pyinfra version or Python package requirements. This can either be defined as a requirements text file path or simply a list of requirements:
# Require a certain pyinfra version
# Require certain packages
config.REQUIRE_PACKAGES = "requirements.txt" # path relative to the current working directory
A great way to learn more about writing pyinfra deploys is to see some in action. There's a number of resources for this:
- the pyinfra examples folder on GitHub - a general collection of all kinds of example deploy
- :doc:`the example deploys in this documentation <./examples>` - these highlight specific common patterns