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Expert On-Demand Code Review as a Service
1,968 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Code Quality and Review Metrics plan available.

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Increase velocity and reduce technical debt through code review by world-class engineers backed by automation. PullRequest provides code review with inline comments directly on your pull requests in GitHub.

Collaborate with world-class reviewers.

The feedback you get from the PullRequest platform come from our rigorously-vetted network of world-class reviewers. Our reviewers are available on-demand to provide feedback for dozens of programming languages and frameworks.

Move fast and reduce cycle times.

Save time reviewing code so you can focus on shipping new features.

Secure your codebase and empower your team.

Deliver high quality code with an extra line of defense to prevent security vulnerabilities and other critical bugs from reaching your customers. Get insight into coding best practices from top-tier engineers.

Evaluate your team's code review health.

We include industry-leading metrics that can help you evaluate your team's performance over time and relative to similar companies.

Other services/questions?

Contact us at for further questions or information about other services we provide for enterprise customers.

Collaborate with world-class reviewers.

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Go, C#, Kotlin, TypeScript, and Swift

Plans and pricing

Get access to our free metrics and reporting for your team's development process.
  • Benchmark your team's code review process against similar teams.
  • Track turnaround-time, change-size, thoroughness, test-coverage and more.
  • Monitor areas of improvement as a team and on an individual basis.
  • View a breakdown of languages and frameworks across your team's repositories.

Next: Confirm your installation location

PullRequest is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.


Expert On-Demand Code Review as a Service
1,968 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Code Quality and Review Metrics plan available.

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Go, C#, Kotlin, TypeScript, and Swift