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@discord.js bot - advanced features, music commands and more.

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Discord Bot

Discord bot still in development.

🏷️ Features

  • Organized and easy to read code structure.
  • Language support.
  • Level/XP/Rank system.
  • Music commands.
  • Commands to pull data from many sites.
  • NSFW detection for images in messages. (DeepAI API)
  • MYSQL support.
  • Moderation commands.
  • It supports both slash commands and prefix commands at the same time.
  • Automatic reply to messages. (autoresponse.js function with json)

πŸ“„ Commands

πŸ’Ύ Data Commands πŸ’Ύ

Name Category Type Description
artstation Data Slash Command Retrieves image data from link.
coub Data Slash Command Retrieves video data from link.
instagram Data Slash Command Retrieves media data from Instagram link.
pinterest Data Slash Command Retrieves video/image data from link.
reddit Data Slash Command Retrieves video data from link.
tiktok Data Slash Command Retrieves video data from link.
twitter Data Slash Command Retrieves video/gif data from link.

πŸ€– Fun Commands πŸ€–

Name Category Type Description
d20 Fun Prefix Command You can roll a D20.
kasar Fun Slash Command Canvas command (there is only Turkish description in image).

πŸ’‘ Information Commands πŸ’‘

Name Category Type Description
avatar Info Prefix Command Sends avatar image and link.
banner Info Prefix Command Sends banner image and link.
emoji Info Slash Command Returns the specified emoji(s).
help Info Prefix Command Shows bot commands. (prefix support only)
invite Info Prefix Command Send the invite link to add the bot to your server.
ping Info Prefix Command Indicates ping delay.
serveravatar Info Prefix Command Sends server avatar image and link.
stats Info Prefix Command Shows bot status information.

πŸͺ„ Moderation Commands πŸͺ„

Name Category Type Description
ban Moderation Prefix Command Bans a user from the server.
eval Moderation Prefix Command eval command
guilds Moderation Prefix Command Shows which servers the bot is on.
kick Moderation Prefix Command Kicks a user from the server.
options Moderation Prefix Command Customize bot options.
prunexp Moderation Prefix Command Retrieves users with less than xp value you specified.
restart Moderation Prefix Command Restarts the bot.
scmd Moderation Prefix Command Deletes or updates all slash commands in a guild.
unban Moderation Prefix Command Unbans a banned user from the server.

🎢 Music Commands 🎢

Name Category Type Description
leave Music Prefix Command Kicks the bot from the voice channel.
loop Music Prefix Command Command to loop music.
pause Music Prefix Command Command to pause music.
play Music Prefix Command Command to play music.
skip Music Prefix Command Command to skip music.

✨ Rank (Stats) Commands ✨

Name Category Type Description
rank Stats Prefix Command Shows the current rank on guild.
top Stats Prefix Command Guild level ranking.


  1. Rename the .env.example file to .env
  2. Fill in the required variables.
    • token & appid
    • ownerid & supportserver
    • dbhost & dbuser & dbpassword & dbname
  3. Type "npm install" on the command line to install the required npm packages.
  4. You can start the bot with the command "node index.js"

.env information

  • twitterapptoken - Optional for Twitter command
  • instagramcookies - Optional for Instagram command
  • spotifyclientid & spotifyclientsecret - Spotify links for play command
  • deepaikey - NSFW detection for images in messages.


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